Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Where Have I Been?
Well ok I haven't posted since Thursday. I am sorry about that. I ran out of time on Friday, and then on Monday I was spending time with Ashley, and I thought you all could make it another day without me.
Today not much new news has officially broken. Alot of rumours are reaching a rolling boil and will boil over soon I suspect. So who is going to be indicted in the "Plamegate" scandal? Well it is looking more and more possible that some big fish might get fried. As more concrete news breaks I will be back here with my golden comments.
Well one piece of news on that story. Reporter Judith Miller, who was released from jail after agreeing to testify, and THEN after that said "oops I forgot I have some more notes here to turn over", has been asked to testify again.
Prosecutor asks NYT reporter to testify again
AP: Frist Accumulated Stock Outside Trusts
OH and then there is this RIDICULOUS item of the day.
DeLay's Lawyers Subpoena His Prosecutor
Today not much new news has officially broken. Alot of rumours are reaching a rolling boil and will boil over soon I suspect. So who is going to be indicted in the "Plamegate" scandal? Well it is looking more and more possible that some big fish might get fried. As more concrete news breaks I will be back here with my golden comments.
Well one piece of news on that story. Reporter Judith Miller, who was released from jail after agreeing to testify, and THEN after that said "oops I forgot I have some more notes here to turn over", has been asked to testify again.
Prosecutor asks NYT reporter to testify again
"New York Times reporter Judith Miller was summoned for a second appearance on Wednesday before a grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA operative's identity after she found notes from a previously undisclosed conversation with a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney."Oh and then there is this:

"Outside the blind trusts he created to avoid a conflict of interest, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist earned tens of thousands of dollars from stock in a family-founded hospital chain largely controlled by his brother, documents show.NEXT! I don't know, this may stick, or it may not, its hard to tell at this point, but boy oh boy do the Repubs have some serious problems to deal with.
The Tennessee Republican, whose sale this summer of HCA Inc. stock is under federal investigation, has long maintained he could own HCA shares and still vote on health care legislation without a conflict because he had placed the stock in blind trusts approved by the Senate.
However, ethics experts say a partnership arrangement shown in documents obtained by The Associated Press raises serious doubts about whether the senator truly avoided a conflict."
OH and then there is this RIDICULOUS item of the day.
DeLay's Lawyers Subpoena His Prosecutor
"Indicted Rep. Tom DeLay's attorneys turned the tables on a Texas prosecutor Tuesday, delivering a subpoena to compel his testimony about his conduct with grand jurors."Wow, what a cocky son of a b*tch! Sticking his thumb out to the law. Saying, in effect, "I am above the law". Well you know what buddy? You are going DOWN!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:22 PM MST