Sunday, July 25, 2004
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Well tomorrow is the start of the Democratic National Convention. I hope that the Dems make some progress on the voters. We need to have a strong convention in order to get a head start on the Republicans who aren't having their convention until after the Olympics on August 31st.
In other news, I watched Entourage on HBO for the first time tonight, not too bad. I enjoyed it actually. And how about that Six Feet Under huh? Good show.
Ok enough about television, the boob tube, the idiot box; lets move on to other topics.
t r u t h o u t - Trouble Ahead for Bush from 9/11 Panel
Here is a quote from an editorial in the Boston Globe that I really think sums up the whole 9/11 Commission report.
"The commission's exhaustive sifting of evidence and its unsparing yet fair criticism of the government's failures to protect Americans exemplify a democracy's capacity for self-correction ...I think that is it. Really some are trying to make this report political, and believe it or not I am not saying that is simply a Republican pursuit, but rather a by-partisan pursuit. But this whole thing is a wonderful example of how great our Democracy is, and that will be how this chapter is written.
"It is now up to ... Republicans and Democrats to heed the commission's example. This means not only accepting its catalogue of missed opportunities to detect the September 11 plot and its call for reforms of US intelligence. It also means that Congress and the executive branch must retrieve a vanishing tradition - to put aside partisan politics when American lives are at stake."
To end for tonight; I'm sorry that I did not have an entry yesterday. Yesterday was not a good day, I will try not to miss another day. Don't forget to watch the Democratic National Convention tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 8:25 PM MST