Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Happy Mardi Gras!

posted by digitaljay @ 7:29 PM MST
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Beginning
Well it has begun.
South Dakota passes abortion ban
Oh well, no one is paying attention anyways I suppose.
South Dakota passes abortion ban
"South Dakota became the first U.S. state to pass a law banning abortion in virtually all cases, with the intention of forcing the Supreme Court to reconsider its 1973 decision legalizing the procedure.Everyone seemed not too concerned that voting for shrub in 2004 would allow him to appoint at least two Supreme Court Justices. And then they said, oh well its not like it will make any difference to us if he does appoint some super conservative justices. Oh wait, wait to see what their reactions will be when they realize that or freedoms are being wrestled away from us. Our right to privacy, the right of a woman to make the tough decisions about what to do with her body, will be taken away.
The law, which would punish doctors who perform the operation with a five-year prison term and a $5,000 fine, awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Michael Rounds and people on both sides of the issue say he is unlikely to veto it.
The timing is right, supporters say, given the recent appointments of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the high court. The two conservatives could pave the way to a decision overturning Roe v. Wade."
Oh well, no one is paying attention anyways I suppose.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:18 PM MST
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Port Security
Bush Shrugs Off Objections to Port Deal
"Brushing aside objections from Republicans and Democrats alike, President Bush endorsed the takeover of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. He pledged to veto any bill Congress might approve to block the agreement.I'm sorry, I am not one of those, oh my god these A-rabs are going to kill us all if they take over these ports, people. No I think that Americans should be in charge of protecting American ports. Call me old fashioned if you will, but it just seems to make sense. I don't think having ANY foreign country in charge of any part of our security is not right.
'It sends a terrible signal to friends around the world that it's OK for a company from one country to manage the port, but not a country that plays by the rules and has got a good track record from another part of the world,' Bush said."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:20 PM MST
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Everything is Secret
Well it looks like everything is secret these days, and it isn't very becoming of a democracy, but then again we have been moving away from democracy for some time now.
US removing documents from public access: report
But as soon as shrub came into office, that all turned around. He needs cover to do all the sh*t he is doing behind our backs.
US removing documents from public access: report
"U.S. intelligence agencies have been secretly removing from public access at the National Archives thousands of historical documents that were available for years, The New York Times reported on Monday.I know, it started in 1999, yeah well Clinton signed a 1995 declassification order, so at least he was trying to have a more open government.
The restoration of classified status to more than 55,000 previously declassified pages began in 1999, when the CIA and five other agencies objected to what they saw as a hasty release of sensitive information after a 1995 declassification order signed by President Bill Clinton, the Times said on its Web site.
The secret program accelerated after the Bush administration took office and especially after the September 11 attacks, according to archives records, the paper said."
But as soon as shrub came into office, that all turned around. He needs cover to do all the sh*t he is doing behind our backs.
"Some historians say the program is removing material that can do no conceivable harm to national security and note that some of the documents have been published by the government, the Times said.Oh well, democracy becomes the smaller and smaller shoreline that is disappearing in the distance behind us, but its ok no one will notice.
Critics say it is part of a marked trend toward greater secrecy under the Bush administration, which has increased the pace of classifying documents, slowed declassification and discouraged the release of some material under the Freedom of Information Act, the paper said."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:51 PM MST
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
So Many Things
There are so many things going on today. I don't have time to get to all of them, but I will try to hit a few.
First, Cheney conviently says he has the authority to declassify information, by the authority granted in an executive order.
Cheney Says He Has Power to Declassify Info
Then there is this:
Abu Ghraib reopens old wounds for US
Then there was this:
Chertoff Admits Katrina Response Fumbled
First, Cheney conviently says he has the authority to declassify information, by the authority granted in an executive order.
Cheney Says He Has Power to Declassify Info
"Vice President Dick Cheney disclosed Wednesday that he has the power to declassify sensitive government information, authority that could set up a criminal defense for his former chief of staff, I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby."You know shrub is a puppet president, Cheney is the real president. And this whole hunting accident story, and how he dealt with it, and then this disclosure of his authority to declassify intelligence just seems like something a president would have the authority to do. Even then its questionable since this basically means that no matter what laws we have the president can basically issue an executive order and allow anyone to break any law. It stinks to high heaven.
Then there is this:
Abu Ghraib reopens old wounds for US
"Abu Ghraib has returned to haunt the US military -- a scandal for which no senior US military officer or official has ever been sanctioned.The release of more pictures of the abuse at Abu Ghraib highlights the fact that no higher ups in the military and this administration have yet to be held accountable for this travesty. This was not a isolated event that was ordered at the lowest levels. Maybe if we had a Democrat controlled House we could fully and correctly investigate this.
The old wounds have been reopened by the release by an Australian broadcaster, SBS, of new images and a video showing abuse of prisoners at the notorious Iraqi jail."
Then there was this:
Chertoff Admits Katrina Response Fumbled
"Acknowledging delayed aid and fumbled coordination, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Wednesday the federal response to Hurricane Katrina fell far short of providing immediate help to the Gulf Coast that could have saved lives.Sad, infuriating, and more. This needs to not be forgotten and lost in the midst of all the other matters that are floating through the public consciousness now. This was a grand failure at ALL levels.
Chertoff's Senate testimony came the same day a House panel released a scathing report concluding that deaths, damage and suffering could have been decreased if the White House and federal, state and local officials had responded more urgently to Katrina.
The House report — called 'A Failure of Initiative' — found ample fault with state and local officials, including delays in ordering early evacuations in New Orleans. But it also criticized President Bush for failing to get more deeply involved as the crisis unfolded.
In a sampling of 63 communications to the White House that the report documents, at least eight were dated before Katrina's Aug. 29 landfall. The documents show that presidential advisers were warned about potential disaster as early as Aug. 27.
'Earlier presidential involvement might have resulted in a more effective response,' the inquiry concluded. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the report Tuesday.
'Our logistics capability in Katrina was woefully inadequate,' he [Chertoff] said. 'I was astonished to see we didn't have the capability most 21st-century corporations have to track the flow of goods and services.'"
posted by digitaljay @ 9:49 PM MST
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day

posted by digitaljay @ 9:25 PM MST
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Quail Hunt
Yeah so I'm sure you all have heard by now that our famed VP has shot a man in the face by accident. Anyways while I initially thought it was humorous since the man the dark lord shot was not killed, I am no longer finding it so funny.
Cheney shoots at quail, hits hunting companion
Cheney shoots at quail, hits hunting companion
"Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a 78-year-old hunting companion during a weekend quail hunting trip after the man went to retrieve a bird and Cheney failed to spot him."Seems there might have been some sort of cover up to try to pin the shooting on someone else in the hunting party, so as to avoid the embarrassment of reporting that the VP had shot the man.
"The accident was not reported publicly by the vice president's office for nearly 24 hours, and then only after it was reported by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times on its website Sunday.Something smells fishy. It doesn't surprise me, this administration thinks it is above the law. Oh well. I bet Cheney didn't take a drug and alcohol test, which is customary in a accidental shooting case. Eh no big, he's the VP, he can get away with murder.
McBride said the vice president's office did not tell reporters about the accident Saturday because they were deferring to Armstrong to handle the announcement of what happened on her property.
Armstrong said everyone at the ranch was so 'focused' on Whittington's health Saturday that it wasn't until Sunday she called the Caller-Times to report the accident. Her ranch is about 60 miles southwest of Corpus Christi."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:49 PM MST
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Thursday, February 09, 2006
Cheney In Hot Water?
Well take this for what you will, we'll see how this story pans out.
Libby: White House 'Superiors' OK'd Leaks
Libby: White House 'Superiors' OK'd Leaks
"A former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney told a federal grand jury that his superiors authorized him to give secret information to reporters as part of the Bush administration's defense of intelligence used to justify invading Iraq, according to court papers.That is interesting, but then there was this from one of Libby's lawyers.
Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said in documents filed last month that he plans to introduce evidence that I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff, disclosed to reporters the contents of a classified National Intelligence Estimate in the summer of 2003."
"William Jeffress, Libby's lawyer, said, 'There is no truth at all' to suggestions that Libby would try to shift blame to his superiors as a defense against the charges."I think Fitzgerald may actually have some information on all of this and we may just find out soon. Seriously I hope these bastards get held accountable. I have no doubt, unfortunately, that this administration knew, EXACTLY what they were doing, and would do anything to get back at their critics. Even jeopardize national security.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:13 PM MST
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Congratulations You F***!
Way to go! You should be so proud of yourself!

Bush defends spending cuts amid lawmakers' qualms

Bush defends spending cuts amid lawmakers' qualms
"President George W. Bush on Wednesday defended domestic spending-cut proposals that have been greeted warily in the U.S. Congress, saying the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina had forced him to make tough decisions.Our future is written on today's misguided decisions. I hate to think about where this leaves us.
He also pushed anew for extension of his first-term tax cuts and said if they were allowed to expire, growth and government revenues would suffer."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:16 PM MST
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Above the Law
Cheney continued this administration's indignation and disdain for our laws today.
Cheney resists changing spy program
Cheney resists changing spy program
"Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday resisted bipartisan appeals for changes in a hotly disputed warrantless eavesdropping program, saying he believed 'we have all the legal authority we need.'Yeah F**K Congress!
In an interview on PBS' 'Newshour,' Cheney was asked whether President Bush was willing to work with Congress to settle some of the legal questions about the spy program.
'We believe ... that we have all the legal authority we need,' Cheney said."

posted by digitaljay @ 11:26 PM MST
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Monday, February 06, 2006
NSA Wiretapping
Today there was a hearing with Attorney General Gonzalez, probing the secret wiretapping of citizens of this country.
Senators Question Gonzales on NSA Wiretaps
We must not let the desire to protect ourselves from attack to cloud our judgment on things that are obviously a direct violation of law, and a violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
We MUST stop them!
Yes I care about protecting us from further attacks, of course I do, so don't you republican bastards try to claim otherwise. I am not living in a "pre 9/11" world, that is bullsh*t! We will not wage a "war on terrorism" by sacrificing our sacred rights and liberties. We WILL NOT!!!!!!
Senators Question Gonzales on NSA Wiretaps
"Senators raised doubts about the legal rationale for the Bush administration's eavesdropping program Monday, forcing Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to provide a lengthy defense of the operations he called a vital 'early warning system' for terrorists."Don't let them get away with this. Don't let this issue die. What we are seeing is not just a desire by the people in power to protect us from attacks, we are seeing the people in power desiring more power using the threat of more attacks as a springboard to that increased power.
We must not let the desire to protect ourselves from attack to cloud our judgment on things that are obviously a direct violation of law, and a violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
We MUST stop them!
Yes I care about protecting us from further attacks, of course I do, so don't you republican bastards try to claim otherwise. I am not living in a "pre 9/11" world, that is bullsh*t! We will not wage a "war on terrorism" by sacrificing our sacred rights and liberties. We WILL NOT!!!!!!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:38 PM MST
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Picture of the Day

World's Largest Mouse Hole
posted by digitaljay @ 10:24 PM MST
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Thursday, February 02, 2006
Another Day, Another Boehner
Oh sorry is that title too upsetting? I think its stupid. I thought about changing it, but eh whatever. Anyways so the news today is John Boehner was elected as the new majority leader of the House of Representatives.
Reformer scores upset win in US Republican vote
Oh and then there was THIS!
Bush to Request $120B More for War Funding
Finally good old shrub arrived here in Albuquerque today. He is going to be at Intel tomorrow morning which is pretty close to where I work, and I think he is going to royally f*** up traffic during tomorrow morning's rush hour.
Reformer scores upset win in US Republican vote
"Republican lawmakers elected a reformer, John Boehner, to be their leader in the House of Representatives as the majority party seeks to shake off corruption scandals."Good luck, I wish you well "reformer", I think your days as Majority Leader are numbered.
Oh and then there was THIS!
Bush to Request $120B More for War Funding
"The Bush administration said Thursday it will ask Congress for $120 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and $18 billion more for hurricane relief this year.Holy SH*T! This is insane! We have millions of people without health insurance in this country, failing schools, the highest deficit in U.S. history, but yeah let's spend $400 BILLION mostly on a war in Iraq. Is it worth it? Will we accomplish the goals that we want to? I don't know, but the cost to us when this is all over is going to be enormous. We will be paying for it for decades to come.
The White House acknowledges the upcoming requests would cause total spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since Sept. 11, 2001, to soar well past the $400 billion mark..."

posted by digitaljay @ 10:32 PM MST
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
State of the Union Fallout
Ok this will be brief. Cindy Sheehan was arrested before the State of the Union speech in the House of Representatives and then released and charges dropped. Interesting.
Police Apologize, Drop Charge Vs. Sheehan
Now I want to highlight this response to the State of the Union speech. Howard Dean, had this to say.
I'm sorry this is long, and I am going to post much of it, but really go read the whole thing, I think it is a well articulated outline of a progressive agenda that will lead us ahead.
Police Apologize, Drop Charge Vs. Sheehan
Now I want to highlight this response to the State of the Union speech. Howard Dean, had this to say.
I'm sorry this is long, and I am going to post much of it, but really go read the whole thing, I think it is a well articulated outline of a progressive agenda that will lead us ahead.
"Americans have a lot of questions that went unanswered tonight. When George Bush delivered his State of the Union address, he had a big megaphone and the world's attention. He had the opportunity to regain some degree of credibility with the American people -- more than half of whom disapprove of his performance as president. But he failed to answer the real questions ordinary Americans have about the state of our union:Ok, so everyone keeps saying "stop bitching about shrub and tell us what YOU will do", so OK lets talk about that.
- When will we have a new strategy in Iraq that protects American lives? Violence is increasing, not decreasing there and the mismanagement of this war has cost the lives of Americans and billions of dollars in fraud. And when will we secure our ports and chemical and nuclear plants, which remain vulnerable?
- When will the Republican Party put its responsibility to the people before its greed and thirst for power? The Republican culture of corruption in the executive and legislative branches has violated the law and cost taxpayers billions.
- When will President Bush and the Republican Congress wake up to the economic crisis tens of millions of Americans face? Good jobs are leaving this country, and many of the jobs that remain exploit working families by denying them adequate benefits. Millionaires and corporations receive tax breaks while Americans can't afford to save, and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen to levels unseen since the 19th century.
- When will we finally do something for the 46 million Americans who lack health insurance? Many have had their lives ruined financially when the worst happened, and many more no longer seek the care they need because they cannot afford it.
- When will we make serious strides towards energy independence? We get a greater percentage of our oil from cartels and dictatorships now than we did in 2000."
"Part of that means telling people clearly and unambiguously what we stand for -- and I'll tell you right now:Lets go troops! Take our country back!
- Real security -- we will protect Americans at home by getting serious about homeland security, and address the real threats abroad by capturing or killing Osama bin Laden and focusing on actual (not imagined) nuclear proliferation...
- Honest leadership and open government -- we will end the criminal Republican culture of corruption and restore a sense of responsibility to elected office, and we will pass fundamental reforms that make government more honest, open, and accountable to the American people than ever before.
A health care system that works for everyone -- we will join every other industrialized country by making sure everyone has access to affordable health care...
- Energy independence -- we will reduce our reliance on foreign oil by investing in cleaner and more efficient technology. We will treat energy independence as what it is -- not only a conservation issue, but an economic and national security issue."
posted by digitaljay @ 9:35 PM MST
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