Saturday, July 31, 2004
Now the race begins
Well take a look at yesterday's link, its a pretty interesting story. It may be a little off the wall, but I have suspected things along that line with the voters for awhile. I mean after all georgie shrub has done in these last 4 years I can't imagine how anyone would want to vote for him. ANYONE. But what do I know?
Oh and how about Dick Ch*ney coming here to NM. Like a mile from my office.
ABQjournal: Obtaining Cheney Rally Ticket Requires Signing Bush Endorsement
There was a story in the local paper here that in order to get tickets to the rally to see him you had to sign an endorsement of the prez.
Here is what the endorsement form says:
Hey Kerry is coming back to NM soon, I'll keep you posted about that.
Oh and how about Dick Ch*ney coming here to NM. Like a mile from my office.
ABQjournal: Obtaining Cheney Rally Ticket Requires Signing Bush Endorsement
There was a story in the local paper here that in order to get tickets to the rally to see him you had to sign an endorsement of the prez.
Here is what the endorsement form says:
"I, (full name) ... do herby (sic) endorse George W. Bush for reelection of the United States." It later adds that, "In signing the above endorsement you are consenting to use and release of your name by Bush-Cheney as an endorser of President Bush."I think that is ridiculous. But what do I know.
Hey Kerry is coming back to NM soon, I'll keep you posted about that.
posted by digitaljay @ 5:05 PM MST
On Sun Aug 01, 11:17:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...

Ok well lets address this ridiculous comment. First, how many speeches have you actually heard John Kerry give? Yeah ok next, what is an original thought? And how do you decide that John Kerry doesn't have any? georgie shrub DOES have an original thought? Now that is original. How dare you question the legitimacy of John Kerry's medals, this man earned those medals, did you earn any medals? I'm sorry you didn't like the movie, but with a name like Republicanbud, I am not surprised, let's see how the movie at georgie shrub's convention is.
As for your last comment, if by foprgery you mean forgery I assure you that it is in fact legit, I live here, the rally was here, and the actual form was in our newspaper. So way to go thanks for the comments
As for your last comment, if by foprgery you mean forgery I assure you that it is in fact legit, I live here, the rally was here, and the actual form was in our newspaper. So way to go thanks for the comments
On Mon Aug 02, 11:46:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Just for the record, the deleted posts were duplicate posts, and not an attempt by me to censor any comments.
Now on to the stuff. Yes that was supposed to be a rebuttal. What exactly do you mean by "class envy tactics"? If by that you mean that the Democrats actually point out the hypocrisy of the American ideal that all of us are created equal and should have all the rights of every other citizen, yet Republicans think welware is worthless, and affirmative action should be abolished, and gay's should be denied the same rights that we "straight" Americans enjoy, simply because they like to sleep with people of the same sex as themselves, and that the rich should not have to shoulder more burden to help the poor.
It's truly sad to me that people feel that way. I was brought up to believe that I should help my fellow man (I think that was in the bible somewhere, another hypocritical item), but it seems that most Republicans really feel like the poor don't deserve their help, because they did it to themselves, and while that may be true of some, it certainly is not true of all. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?
Next, "What bold new plan does he propose?"
Well, let's see. How about when he says that he will roll back the tax cuts for the top 2 percent of America to pay for the programs that were ravished by the current Administration, among other things.
How about raising the minimum wage.
How about not turning our backs on handicapped and injured people, or people with diseases such as MS or Alzheiemers (sp?), and actually backing stem cell research, instead of hanging science out to dry.
Is that enough for you?
Next, Medals.
Now I have no doubt some have medals that weren't necessarily "earned". However I think it is disgusting to claim that John Kerry did not earn his medals, at least one medal. How can you listen to the story of how John Kerry EARNED his Silver Star. Being a soldier for your country how can you hear a story such as the following
"...they were ambushed by a Vietcong guerrilla firing rockets from the riverbank, Kerry made an instantaneous decision that evasive action was impossible, turned his boat directly into the fire, beached it, and leaped ashore, to the astonishment of the man with the rocket launcher, who popped up from his spider hole and fled. Kerry chased him and killed him."
Seems to me that, that should earn that man a medal.
I wil go to the site that you have mentioned, however everyone does have their opinion, and I would never try to argue that opinion is fact.
Now on to the stuff. Yes that was supposed to be a rebuttal. What exactly do you mean by "class envy tactics"? If by that you mean that the Democrats actually point out the hypocrisy of the American ideal that all of us are created equal and should have all the rights of every other citizen, yet Republicans think welware is worthless, and affirmative action should be abolished, and gay's should be denied the same rights that we "straight" Americans enjoy, simply because they like to sleep with people of the same sex as themselves, and that the rich should not have to shoulder more burden to help the poor.
It's truly sad to me that people feel that way. I was brought up to believe that I should help my fellow man (I think that was in the bible somewhere, another hypocritical item), but it seems that most Republicans really feel like the poor don't deserve their help, because they did it to themselves, and while that may be true of some, it certainly is not true of all. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?
Next, "What bold new plan does he propose?"
Well, let's see. How about when he says that he will roll back the tax cuts for the top 2 percent of America to pay for the programs that were ravished by the current Administration, among other things.
How about raising the minimum wage.
How about not turning our backs on handicapped and injured people, or people with diseases such as MS or Alzheiemers (sp?), and actually backing stem cell research, instead of hanging science out to dry.
Is that enough for you?
Next, Medals.
Now I have no doubt some have medals that weren't necessarily "earned". However I think it is disgusting to claim that John Kerry did not earn his medals, at least one medal. How can you listen to the story of how John Kerry EARNED his Silver Star. Being a soldier for your country how can you hear a story such as the following
"...they were ambushed by a Vietcong guerrilla firing rockets from the riverbank, Kerry made an instantaneous decision that evasive action was impossible, turned his boat directly into the fire, beached it, and leaped ashore, to the astonishment of the man with the rocket launcher, who popped up from his spider hole and fled. Kerry chased him and killed him."
Seems to me that, that should earn that man a medal.
I wil go to the site that you have mentioned, however everyone does have their opinion, and I would never try to argue that opinion is fact.
On Tue Aug 03, 11:47:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
O-K here we go again.
To address your comments about rich people and income tax.
"Did you ever stop to think that everyone pays the same sales tax rate. How come we don't all pay the same income tax rate?"
Well because sales tax is based on the price of the goods purchased, which in general do not vary based on who is buying it(unless you "know" someone). Income tax is based on the income made and some make a hell of alot more than others. So I say that I think it is only fair for people who have alot of money (yes even though they may have worked hard for it) to help out the people who are less fortunate.
As far as "man" doing far more for himself by himself, I say to you, well sometimes you just have to have a heart and admit that some people need some help, maybe they aren't lazy and just want a hand out, MAYBE their mother was on crack and abandoned them as a child leaving them to live on the street. You want to tell me that that person is worthless, and doesn't deserve a little compassion, yeah the compassion that the bible preaches to all of us? And there are countless other examples of this.
Next: Affirmative action. I'm sorry but we will have to agree to disagree on this one. You said: "Remember, M.L.King said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.""
Well I say to you RB we still don't live in that world. We still don't live in a world where people are not judged by the color of their skin. And it is not because of affirmative action, it is because of the attitudes of most of the people in the South and everywhere in this country, that whether it be overt or covert, racism and prejudice still exists. And because of that fact, I feel like the only way to try to overcome that is to give African Americans the chance, in the instances where they would otherwise be overlooked because of their skin color. This does NOT mean that someone who is white who is more qualified should be denied a job, BUT if there is a black person who is just as qualified, or more qualified than a white person then I think they ought to be hired, even by the old rich white guy, who's wife grips her pearls and clutches her purse when she and her husband walk by the Valet at the Ritz.
Next: A touchy subject. Ok I think republicans have this thing confused. When we say marriage, we are not talking about marriage in a church sense, we are talking about marriage in a legal sense. They are not mutually exclusive. We would never claim that churches should recognize such a union between two people of the same sex. And no, civil unions are not recognized in every state, I do not believe. I'm not sure what you mean by cohabitation. Anyways, what is denied them is the tax benefits of filing jointly, or how about having the automatic ability to make life and death decisions for their partner just as we "heteros" are afforded as SOON as we are married? Seems to be something as personal and emotional as that should not be denied. How about the ability to pledge themselves in a legal contract to each other? Crazy, I know since they are not "legit".
Next: I do think the bible is hypocritical in many ways, see Anonymous's comments in other posts to have some ideas of some of the things I mean, I don't have time to list the others.
Next! Tax the rich is not what I said, I said rolling back the ridiculously ill advised Bush tax cut on the top 2% of the nation. That is a good idea.
Programs ravished by this administration? OK
Caught on FilmThis page created by members of the House Appropriations Committee (albeit Democratic members).
I'm sorry opposing stem cell research is despicable. Help these people now! Adult stem cells have NOT been shown to work just as well, at ALL, just the opposite.
No I have not read his entire transcript to the Senate. And I reject your claim on principle that he recanted everything in it. In fact harping back to earlier comments, do you think the press would not report the so called fact that Kerry lied to the Senate back then, if he is running for president? NO!
That is all, I am spent, I have to go to sleep.
To address your comments about rich people and income tax.
"Did you ever stop to think that everyone pays the same sales tax rate. How come we don't all pay the same income tax rate?"
Well because sales tax is based on the price of the goods purchased, which in general do not vary based on who is buying it(unless you "know" someone). Income tax is based on the income made and some make a hell of alot more than others. So I say that I think it is only fair for people who have alot of money (yes even though they may have worked hard for it) to help out the people who are less fortunate.
As far as "man" doing far more for himself by himself, I say to you, well sometimes you just have to have a heart and admit that some people need some help, maybe they aren't lazy and just want a hand out, MAYBE their mother was on crack and abandoned them as a child leaving them to live on the street. You want to tell me that that person is worthless, and doesn't deserve a little compassion, yeah the compassion that the bible preaches to all of us? And there are countless other examples of this.
Next: Affirmative action. I'm sorry but we will have to agree to disagree on this one. You said: "Remember, M.L.King said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.""
Well I say to you RB we still don't live in that world. We still don't live in a world where people are not judged by the color of their skin. And it is not because of affirmative action, it is because of the attitudes of most of the people in the South and everywhere in this country, that whether it be overt or covert, racism and prejudice still exists. And because of that fact, I feel like the only way to try to overcome that is to give African Americans the chance, in the instances where they would otherwise be overlooked because of their skin color. This does NOT mean that someone who is white who is more qualified should be denied a job, BUT if there is a black person who is just as qualified, or more qualified than a white person then I think they ought to be hired, even by the old rich white guy, who's wife grips her pearls and clutches her purse when she and her husband walk by the Valet at the Ritz.
Next: A touchy subject. Ok I think republicans have this thing confused. When we say marriage, we are not talking about marriage in a church sense, we are talking about marriage in a legal sense. They are not mutually exclusive. We would never claim that churches should recognize such a union between two people of the same sex. And no, civil unions are not recognized in every state, I do not believe. I'm not sure what you mean by cohabitation. Anyways, what is denied them is the tax benefits of filing jointly, or how about having the automatic ability to make life and death decisions for their partner just as we "heteros" are afforded as SOON as we are married? Seems to be something as personal and emotional as that should not be denied. How about the ability to pledge themselves in a legal contract to each other? Crazy, I know since they are not "legit".
Next: I do think the bible is hypocritical in many ways, see Anonymous's comments in other posts to have some ideas of some of the things I mean, I don't have time to list the others.
Next! Tax the rich is not what I said, I said rolling back the ridiculously ill advised Bush tax cut on the top 2% of the nation. That is a good idea.
Programs ravished by this administration? OK
Caught on FilmThis page created by members of the House Appropriations Committee (albeit Democratic members).
I'm sorry opposing stem cell research is despicable. Help these people now! Adult stem cells have NOT been shown to work just as well, at ALL, just the opposite.
No I have not read his entire transcript to the Senate. And I reject your claim on principle that he recanted everything in it. In fact harping back to earlier comments, do you think the press would not report the so called fact that Kerry lied to the Senate back then, if he is running for president? NO!
That is all, I am spent, I have to go to sleep.