Thursday, October 06, 2005
Rove to Testify Fourth Time
Well this broke today.
Rove Said to Testify in CIA Leak Case
So I hope we hear something soon, this should be interesting.
Also its interesting that the same day that news of Rove testifying again comes out, a new alert in NYC broke.

NYC Increases Subway Security After Threat
Rove Said to Testify in CIA Leak Case
"Presidential confidant Karl Rove will testify for a fourth time before the federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA officer's identity even though prosecutors have warned they can no longer guarantee he will escape indictment, lawyers said Thursday."Well this IS interesting. I don't know what to make of it. I mean apparently this is the first time that the prosecutor has said that he can not guarantee that Rove will not be indicted. This is required of the prosecutor for a witness to testify before the grand jury who might be indicted. So this tells me that the prosecutor now has something on Rove, that he may not have had before Judy Miller testified last week.
So I hope we hear something soon, this should be interesting.
Also its interesting that the same day that news of Rove testifying again comes out, a new alert in NYC broke.

NYC Increases Subway Security After Threat
"Authorities stepped up security Thursday after receiving what city officials called a credible threat that the New York subway could be the target of a terrorist attack in coming days. But Homeland Security officials in Washington downplayed the threat, saying it was of 'doubtful credibility.'"You got me, I don't know what to make of this either. And why is Homeland Security downplaying this when NYC officials say it is the most credible threat they have ever received? Don't know.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:44 PM MST