Disconnected Rumblings

Monday, February 07, 2005

Death Becomes Them

Because I am tired and it is late, I will keep this brief. People need to see the big picture here. It falls into the storyline that I, and many others have shown the republican party and the "So Called Liberal Media". What am I talking about? I am talking about this master deception called Social Security Reform 2005.

Cool Reception on Capitol Hill to Social Security Plan
"President Bush's plan for overhauling Social Security, the centerpiece of his second-term domestic agenda, met with a cool reception Thursday on Capitol Hill, where some influential Republicans expressed skepticism and all but one of the Senate's 44 Democrats vowed to oppose any proposal that increases the federal deficit."
Now once again, since I must pre-defend myself from some ultra-right wingers, I am NOT saying that Social Security does not need some fixing. What I am arguing is that once again this Administration is purposely misleading our country's citizens to get what they want. That is NOT the right way to do things. In the words of shrub himself:
"Our agenda ought to be able to stand on its own two feet." Source
Well mr president, if that were the case then why hide the pole behind those two feet?

Oh am I being subversive? {wry smile}

Ok, now briefly on last week's State of the Union speech.
"...he[bush] momentarily sounded open to persuasion. 'All these ideas are on the table,' President Bush said, after running off a litany of ways, some sensible, to balance Social Security's future commitments with its future revenue. 'I will work with members of Congress to find the most effective combination of reforms.'

A moment or two after Bush's declaration, however, he returned to form. We will not consider raising payroll taxes to solve the problem, he declared. But without raising taxes, the nation is left with only one side of the equation to tinker with."
Yes exactly, its a speech technique to give the casual listener the impression that the president is open to negotiations, but in actuality it is quite obvious as he lists off the things that he will NOT do, that there really is no negotiation. You know what he may be president but he is WRONG!

I recommend actually reading the following article fully, for a little bit of a education on this issue.

I will continue this tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:04 PM MST


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