Monday, January 31, 2005
SS and $9 BILLION!
Well welcome to another week of Disconnected Rumblings. My critic is getting more testy. So this must be working. Remember the mission of this blog is to make the red staters see red!
Ok now on social security.
New Soc. Sec. Estimates More Optimistic
Now on to the $9 Billion!
Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq
I know, everything is fine. Well folks brace yourselves, the State of the Union speech is Wednesday! Hopefully not another Axis of Evil speech. I wait with bated breath!
Ok now on social security.
New Soc. Sec. Estimates More Optimistic
"The Social Security system will take in more money annually than it pays out in benefits until 2020, two years later than earlier estimated...Hmmm so it seems these estimates are just that ESTIMATES. Stop taking them as fact Republicans. I'm not saying they are wrong, and I'm not saying they are right. They are just estimates, that is all. Now stop scaring the crap out of everyone with doomsday scenarios which seem just like excuses to gut the system, and lets take a comprehensive look at the program and see what we can come up with.
Congress' budget analysts also estimated the program's trust funds will be depleted in 2052...
In both cases, the CBO estimates are more optimistic than the most recent projections made by the Social Security Board of Trustees. In the annual report it issued last March, the board said annual income would fall behind benefit payments beginning in 2018, and the trust funds would be empty in 2042."
"'Social Security does face problems down the road,' [House Democratic Leader Nancy] Pelosi said Monday in her joint appearance with [Sen. Harry] Reid. She added, though, 'We can solve the long-term challenge without dismantling Social Security, and without allowing this administration's false declaration of a crisis to justify a privatization that is unnecessary, unaffordable and unwise.'"Well said I believe. Bring on the dog[s]!
Now on to the $9 Billion!
Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq
"The U.S. occupation authority in Iraq was unable to keep track of nearly $9 billion it transferred to government ministries, which lacked financial controls, security, communications and adequate staff, an inspector general has found."Wait, what!? $9 billion is missing?! 9 BILLION?! I don't know what to say.
"The U.S. officials relied on Iraqi audit agencies to account for the funds but those offices were not even functioning when the funds were transferred between October 2003 and June 2004, according to an audit by a special U.S. inspector general."Wow talk about mismanagement! Funds given relying on auditing agencies that weren't even functioning. Yowsers!
"U.S. officials, the report said, 'did not establish or implement sufficient managerial, financial and contractural controls.' There was no way to verify that the money was used for its intended purposes of financing humanitarian needs, economic reconstruction, repair of facilities, disarmament and civil administration."Yeah I would say so. Is this $9 billion from our tax funds? Why aren't you republicans up in arms? I mean come on, you are always crowing about how our tax dollars are misused. Well stick to your principles. Be outraged. Prove to me that you aren't a bunch of hypocrites.
"Some of the transferred funds may have paid 'ghost' employees, the inspector general found.You know, I have always wondered if this chaos over there wasn't a good cover to siphon some money off the top. But I had NO idea it could be this much, possibly that came to that fate.
CPA staff learned that 8,206 guards were on the payroll at one ministry, but only 602 could be accounted for, the report said. At another ministry, U.S. officials found 1,417 guards on the payroll but could only confirm 642."
I know, everything is fine. Well folks brace yourselves, the State of the Union speech is Wednesday! Hopefully not another Axis of Evil speech. I wait with bated breath!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:21 PM MST
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Friday, January 28, 2005
The Payoffs
Well you know, for a bunch of people who always preach ethics, it is quite hilarious that now it has been revealed that a third columnist/commentator was paid to shill for the administration without revealing that payment.
Third Columnist Was Paid by Bush Agency
All that needs to be said is the following:
This is our VP at the 60th Anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Death Camp.
Dick Cheney, Dressing Down (
Until next week America!
Third Columnist Was Paid by Bush Agency
All that needs to be said is the following:
"Federal law bans the use of public money on propaganda."And then there is this.
This is our VP at the 60th Anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Death Camp.
Dick Cheney, Dressing Down (
"At yesterday's gathering of world leaders in southern Poland to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the United States was represented by Vice President Cheney. The ceremony at the Nazi death camp was outdoors, so those in attendance, such as French President Jacques Chirac and Russian President Vladimir Putin, were wearing dark, formal overcoats and dress shoes or boots. Because it was cold and snowing, they were also wearing gentlemen's hats. In short, they were dressed for the inclement weather as well as the sobriety and dignity of the event.What about the shoes? Surely he wore some nice shoes.
The vice president, however, was dressed in the kind of attire one typically wears to operate a snow blower."
"It is also worth mentioning that Cheney was wearing hiking boots -- thick, brown, lace-up ones."Oh, ok well I'm sure he dressed like he did at the similarly cold inauguration last week.
"Just last week, in a frigid, snow-dusted Washington, Cheney sat outside through the entire inauguration without so much as a hat and without suffering frostbite. And clearly, Cheney owns a proper overcoat. The world saw it during his swearing-in as vice president. Cheney treated that ceremony with the dignity it deserved -- not simply through his demeanor, but also through his attire."Oh. Well ok.
Until next week America!
posted by digitaljay @ 8:10 PM MST
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
...And Watch It Crumble
Ah I love to read stories like this. Not too long ago someone asked me why the Republicans should worry about pissing anybody off since they are in power and with an overwhelming majority. Well let me just say, that the cracks are becoming visible. Good luck my right-wing friends. Your days are numbered, sooner or later, and god I hope sooner.
It's My EPA and I'll Cry If I Want To
Down with the social fundamentalists!
It's My EPA and I'll Cry If I Want To
"...the book examines the 'rightward lurch' of the GOP under the Bush administration, which is causing a rift between moderate and hard-right Republicans along several fault lines, the environment chief among them. [Frmr. NJ Governor Christie] Whitman fears this rift could threaten the long-term viability of the Republican Party."Oh Nooooo!!!! That is terrible!
"Most revealing of all, perhaps, is her description of her appointment to serve on Dick Cheney's energy task force, 'an eye-opening encounter with just how obsessed so many of those in the energy industry, and in the Republican Party, have become with doing away with environmental regulation.'"Yeah see I KNEW that those crazy liberals were just making that sh*t up! The Republicans don't want to do away with environmental regulation. Nahh!
"'We stand at a historic juncture in American politics, a critical crossroads for both the Republican Party and for the nation.' She condemns the Bush administration for embracing 'social fundamentalism,' which she says wrongly tramples on the personal right of Republicans to be pro-choice, advocate stem-cell research, and support gay marriage. And she argues that right-wing ideology flouts the deeply rooted Republican ethos of conservation."Amen sister! Now down with the "social fundamentalists"!!
Down with the social fundamentalists!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:23 PM MST
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Rice Confirmed, shrub Press Conference?
Wow! shrub held a press conference. That is amazing! The man is scared sh*tless to hold press conferences, so I was stunned when I heard him start talking as I was getting ready this morning. The usual bullsh*t.
Man he looks silly in this pose.
Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Lowers Expectations
He said ridiculous things like some people are trying to strike fear in people by saying that nothing is wrong with Social Security. Uh hello?! That is one of the most ironic things I have heard the idiot say in awhile. It is you and your administration who are striking fear in people by telling them there is a crisis in social security! Jeez, unbelievable. What a dumbass.
Oh yeah and the lowering of expectations for the Iraqi election continues. Upon the press asking him what kind of voter turnout would be considered a successful Iraqi election. To which he replied, "The fact that they're voting in itself is successful".
Ok what else? Well the Rice has been confirmed.
Rice sworn in as secretary of state: "The [full Senate vote] tally, though one-sided at 85-13, was still the largest 'no' vote against any secretary of state nominee since 1825."
Now that is what I like to hear. At least a handful of Senators can stand up and vote no on this atrocious appointment. Well let the games begin!

Man he looks silly in this pose.
Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Lowers Expectations
He said ridiculous things like some people are trying to strike fear in people by saying that nothing is wrong with Social Security. Uh hello?! That is one of the most ironic things I have heard the idiot say in awhile. It is you and your administration who are striking fear in people by telling them there is a crisis in social security! Jeez, unbelievable. What a dumbass.
Oh yeah and the lowering of expectations for the Iraqi election continues. Upon the press asking him what kind of voter turnout would be considered a successful Iraqi election. To which he replied, "The fact that they're voting in itself is successful".
Ok what else? Well the Rice has been confirmed.
Rice sworn in as secretary of state: "The [full Senate vote] tally, though one-sided at 85-13, was still the largest 'no' vote against any secretary of state nominee since 1825."
Now that is what I like to hear. At least a handful of Senators can stand up and vote no on this atrocious appointment. Well let the games begin!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:31 PM MST
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Monday, January 24, 2005
The New Diplomacy
Well I read this, and it just makes me cringe a bit.
Bush Doctrine Is Expected to Get Chilly Reception
I know I am being a unreasonable liberal. Ha. Well this is not the way to strengthen relations with our neighbors. I know, tell me how the Canadians are worthless, blah blah. Ok yeah that works. Who cares about those spineless people to our north right? Anyways, someone is eventually going to have to try to repair this mess that shrub has created, and I rue the day.
"When President Bush flew to Canada in his first international trip following his reelection, the White House portrayed it as the beginning of a fence-mending tour to bring allies back into the fold after a tense first term. But after Bush left, the Canadians were more furious than before.Oh but the thing is what did he actually say to the Prime Minister of Canada?
They were stunned when Bush leaned across a table in a private meeting and lectured Prime Minister Paul Martin about opposing the U.S. missile defense system."
"...Bush aides steered the president away from speaking to Parliament, where he might have been heckled. Canadian officials said their U.S. counterparts assured them that Bush would not put Martin on the spot on his refusal to join the U.S. missile defense system.So you know this shows me how this man thinks. He just bullies his way through everything. And how do you push your agenda? You just say that it is for the defense of the United States, and there you go.
But Bush did confront Martin and used the sort of language that sets Canadians on edge. 'He leaned across the table and said, [I'm not taking this position, but some future president is going to say, Why are we paying to defend Canada?] ' said the senior Canadian official who was in the room and noted that he had been assured by Rice and Secretary of State Colin L. Powell personally that Bush would avoid the subject.
'Most of our side was trying to explain the politics, how it was difficult to do,' the official said. But Bush 'waved his hands and said, [I don't understand this. Are you saying that if you got up and said this is necessary for the defense of Canada it wouldn't be accepted?] ' "
I know I am being a unreasonable liberal. Ha. Well this is not the way to strengthen relations with our neighbors. I know, tell me how the Canadians are worthless, blah blah. Ok yeah that works. Who cares about those spineless people to our north right? Anyways, someone is eventually going to have to try to repair this mess that shrub has created, and I rue the day.
posted by digitaljay @ 7:50 PM MST
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Johnny Freedomseed

posted by digitaljay @ 1:38 PM MST
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Post-Inaugural Thoughts
Ok, I know this may come as a shock to you, but I agree with shrub's speech yesterday.
In principle that is. But the thing is I don't think it will be followed up by real across the board action. For the full transcript of the speech go here.
I mean the United States should stop supporting and or allying with nations that do not support human rights, or are brutal dictatorships, or the like. But I do not foresee shrub cutting ties with the Saudis, I just don't see it.
China would fit this description, yet we have very liberalized relations with China. Or how about Pakistan, yes Pakistan, our "ally" in the war in Afghanistan. See the thing is we would have to do this across the board, and completely. We cannot say what we mean and do what we don't say.
When the United States says they are going to do something we need the rest of the world to know that we WILL do what we say. And even though the spinmeisters and the Karl Roves tell you that that is what shrub does, and that is why he is so great, it simply isn't true.
I know, I know, the world is complicated. You are right, the world IS complicated, so then why give a speech that was so idealistic so as to mean almost nothing?
Why? Because when the history books 100 years from now look back at this Inaugural Address, they will write of the bold George W. Bush, who set out to change the world. What the history books will fail to record is just how successfully that was accomplished.
In principle that is. But the thing is I don't think it will be followed up by real across the board action. For the full transcript of the speech go here.
I mean the United States should stop supporting and or allying with nations that do not support human rights, or are brutal dictatorships, or the like. But I do not foresee shrub cutting ties with the Saudis, I just don't see it.
China would fit this description, yet we have very liberalized relations with China. Or how about Pakistan, yes Pakistan, our "ally" in the war in Afghanistan. See the thing is we would have to do this across the board, and completely. We cannot say what we mean and do what we don't say.
When the United States says they are going to do something we need the rest of the world to know that we WILL do what we say. And even though the spinmeisters and the Karl Roves tell you that that is what shrub does, and that is why he is so great, it simply isn't true.
I know, I know, the world is complicated. You are right, the world IS complicated, so then why give a speech that was so idealistic so as to mean almost nothing?
Why? Because when the history books 100 years from now look back at this Inaugural Address, they will write of the bold George W. Bush, who set out to change the world. What the history books will fail to record is just how successfully that was accomplished.
posted by digitaljay @ 2:11 PM MST
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Just a Thought

The Inauguration is happening right now as I write this. So I thought I would share what I read for a little enlightenment.
From: Alternet News Log
- $40 million: Cost of Bush inaugural ball festivities, not counting security costs.
- $2,000: Amount FDR spent on the inaugural in 1945…about $20,000 in today's dollars.
- $20,000: Cost of yellow roses purchased for inaugural festivities by D.C.'s Ritz Carlton.
- 200: Number of Humvees outfitted with top-of-the-line armor for troops in Iraq that could have been purchased with the amount of money blown on the inauguration.
- $10,000: Price of an inaugural package at the Fairmont Hotel, which includes a Beluga caviar and Dom Perignon reception, a chauffeured Rolls Royce and two actors posing as "faux" Secret Service agents, complete with black sunglasses and cufflink walkie-talkies.
- 400: Pounds of lobster provided for "inaugural feeding frenzy" at the exclusive Mandarin Oriental hotel.
- 3,000: Number of "Laura Bush Cowboy cookies" provided for "inaugural feeding frenzy" at the Mandarin hotel.
- $1: Amount per guest President Carter spent on snacks for guests at his inaugural parties. To stick to a tight budget, he served pretzels, peanuts, crackers and cheese and had cash bars.
- 22 million: Number of children in regions devastated by the tsunami who could have received vaccinations and preventive health care with the amount of money spent on the inauguration.
- 1,160,000: Number of girls who could be sent to school for a year in Afghanistan with the amount of money lavished on the inauguration.
- $15,000: The down payment to rent a fur coat paid by one gala attendee who didn't want the hassle of schlepping her own through the airport.
- $200,500: Price of a room package at D.C.'s Mandarin Oriental, including presidential suite, chauffeured Mercedes limo and outfits from Neiman Marcus.
- 2,500: Number of U.S. troops used to stand guard as President Bush takes his oath of office
- 26,000: Number of Kevlar vests for U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan that could be purchased for $40 million.
- $290: Bonus that could go to each American solider serving in Iraq, if inauguration funds were used for that purpose.
- $6.3 million: Amount contributed by the finance and investment industry, which works out to be 25 percent of all the money collected.
- $17 million: Amount of money the White House is forcing the cash-strapped city of Washington, D.C., to pony up for inauguration security.
- 9: Percentage of D.C. residents who voted for Bush in 2004.
- 66: Percentage of Americans who think this over-the-top inauguration should have been scaled back.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:03 AM MST
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Rice for Dinner
Well Rice got past the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and now will face the full senate for confirmation. The vote was 16-2. The dissenting Senators; Senator Barbara Boxer of California, and Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.
Senate Panel Votes 16-2 to Endorse Rice
Well tomorrow is the day. The big inauguration. The city of Washington D.C. is effectively shut down, and I hear there is snow all over the place. Hopefully all goes well tomorrow, and this won't mark the end of civilization.
I know, I know, stop being dramatic. OK
Senate Panel Votes 16-2 to Endorse Rice
"'We've[The Administration] had to make a lot of decisions, some of them good, some of them bad,' she[Rice] allowed in apparent response to sometimes forceful questioning about the Iraq war, terrorism planning and other subjects."At least she can admit that they DID make some mistakes. That has been one of the more annoying things about this stubborn administration.
Well tomorrow is the day. The big inauguration. The city of Washington D.C. is effectively shut down, and I hear there is snow all over the place. Hopefully all goes well tomorrow, and this won't mark the end of civilization.
I know, I know, stop being dramatic. OK
posted by digitaljay @ 9:49 PM MST
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Rice, and Oil for Food
Well Condi Rice took some questioning from the Senate today for the confirmation process to confirm her as the next Secretary of State.
Rice spars with Democrats in hearing
Other news: Man Faces Charges in Oil-for-Food Probe

Rice spars with Democrats in hearing
"'Your loyalty to your mission you were given overwhelmed your respect for the truth, and I don't say it lightly,' [Senator Barbara] Boxer said.Ah Boxer with the right hook! The credibility of Rice and this administration is suspect at best, after all of this Iraq war, WMDs, etc. I have serious reservations about whether it is best to give the keys to the State Department to this woman, when our diplomacy is already in the tank. But oh well.
'I have never, ever lost respect for the truth in service of anything,' Rice replied coolly. 'It is not my nature, it is not my character. And I would hope that we can have this conversation ... without impugning my credibility or my integrity.'"
"'The time for diplomacy is now,' she[Rice] said in a remark that appeared aimed at critics who accuse the administration of go-it-alone tactics.EXACTLY Joe Biden, EXACTLY!
That brought a sharp retort from the panel's senior Democrat, Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware: 'The time for diplomacy is long overdue.'"
Other news: Man Faces Charges in Oil-for-Food Probe
"An Iraqi-American businessman, accused of pocketing millions of dollars through the U.N. oil-for-food program with Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to acting as an illegal agent of Saddam Hussein's government.More to come I'm sure. Get them all, I bet some will lead to people you wouldn't expect, or maybe you would.
Samir A.. Vincent, 64, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Annandale, Va., is the first person to be charged in the Justice Department's investigation of the program, which U.N. audits have shown was badly mismanaged."
posted by digitaljay @ 9:03 PM MST
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Well, its Monday and I am back in the swing of things again. Another week is in front of me. Anyways what is in the news?
Seymour M. Hersh | The Coming Wars
When I heard this I was honestly surprised. At this point in our current affairs, I really didn't think we would possibly be planning an attack on Iran. I don't know if this is true, but if it is, then it brings our foreign policy to a whole new dimension. Listen to this quote from the article.
Consolidation of power is a bad thing for a democracy, and I really do believe that that is what this administration wants. Ok now back onto Iran; if this is more than just planning, and I will admit that I did not read this full article (its damn long! I will try to read it tomorrow), then I question whether this would pull our country just too thin.
I don't know, I really don't think this administration knows what it is doing, and I am truly scared for our country.
Seymour M. Hersh | The Coming Wars
When I heard this I was honestly surprised. At this point in our current affairs, I really didn't think we would possibly be planning an attack on Iran. I don't know if this is true, but if it is, then it brings our foreign policy to a whole new dimension. Listen to this quote from the article.
"George W. Bushs reelection was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-security advisers have consolidated control over the military and intelligence communities strategic analyses and covert operations to a degree unmatched since the rise of the post-Second World War national-security state. Bush has an aggressive and ambitious agenda for using that control-against the mullahs in Iran and against targets in the ongoing war on terrorismduring his second term. The C.I.A. will continue to be downgraded, and the agency will increasingly serve, as one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon put it, as 'facilitators' of policy emanating from President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. This process is well under way."Wow! What to even say! This is exactly what my fears have been for the past 4 years. And maybe I am just some crazy liberal overreacting, and maybe Seymour M. Hersh is too. But folks we need to think about the possibility that this IS happening.
Consolidation of power is a bad thing for a democracy, and I really do believe that that is what this administration wants. Ok now back onto Iran; if this is more than just planning, and I will admit that I did not read this full article (its damn long! I will try to read it tomorrow), then I question whether this would pull our country just too thin.
I don't know, I really don't think this administration knows what it is doing, and I am truly scared for our country.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:02 PM MST
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
The New News
Ah, caught red handed! I know it is old news now, but Conservative Commentator Armstrong Williams took nearly $250,000 to say nice things about shrub's No Child Left Behind Act during his commentary.
Senators Request Education Dept. Records
And moreover the Education Department made a fake news story including an actor pretending to be an actual news reporter, to tout the No Child Left Behind Act.
Oh by the way paying the commentator to say nice things in his public commentary, without disclosing this is illegal.
Shrub had this to say,
Ok I am too tired to write a real post. Sorry, that is enough tonight. I'll write something better tomorrow.
Senators Request Education Dept. Records
And moreover the Education Department made a fake news story including an actor pretending to be an actual news reporter, to tout the No Child Left Behind Act.
Oh by the way paying the commentator to say nice things in his public commentary, without disclosing this is illegal.
Shrub had this to say,
" In an interview published Thursday night on USA Today's Web site, President Bush said, 'The Cabinet needs to take a good look and make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again.'"Riiiiight, like he had no idea that this was happening.
Ok I am too tired to write a real post. Sorry, that is enough tonight. I'll write something better tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:11 PM MST
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Iraq, and the WMD Mirage Saloon
Well surprise surprise!
White House: Iraq Weapons Search Is Over
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
See now, don't you feel better? Weapons of what? Weapons of who? Oh Oh!
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
Wake up America, we are being manipulated. I just can't understand it. How are so many of us just turning a blind eye? My GOD! Our people are dying over there! What are we doing?
Go after Al Quada!!!! Destroy them! This Iraq debacle is a horrible horrible stain on the history of this great country.
Oh and after Iraq interim Prime Minister Allawi says that voting will be impossible in 4 provinces of Iraq, all of a sudden the White House is singing a different tune about the upcoming Iraqi election.
White House Expects Imperfect Iraq Vote
Riiiight, ok, this after talking about how important this election will be to the Iraqi people, how this will be a turning point, etc. Its all spin folks, no one is telling us the truth.
White House: Iraq Weapons Search Is Over
"The White House acknowledged Wednesday that its hunt for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction - a two-year search costing millions of dollars - has closed down without finding the stockpiles that President Bush cited as a justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein."I know, I know, get over it right? Saddam was bad, he deserved to be removed, ignore the fact that we lied to you. Ignore the fact that our credibility in the world has gone to sh*t! Repeat after me....
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
See now, don't you feel better? Weapons of what? Weapons of who? Oh Oh!
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
"Saddam was BAAADDD, Saddam had to Go."
Wake up America, we are being manipulated. I just can't understand it. How are so many of us just turning a blind eye? My GOD! Our people are dying over there! What are we doing?
Go after Al Quada!!!! Destroy them! This Iraq debacle is a horrible horrible stain on the history of this great country.
Oh and after Iraq interim Prime Minister Allawi says that voting will be impossible in 4 provinces of Iraq, all of a sudden the White House is singing a different tune about the upcoming Iraqi election.
White House Expects Imperfect Iraq Vote
"The White House sought Wednesday to lower expectations for Iraq's elections, suggesting that there could be little or no voting in the most unstable provinces and that polling is likely to be disrupted in places by violence."And then White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan says this is just, "one of three elections that will take place over the course of this year."
Riiiight, ok, this after talking about how important this election will be to the Iraqi people, how this will be a turning point, etc. Its all spin folks, no one is telling us the truth.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:11 PM MST
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Deaniacs Rejoice
Well Howard Dean announced today that he will seek the Democratic Chairmanship.
Dean to Seek Democratic Chairmanship
So now the power struggle begins between the DLC (the "moderates") and the Dean crowd (read: LIBERALS) for control of the Democratic Party. I tell you what, the Democratic Party needs SOMETHING. And I don't believe becoming more like Republicans is the answer.
So bring on the Social Security debate, because we are going to make you guys look like idiots!
Yes I am tossing threats. You know why Rep Bud? Because now that the Repubs are in power the more they screw up, and believe me, they will, the more they are going to go down in flames.
Bring on the matches!

Dean to Seek Democratic Chairmanship
So now the power struggle begins between the DLC (the "moderates") and the Dean crowd (read: LIBERALS) for control of the Democratic Party. I tell you what, the Democratic Party needs SOMETHING. And I don't believe becoming more like Republicans is the answer.
So bring on the Social Security debate, because we are going to make you guys look like idiots!
Yes I am tossing threats. You know why Rep Bud? Because now that the Repubs are in power the more they screw up, and believe me, they will, the more they are going to go down in flames.
Bring on the matches!

posted by digitaljay @ 10:39 PM MST
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Abbas Is In!

Abbas Wins Palestinian Vote in Landslide
Now we'll see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed. More to come tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:18 PM MST
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Thursday, January 06, 2005
One More Day
Ok one more day until this LOOOOOONG week is over! Today Senator Barbara Boxer joined the Conyers and Tubbs Jones electoral challenge.
Caption(from TRUTHOUT):When Vice President Dick Cheney called her name to ratify President Bush's election, Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio, far right, rose and challenged the vote. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times)
Congress Formally OKs Bush Election
And yes the link title says that the election was formally accepted. After the challenge was brought upon the Ohio electoral vote tally, both houses of Congress had a debate.
More tomorrow, I promise.

Caption(from TRUTHOUT):When Vice President Dick Cheney called her name to ratify President Bush's election, Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio, far right, rose and challenged the vote. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times)
Congress Formally OKs Bush Election
And yes the link title says that the election was formally accepted. After the challenge was brought upon the Ohio electoral vote tally, both houses of Congress had a debate.
"In a drama that was historic if not suspenseful, Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, and Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., formally protested that the Ohio votes 'were not, under all known circumstances, regularly given.' That, by law, required the House and Senate to convene separately and debate the Ohio irregularities."Check out the hearings on
More tomorrow, I promise.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:01 PM MST
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Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Humpty Dumpty
Got through the middle of the week again, only two more days to go. So what's happening?
E-Mail Advises Bush on Social Security
My friend Summer, who works part time at Crate & Barrel in D.C. helped Barack Obama pick out a table tonight. She just called me to tell me. Pretty cool. He is really a star in the Senate and I think he will be a great President one day. Hopefully he will sign on to Rep. Conyers challenge of tomorrow's certification of the election.
Dem Lays Out Case Against Bush's Ohio Win
Not because I think it will change anything, but because it needs to be addressed.
Oh and don't forget, Roberto Gonzales's confirmation hearing is tomorrow.
Gonzales Promises Non-Torture Policy
Ok that's it.
E-Mail Advises Bush on Social Security
"The success of President Bush's push to remake Social Security depends on convincing the public that the system is 'heading for an iceberg,' according to a White House strategy e-mail that makes the case for cutting benefits promised for the future.Yeah, I think we need to take the politics out of this and figure out what needs to be done to keep this program going. The idea here should not be to begin to dismantle the 'New Deal'. If you conservatives keep this up you are going to get slapped back soon. You have been warned.
Calling the effort 'one of the most important conservative undertakings of modern times,' Karl Rove deputy Peter Wehner says in the e-mail that 'the Social Security battle is one we can win.' Doing so would advance the idea of limited government and could transform the nation's political landscape, he said."

My friend Summer, who works part time at Crate & Barrel in D.C. helped Barack Obama pick out a table tonight. She just called me to tell me. Pretty cool. He is really a star in the Senate and I think he will be a great President one day. Hopefully he will sign on to Rep. Conyers challenge of tomorrow's certification of the election.
Dem Lays Out Case Against Bush's Ohio Win
Not because I think it will change anything, but because it needs to be addressed.
Oh and don't forget, Roberto Gonzales's confirmation hearing is tomorrow.
Gonzales Promises Non-Torture Policy
"Attorney General nominee Alberto Gonzales is promising senators that he will abide by treaties prohibiting the torture of prisoners, despite deriding the restraints as relics in 2002."Oh that is great news.
Ok that's it.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:47 PM MST
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Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Those Damn Activist Judges!
Well just when I think all is lost, some well known conservatives are saying some things I actually..... gasp!!!!...... like!
Rehnquist lashes out against bashers of `judicial activists'
Like I said, the Conservatives are very good at using these persuasive techniques to apply it to our political discourse, I could go on and on about this, but to call judges who rule against the opinions of conservatives 'activist judges' is a brilliant way to frame the issue with the prevailing opinion that these judges are doing something wrong, without even dealing with the actual issue. Ok I'll stop that now. Sorry.
Until next time America!
Rehnquist lashes out against bashers of `judicial activists'
"Ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist said in a report released Saturday that judges must be protected from political threats, including from conservative Republicans who maintain that 'judicial activists' should be impeached and removed from office."I have been saying for awhile now that when these conservatives call judges activist judges who make a ruling that conservatives don't agree with it is a load of crap! If not a sophisticated public discourse and persuasive technique.
"'The Constitution protects judicial independence not to benefit judges, but to promote the rule of law: Judges are expected to administer the law fairly, without regard to public reaction,' the chief justice, whose future on the bench is subject to wide speculation, said in his year-end report on the federal courts.Exactly, what these conservatives are doing, is undermining our judicial system, which I think is exactly what they want to do. They want the other branches to have all the power, whether it be the executive branch, if shrub is doing the criticizing, or the legislative branch if it is those house and senate idiots.
The public, the news media and politicians certainly are free to criticize judges, Rehnquist said, but politicians cross the line when they try to punish or impeach those making rulings they do not agree with."
"House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas)"... ..."has repeatedly threatened to impeach liberal-leaning federal judges for their rulings, such as the ban on school-sponsored prayers.Thank you. And coming from an old Conservative stalwart, I think is vindicating for my opinion on this.
'A judge's judicial acts may not serve as a basis for impeachment. Any other rule would destroy judicial independence,' Rehnquist said. 'Instead of trying to apply the law fairly, regardless of public opinion, judges would be concerned about inflaming any group that might be able to muster the votes in Congress to impeach and convict them.'"
Like I said, the Conservatives are very good at using these persuasive techniques to apply it to our political discourse, I could go on and on about this, but to call judges who rule against the opinions of conservatives 'activist judges' is a brilliant way to frame the issue with the prevailing opinion that these judges are doing something wrong, without even dealing with the actual issue. Ok I'll stop that now. Sorry.
Until next time America!
posted by digitaljay @ 8:36 PM MST
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Monday, January 03, 2005
Working Together
Well after a long break from the blog, I'm back. I had a good Christmas with my Dad, and for New Years I went to Laughlin, Nevada and celebrated in one of the casinos. Had a good time. I hope you all had a good holiday and Happy New Year to all!
Now on with the show.
Bush, Clinton to Lead Tsunami Fund Raising
Now on with the show.

Bush, Clinton to Lead Tsunami Fund Raising
"President Bush enlisted two former presidents for an ambitious private fund-raising drive for victims of the deadly tsunami on Monday, asking Americans to open their wallets to help the millions left homeless, hungry and injured."I'm glad that both sides of the political aisle can put aside their differences, and come together to help the people of the world. This is really wonderful to see this happening during such a tragedy. Speaking of the Tsunami tragedy, if anyone would like to donate, and don't know where to donate, go here for a list.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:30 AM MST
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