Monday, December 06, 2004
Monday Again
Just a quick update, I'm not much up for writing a real post today. I just wanted to sort of answer a comment by Republican Bud from an earlier post. He seems to think that things in Iraq are getting better. And I suppose if you watched the mainstream news you would think that, because they are completely falling down in their job.
Senator: Public needs 'cold, hard facts' on Iraq
Senator: Public needs 'cold, hard facts' on Iraq
"'It's a very tenuous security situation,' [Senator] Chafee told CNN. 'I'd been there [Iraq] a year ago -- what a change.'...I know, I know, yeah things are getting better. It is seriously a dangerous thing to keep telling the American people this when it is simply not true.
Chafee said the senators were unable to travel through Baghdad's neighborhoods, visit the northern city of Mosul or take the road from the airport -- all things visitors could do last year."
"Chafee said that when Iraqi politicians -- such as interim President Ghazi al-Yawar, who met with President Bush on Monday in Washington -- say that the situation is improving, the effect is damaging.EXACTLY!
'We really need cold, hard facts and honesty,' Chafee said. 'The situation is tough over there.'"
posted by digitaljay @ 10:26 PM MST