Disconnected Rumblings

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


How's that Aerosmith song go? "Love in an Elevator", well forget that part, just concentrate on the one refrain.

Love in an elevator, living it up I'm going down.
Love in an elevator, living it up when I hit the ground.

Love in an elevator
going doooowwwwwnnnnnn!!!!!

Ok enough of that, I am truly sorry, that was ridiculous, and utterly unnecessary. It won't happen again.

Anyways, shrub's job approval ratings continue their slide.

Bush approval rating dips to 39 percent - poll
"President George W. Bush's job approval rating has fallen to a new low of 39 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.
The poll also found that strong majorities did not believe that recent charges against former House Republican leader Tom DeLay of Texas or a federal investigation of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, were politically motivated, NBC said."
Hmmm, take note mr. assclown, delayed. You pompous ass! Sit down and face the courts like everyone else in this country! I am SICK and tired of you politicians taking advantage of everything that your power in this country affords you, at OUR expense! You are relying on the apathy of this country's citizens. And hopefully soon you won't have that luxury of disinterest. And you will be on the fire like you belong!
"With the 2006 congressional elections a year away, 48 percent of respondents said they preferred a Democratic-controlled Congress, compared with 39 percent who said they preferred Republican leadership, NBC said.

The 9-point difference was the largest margin between the parties in the 11 years the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll had been tracking the question, NBC said."
This is a good sign, while not a huge difference, it is something. Let hope that goes into the 2006 mid term elections. This party has DESTROYED our country, and everything I believe that our country stands for, and I am tired of just sitting back and taking it. You don't speak for me, and I don't believe you speak for a majority of this country. And I believe you days are numbered. Good luck f**kers!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:26 PM MST


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