Friday, April 28, 2006
Where Have You Been?
Seriously, what is going on? I have been waiting.
In the news: FOX News Anchor Tony Snow takes over as WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY.
Bush names Tony Snow press secretary
And then there is this:
Mexico to decriminalize pot, cocaine and heroin
And finally tonight, there is this story that really needs to come to the top of the news heap.
Public pressure mounts on US to act on Darfur
In the news: FOX News Anchor Tony Snow takes over as WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY.
Bush names Tony Snow press secretary
"President George W. Bush named Fox News Radio host Tony Snow as White House press secretary on Wednesday in his latest move to shake up his staff and breathe new life into his presidency."Yes you did not read this wrong, the White House has hired a cable news channel anchor as the next press secretary. Next week look for Rush Limbaugh to be named the new Labor Secretary, and Bill O'Reily the new Secretary of Defense.
And then there is this:
Mexico to decriminalize pot, cocaine and heroin
"Possessing marijuana, cocaine and even heroin will no longer be a crime in Mexico if the drugs are carried in small amounts for personal use, under legislation passed by Congress."Anyone in the mood for a trip to Mexico? It's only 3 1/2 hours from here. I'm in, who else?
And finally tonight, there is this story that really needs to come to the top of the news heap.
Public pressure mounts on US to act on Darfur
"Public pressure is growing on the Bush administration to work harder to stop atrocities in Sudan's Darfur region, even as options narrow over how to tackle what the United States labels genocide."If we label this as genocide than any human being has to act accordingly to prevent this senseless death and suffering from continuing. I hope we can persuade China and Russia to vote to allow the UN to intervene in Darfur to help the massively overburdened 7,000 African Union troops.
posted by digitaljay @ 7:48 PM MST
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Big News
Scott McClellan, the White House Press Secretary who over the last 2.5 years has LIED for this administration many times, has resigned. Big woop. But the bigger story is that Rove has been "officially" removed from domestic policy functions. Right, I'm sure we can really check up on that to make sure.
Rove reassigned, McClellan to go amid White House staff shuffle
If we all buy this crap then I am going to be really disappointed in the country. We can do better, and god help us we will. It is going to take a long time to fix this country, but it can be done. What a nightmare this has been. I can only hope that this will all be over soon.
And in other news, there was this comment.
Ask yourself a question, is it coincidence that as the administration begins to saber rattle against Iran, that the price of a barrel of oil leaps up in response and the oil and gas industry makes record profits. Oh and the retiring president of Exxon gets a retirement package of $400 million!
Folks we are being taken, we are the pawns in this game, and all of this conveniently makes the industry reel in record profits of BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars each month! Profits, straight profits! This is insane, and call me a communist if you want, but we need some serious government regulations and restrictions on this industry, because it a national security matter. Please someone wake up, its time.
Rove reassigned, McClellan to go amid White House staff shuffle
"Bush freed up Rove from duties overseeing US domestic policy to enable him to focus on crafting a winning strategy for his Republican Party in November's mid-term elections."I'm just salivating waiting for the next head to roll. The idiot really wants us to believe that he is making huge changes, yeah right, until the f*cking bastard, lord of darkness DICK cheney resigns, and f*ckface Rummy gets the boot, we are still in the same sh*t that we are now.
If we all buy this crap then I am going to be really disappointed in the country. We can do better, and god help us we will. It is going to take a long time to fix this country, but it can be done. What a nightmare this has been. I can only hope that this will all be over soon.
And in other news, there was this comment.
"The global oil price has not reached its real value yet. The products derived from crude oil are sold at prices dozens of times higher than those charged by oil-producing countries...So who made these statements? Some liberal anti-oil industry blowhard? HAHA, no the one and only Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. So how do you think this country will respond to these outrageous comments? You guessed it, this guy is a nut, and anything he says is meaningless. And that is a shame because for once he has a valid point. Yes he denies the holocaust, and wants to "wipe Israel off the map" which is disgusting and disturbing, BUT we need to look at this statement as if someone else said it, because this issue deserves some actual consideration. We need to have this discourse.
...The developed nations are the biggest beneficiary of the added value of oil products...
...The products derived from crude oil cost over 10 times the price of oil sold by producing states. Developed and powerful countries benefit more from its value-added than any party"
Ask yourself a question, is it coincidence that as the administration begins to saber rattle against Iran, that the price of a barrel of oil leaps up in response and the oil and gas industry makes record profits. Oh and the retiring president of Exxon gets a retirement package of $400 million!
Folks we are being taken, we are the pawns in this game, and all of this conveniently makes the industry reel in record profits of BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars each month! Profits, straight profits! This is insane, and call me a communist if you want, but we need some serious government regulations and restrictions on this industry, because it a national security matter. Please someone wake up, its time.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:35 PM MST
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Going Up Again
Yep, a barrel of crude oil has now passed $70 and hit above $72 today. An all time high. Isn't that great? I know, I know, adjusted for inflation it still isn't as bad as back in the 70s, great, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All I know is paying for gas to simply get back and forth to work is seriously eating into my ability to pay my bills and purchase other things. Gas prices here have now gone up over 13 cents in one day to average about $2.85 a gallon.

Why are we not publicly funding REAL hybrid and alternative fuel vehicle research and development? Anyone want to really think about this? Really roll it around in the noggin, even the least cynical person has to admit that the oil and gas industry is huge and it is not in their interest to actually allow alternative fuels to take off, this is counter productive to our national security, and must be responded to as such.
We are in a heap of trouble, and its going to get really bad soon, rather than later.
Why are we not publicly funding REAL hybrid and alternative fuel vehicle research and development? Anyone want to really think about this? Really roll it around in the noggin, even the least cynical person has to admit that the oil and gas industry is huge and it is not in their interest to actually allow alternative fuels to take off, this is counter productive to our national security, and must be responded to as such.
We are in a heap of trouble, and its going to get really bad soon, rather than later.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:47 PM MST
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
How Much Do We Need?
Well how much do we need before we realize this man has taken this country for a ride, that will cost us into the future for a generation or more?
White House angrily denies report on Iraqi WMD
White House angrily denies report on Iraqi WMD
"The White House vehemently denounced a US newspaper report suggesting President George W. Bush insisted on the existence of biological weapons laboratories in Iraq while knowing the claim was false."Really? I can't believe that.
"On May 29, 2003, Bush proclaimed that the trailers, located just weeks after the start of the US-led invasion of Iraq, were long-sought mobile 'biological laboratories'.Yeah I am sure he had NO IDEA that this report was already out, I'm sure. Just so incredulous. Sigh. I can't believe what this country has to now endure with this man at the helm. What a terrible terrible destiny.
'We have found the weapons of mass destruction,' the president said confidently at the time.
Two days before the president's statement, however, a secret Pentagon-sponsored mission had returned findings that the trailers were not suited for the production of biological weapons, according to the Post, citing unnamed government officials.
The claim was repeated by top administration officials for months, even though US intelligence officials had received the findings of the Pentagon experts determining that the allegations were not true, the Post reported."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:08 PM MST
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Retired general's Iraq critique hits a nerve at the Pentagon
Retired general's Iraq critique hits a nerve at the Pentagon
"A retired Marine Corps general has struck a nerve here by criticizing the US military brass for remaining silent while the Bush administration's marched the country into an 'invented war' in Iraq.Damn right, that bastard needs to be thrown out on his ass!
...the attacks by retired Lieutenant General Gregory Newbold and two other prominent retired military leaders have brought to the surface long-standing frictions between the military and its civilian leaders over Iraq.
The generals have called for the resignation of US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, blaming him for, among other things, not committing enough troops to secure Iraq after the 2003 invasion."
posted by digitaljay @ 11:20 PM MST
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Thursday, April 06, 2006
Prez Authorized Classified Material Leaks?
Oh how surprising.
Bush authorized leaks on Iraq: court documents
Bush authorized leaks on Iraq: court documents
"President George W. Bush authorized intelligence leaks ahead of the US invasion of Iraq, indicted former top White House aide I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby said in court papers."This administration is dirty. They have shown that they don't follow any laws so why should they think twice about authorizing leaks of classified information for their own selfish gain? I hope these bastards get thrown out on their asses!
posted by digitaljay @ 11:13 PM MST
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Monday, April 03, 2006
Delay Giving Up

DeLay to drop from congressional race
"Rep. Tom DeLay, the former majority leader in the House of Representatives ensnared in a widening lobbying corruption scandal, will drop out of his re-election race, House Republican leadership aides confirmed on Monday.Well its about time. You sir are the epitome of everything that is wrong with the leadership of this country right now. Good riddance you f**king bastard! Hope you get to go to jail too after all of this, right where you belong.
He may also retire from Congress next month, they said."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:58 PM MST
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