Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Is Religion Our Downfall or Our Salvation?
You know I have been pretty hard on the religious folk of this country. And I know that some readers of this fine blog are quite religious indeed. So in an effort for a little fairness lets take a look at these fine folks.
God intervened to re-elect President Bush
Ah some choice quotes.
Wow! I didn't think people could be this ridiculous. I'm sorry my religious friends, but a quote like this makes me want to slap this person.
God intervened to re-elect President Bush

Ah some choice quotes.
"The Almighty intervened in the U.S. election, these evangelicals believe, to allow Bush to remain president. They say God has 'blessed' America with Bush--and had Sen. John Kerry been elected, God would have 'cursed' the U.S. By allowing Bush to be re-elected, God has given America 'more time' to stop its slide into evil."Oh thank GOD for delivering us shrub as president. And all this time I thought it was We The People who delivered our president. Anyways, small point.
"'Whoever won, it would have been God's will.' But because Bush won, Land told Beliefnet, God has clearly shown America his blessings. If Kerry had won, it would have proved God was cursing the United States."

"'God gave this President and this President's Party one more chance... God heard the fervent prayers of millions of values voters to keep His hand on America one more time despite our national sins of denying the right to life, despite ignoring the Biblical injunction against acts which are 'an abomination unto the Lord' and despite the blatant attempt to remove God from the public square.'"Well I really should stop now, its just getting redundant.
"...a group called Christian Response has already sent out an email with the subject line 'EMERGENCY!' to induce supporters to blast Capitol Hill with faxes condemning Sen. Arlen Specter, the Republican Pennsylvania senator who said last week that judicial nominees who oppose abortion would face difficulty getting Senate confirmation."This really bothers me, I mean, now these Christian right wing folks are going to attack a fairly even keeled conservative senator because he says that anti-abortion judges will not be easily approved by the senate. Well yeah that is just fact, most Democrats and some moderate republicans will not easily confirm a judge who is anti-abortion.
"Many evangelicals think America is secular and decadent and in cultural decline. Their role, they believe, is to stem that tide and renew the culture."Nevermind. Ok anyways, I really just don't understand why people can't think for themselves, and must find an answer by looking for meaning in a constant symbol. Can't we just say, the people voted for our president, if 3.5 million had voted the other way, then someone else would be president. No godly intervention required.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:47 PM MST
On Thu Nov 18, 11:57:00 AM MST,
digitaljay said...

Rep Bud quote: "I loved your little link at the bottom to the 'free thought products' page. Just couldn't resist that jab could you?"
Why is this a jab? Why is free thought a jab at christians unless they don't engage in free thought?
That is my main qualm with organized religion. It invites you to accept answers from God, instead of looking for the answers yourself. I freely admit that this is not always the case, but most of the time it is.
"I think it's hillarious that non Christians love to lampoon believers, especially evangelicals, for voting based on their strongly held beliefs."
First of all does non-christians include Jews, and Hindus, and Muslims? Or are you just referring to agnostics and atheists?
I do critize "believers" for voting with their religious beliefs because one, those beliefs seem to trump other issues such as the economy, jobs, world relations, etc. And also (this could get ugly), because some of those beliefs involve bigotry and hate. Would I critize a White Supremist for voting for a candidate who has publicized his disdain for blacks, over a candidate who did not have that hatred? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!
I am sorry, I don't care what the particular translation (interpretation) of the bible that a person has, says to them about gays and at one time said to them about the moralness of owning slaves, or that abortion is something that must be removed from the choice of the person, and that support for an administration whose goals seem to be perpetual war, with possibly millions of dead innocents, or for an administration whose support of the death penalty seems contrary to the good book.
I don't care what that book says about all that, I want people to THINK for themselves. Because I believe that TRUE moral values are valuing each and EVERY human being, whether they be gay or straight, black or white, rich or poor. In fact if they are disadvantaged, they should be lifted up. Isn't that in the bible?
The level of hypocrisy in this thinking baffles me. How can you be pro life, and anti-gay? How can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with the people in this article, and you would pray for any leader of our fine country.
See it is this stange disconnect between actions of some christians, such as saying the country would be cursed with Kerry as president, yet the book says to be loving and caring to all of your fellow man. Nevermind I can't explain what I am trying to say too well.
"I would caution you not to paint with too broad a brush when discussing Christians or evangelicals. You never know, they might be watching you."
What is this? What is the intent of this statement? I freely admit that this is not ALL evangelical christians that I am talking ahout, but, it is a good amount of them. And why are they watching me? Can't they live their own lives and not push the sh*t on me?
Oh sorry, ok that was off base. Anyways, I'm done for now
Why is this a jab? Why is free thought a jab at christians unless they don't engage in free thought?
That is my main qualm with organized religion. It invites you to accept answers from God, instead of looking for the answers yourself. I freely admit that this is not always the case, but most of the time it is.
"I think it's hillarious that non Christians love to lampoon believers, especially evangelicals, for voting based on their strongly held beliefs."
First of all does non-christians include Jews, and Hindus, and Muslims? Or are you just referring to agnostics and atheists?
I do critize "believers" for voting with their religious beliefs because one, those beliefs seem to trump other issues such as the economy, jobs, world relations, etc. And also (this could get ugly), because some of those beliefs involve bigotry and hate. Would I critize a White Supremist for voting for a candidate who has publicized his disdain for blacks, over a candidate who did not have that hatred? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!
I am sorry, I don't care what the particular translation (interpretation) of the bible that a person has, says to them about gays and at one time said to them about the moralness of owning slaves, or that abortion is something that must be removed from the choice of the person, and that support for an administration whose goals seem to be perpetual war, with possibly millions of dead innocents, or for an administration whose support of the death penalty seems contrary to the good book.
I don't care what that book says about all that, I want people to THINK for themselves. Because I believe that TRUE moral values are valuing each and EVERY human being, whether they be gay or straight, black or white, rich or poor. In fact if they are disadvantaged, they should be lifted up. Isn't that in the bible?
The level of hypocrisy in this thinking baffles me. How can you be pro life, and anti-gay? How can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with the people in this article, and you would pray for any leader of our fine country.
See it is this stange disconnect between actions of some christians, such as saying the country would be cursed with Kerry as president, yet the book says to be loving and caring to all of your fellow man. Nevermind I can't explain what I am trying to say too well.
"I would caution you not to paint with too broad a brush when discussing Christians or evangelicals. You never know, they might be watching you."
What is this? What is the intent of this statement? I freely admit that this is not ALL evangelical christians that I am talking ahout, but, it is a good amount of them. And why are they watching me? Can't they live their own lives and not push the sh*t on me?
Oh sorry, ok that was off base. Anyways, I'm done for now