Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Gravestone Ads
Well we knew it would come to this. The Pentagon has started putting what I consider advertisements for their war PR on the gravestones of the men and women who have died in that war.

Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans - Yahoo! News

Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans - Yahoo! News
"Unlike earlier wars, nearly all Arlington National Cemetery gravestones for troops killed in Iraq or Afghanistan are inscribed with the slogan-like operation names the Pentagon selected to promote public support for the conflicts."Sigh.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:14 PM MST
On Thu Aug 25, 09:21:00 AM MDT,
digitaljay said...

AH HA HA. You are hilarious. It doesn't make me feel any better that they are putting an ad on a headstone if a family wants, and you believe they will remove it from the stone if that family doesn't want it. It's still a troubling thing when war slogans created to drum up support for wars is inscribed on a head stone.
And yes please let me know what right wing hack job site you get your info about Al Franken from. I would LOVE to hear about this story, which I am sure is very true.
As far as Able Danger, I'm very sorry that story broke when I was on vacation, and was actually, GASP, away from the news. But yes I have not mentioned it here yet, I have not had much time to write in my blog as of late, so for that I am sorry. But yeah blame Clinton, it was all HIS fault obviously. Because he got a PDB that said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the United States" and then stayed on vacation and did nothing, and didn't call a meeting with his counter terrorism czar. Yeah anyways, you Republicans are funny.
And yes please let me know what right wing hack job site you get your info about Al Franken from. I would LOVE to hear about this story, which I am sure is very true.
As far as Able Danger, I'm very sorry that story broke when I was on vacation, and was actually, GASP, away from the news. But yes I have not mentioned it here yet, I have not had much time to write in my blog as of late, so for that I am sorry. But yeah blame Clinton, it was all HIS fault obviously. Because he got a PDB that said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the United States" and then stayed on vacation and did nothing, and didn't call a meeting with his counter terrorism czar. Yeah anyways, you Republicans are funny.