Friday, December 03, 2004
Good News: Rummy Stays!
Oh by the way, that was sarcastic. Here's the story.
Rumsfeld to remain in Cabinet
Thank god! No really, I think this guy has done a terrible job, and I really wish he was leaving, but apparently shrub talked him into staying on. I can only hope that, contrary to his actions so far, he will learn from his mistakes. You know like being adamant, in the face of direct disagreement, that we could effectively win the war in Iraq with a light force of only 150,000 soldiers. When we went into Kuwait in 1991 we went in with some 500,000 strong force. We didn't even go to Baghdad. Uh yeah I think that has caused alot of the problems we are seeing now.
Anyways, I wanted to write about the article that I have been mentioning for several days, but I just don't have it in me again tonight. I know no one is reading this anyway, so I will get to it Monday, hopefully.

Rumsfeld to remain in Cabinet
Thank god! No really, I think this guy has done a terrible job, and I really wish he was leaving, but apparently shrub talked him into staying on. I can only hope that, contrary to his actions so far, he will learn from his mistakes. You know like being adamant, in the face of direct disagreement, that we could effectively win the war in Iraq with a light force of only 150,000 soldiers. When we went into Kuwait in 1991 we went in with some 500,000 strong force. We didn't even go to Baghdad. Uh yeah I think that has caused alot of the problems we are seeing now.
Anyways, I wanted to write about the article that I have been mentioning for several days, but I just don't have it in me again tonight. I know no one is reading this anyway, so I will get to it Monday, hopefully.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:10 PM MST