Wednesday, October 06, 2004
WMDs and More Troops
Well, well, well. As Not so Anonymous mentioned in a comment below, today a U.S. report was released that found no evidence of Iraq weapons of mass destruction.
U.S. Report Finds No Evidence of Iraq WMD
What have we done?! When the judgment of history views us, what will they see? Unfortunately I don't think they will view our actions in a positive light. In fact I submit that history will record that we put our great country in extreme danger and near collapse with huge deficits and policies limiting freedom and liberty. We all need to seriously think about what we are doing.
NOW what did the former Coalition Provisional Authority leader Paul Bremer say recently?
US did not have enough troops in Iraq: Bremer
That link says it pretty clearly, but just in case, lets have a quote eh?
Can't wait for the debate on Friday, and Election Day on November 2nd! Don't forget to vote folks. Vote this terrible president out of office, he has made too many mistakes to be forgiven, even if he was our president during September 11th.
U.S. Report Finds No Evidence of Iraq WMD
"Contradicting the main argument for a war that has cost more than 1,000 American lives, the top U.S. arms inspector said Wednesday he found no evidence that Iraq produced any weapons of mass destruction after 1991. He also concluded that Saddam Hussein's capabilities to develop such weapon had dimmed - not grown - during a dozen years of sanctions before last year's U.S. invasion."Hmmmm. Ok folks, let the arguments begin. The fact is Saddam did not have WMDs, AND he was NOT a gathering threat, but quite the opposite in fact, he was being weakened by sanctions. It sickens me that our main reason for going to war was based on a lie! How can we command any moral authority anymore?
What have we done?! When the judgment of history views us, what will they see? Unfortunately I don't think they will view our actions in a positive light. In fact I submit that history will record that we put our great country in extreme danger and near collapse with huge deficits and policies limiting freedom and liberty. We all need to seriously think about what we are doing.
NOW what did the former Coalition Provisional Authority leader Paul Bremer say recently?
US did not have enough troops in Iraq: Bremer
That link says it pretty clearly, but just in case, lets have a quote eh?
" 'The single most important change -- the one thing that would have improved the situation -- would have been having more troops in Iraq at the beginning and throughout,' Bremer was quoted as saying.Oh my, oh my; things are not looking good for this administration.
'Although I raised this issue a number of times with our government, I should have been even more insistent,' he said."
Can't wait for the debate on Friday, and Election Day on November 2nd! Don't forget to vote folks. Vote this terrible president out of office, he has made too many mistakes to be forgiven, even if he was our president during September 11th.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:22 PM MST
On Fri Oct 08, 08:48:00 AM MDT,
digitaljay said...

Sad isn't it Not so Anonymous? I mean this administration actually has the guts to go out to the media and claim that this report just confirms to them that we needed to take Saddam out! They are crazy! This report says nothing close to that at all. It says that Saddam was weakening from the sanctions, and he was becoming less and less of a threat to ANYONE. He was not the immediate threat that shrub and Co. told us in his reasoning for war. This administration truly is revising history by claiming a different reason we went to war then the one they told us in 2003. Amazing! Absolutely amazing!
Vote this IDIOT out of office on November 2nd!
Vote this IDIOT out of office on November 2nd!
On Fri Oct 08, 01:33:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Hey what happened to my comment? It is gone, and I don't even remember what I said, what the hell?! Oh well it was something about how they had the guts to go out and claim that the report showed that invading Iraq was the right thing to do because Saddamm "wanted" to acquire weapons, even though the damn report says that he was getting weaker, and FAR from any ability to produce WMDs.
On Fri Oct 08, 01:34:00 PM MDT,
digitaljay said...
Ok after I posted that last comment, my original comment shows up. Nice! What the hell is going on? Anyways sorry for the extra posts.