Disconnected Rumblings

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Stupid Republicans!

Cal Thomas: Why truth matters

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you one Cal Thomas, a STUPID Republican. He is a syndicated columnist who, a couple of days ago, wrote one of the most idiotic articles I have read in awhile.

His main argument is that while John Kerry criticizes georgie shrub for sitting in that Florida classroom for 7 minutes after he learns of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center, that Kerry is being a hypocrite because HE, after seeing the second plane hit the World Trade Center, sat "frozen and indecisive" for 34 minutes.

Well this is just a STUPID argument because the fact is, MORON, that John Kerry was not the President of the United States of America, georgie shrub was, and HE was the man who was supposed to be leading this country at that time.

Mr Idiot Thomas, just for a refresher for you; Mr. Kerry is a Senator and was a Senator on that terrible day of September 11th. In case you did not know, a senator is in the Legislative branch of the United States Government. Do you know what that means?! It means he and many other people make and draft LAWS.

Then there is the President of the United States. The President is the HIGHEST member of the EXECUTIVE branch of the United States Government, and his job includes being the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and the highest executive decision maker.

NOW do you see the difference, you idiot?! Mr Kerry at that time had no power to do anything or make any decisions to help the country. georgie shrub DID.

He chose to do nothing for 7 minutes.

Now how they can pay you Mr. Idiot Thomas to write utter crap like that, I do not know.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:39 PM MST


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