Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Pearl Harbor Day
Sorry folks blogger was down.
In case you all didn't know, today was Pearl Harbor Day. On this day in 1941 Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked by the Japanese setting off a chain of events that ultimately brought the United States into World War II, and one of the most grave situations in war in the history of this planet, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 2,403 people died on this day in 1941, one of the worst death tolls in American history on a single day, save the Battle of Antietam (Civil War), and September 11, 2001. So on this day we need to stop and look at history and think about where we are going.
Having said that. I want to share one article, to further respond to Republican Bud, who said that things in Iraq were going well.
Report: CIA chief paints bleak picture in Iraq
In case you all didn't know, today was Pearl Harbor Day. On this day in 1941 Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked by the Japanese setting off a chain of events that ultimately brought the United States into World War II, and one of the most grave situations in war in the history of this planet, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 2,403 people died on this day in 1941, one of the worst death tolls in American history on a single day, save the Battle of Antietam (Civil War), and September 11, 2001. So on this day we need to stop and look at history and think about where we are going.
Having said that. I want to share one article, to further respond to Republican Bud, who said that things in Iraq were going well.
Report: CIA chief paints bleak picture in Iraq
"The assessments are more pessimistic than the Bush administration's portrayal of the situation to the public, government officials told the newspaper.Yeah yeah I know, all these people are just making it up. They see the glass as half empty. Anyways, if we keep lying to ourselves, and pretending that everything is wonderful, then we are going to be in a world of trouble, this world is going to be in a world of trouble. As Senator Chafee said in my post yesterday, "We really need cold, hard facts and honesty".
The classified cable -- sent last month by the CIA's station chief in Baghdad, who is winding up a one-year tour of duty there -- painted a bleak picture of Iraq's politics, economics and security and reiterated briefings by a senior CIA official, according to the Times article."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:09 PM MST
On Thu Dec 09, 09:30:00 AM MST,
Anonymous said...

This is in response to a post by republican bud.
***Yes, it LOOKS bad when you listen to whiners like Chaffee.***
No, it LOOKS bad because it IS bad. Whether somebody whines about it or not, IT IS BAD. Nobody can be that naive to think this is a good situation being painted as a bad situation.
***Sept 11 proved that Thugs in far away lands cannot be left alone.***
You are absolutely correct on this one. Then why aren't we scouring the hills looking for Osama Bin Laden and his thugs???
***Maybe Saddam didn't send the 9/11 terrorists but he has been up to his neck in international terrorism for decades and it is time for him to go.***
Time for him to go? Isn't he already in custody(and gone)?
We got ourselves into one big F-ing mess and we got lead in by a President that didn't know what he was getting into AT ALL
President Bush says:
March 11: The war will be concluded "quickly and confidently."
March 23: The war "could be longer and more difficult than some have predicted."
March 25: "We cannot know the duration of this war, yet we know its outcome.
March 26: "The path we are taking is not easy, and it may be long. There will be a day of reckoning for the Iraqi regime, and that day is drawing near."
He did not know what he was getting into then and he does not know what he got us into now.
***Yes, it LOOKS bad when you listen to whiners like Chaffee.***
No, it LOOKS bad because it IS bad. Whether somebody whines about it or not, IT IS BAD. Nobody can be that naive to think this is a good situation being painted as a bad situation.
***Sept 11 proved that Thugs in far away lands cannot be left alone.***
You are absolutely correct on this one. Then why aren't we scouring the hills looking for Osama Bin Laden and his thugs???
***Maybe Saddam didn't send the 9/11 terrorists but he has been up to his neck in international terrorism for decades and it is time for him to go.***
Time for him to go? Isn't he already in custody(and gone)?
We got ourselves into one big F-ing mess and we got lead in by a President that didn't know what he was getting into AT ALL
President Bush says:
March 11: The war will be concluded "quickly and confidently."
March 23: The war "could be longer and more difficult than some have predicted."
March 25: "We cannot know the duration of this war, yet we know its outcome.
March 26: "The path we are taking is not easy, and it may be long. There will be a day of reckoning for the Iraqi regime, and that day is drawing near."
He did not know what he was getting into then and he does not know what he got us into now.