Disconnected Rumblings

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The VP Debate

Well the Vice Presidential debate is over, and I declare it a draw. I still think Dick Cheney is the Evil Dead. But anyways, I think the both of them sort of ran around some questions, but they also had some points that they got through. Cheney got everything he wanted in this debate, he was able to sit down at a table instead of stand behind a podium. So it was almost like going on Meet the Press and lying to the American public and telling them that there IS a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11, even though the 9/11 Commission said there was no evidence that there was. Yeah he's had some amazing moments on those Sunday morning news shows, and why be any different tonight, in a debate.

CPD: 2004 VP Debate Transcript

I have to say that I don't think anyone paid attention to this debate, in that case, Friday night is the next Presidential Debate, and hopefully everyone will watch.

Oh and by the way, what the hell were they thinking scheduling a debate on a Friday night?! Anyways maybe tomorrow I will address some of the issues raised in the debate, but right now I am tired.

Oh and also tomorrow, look out for some discussion about what Paul Bremer said recently about needing more troops in Iraq, among other things.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:32 PM MST


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