Thursday, October 13, 2005
Keep 'em Coming
Delay is SOO going down.
DeLay's home, campaign phone records subpoenaed
Bush, Republicans, slumping in polls
Yeah keep waving good bye,
worst president EVER!
DeLay's home, campaign phone records subpoenaed
"A Texas prosecutor on Thursday subpoenaed former House Republican leader Tom DeLay's home and campaign office telephone records in his investigation of possibly illegal campaign contributions, DeLay's lawyer said."Oh and it looks like you "political capital" has been spent shrub. You are crashing and burning.
Bush, Republicans, slumping in polls
"US President George W. Bush struggled in the face of worsening opinion polls, including one survey that for the first time found a plurality of Americans think he will be viewed as a failed leader.
In a new study by the non-partisan Pew Research Center, 41 percent said that Bush would be an unsuccessful president, up from 27 percent in January and the most expressing that view since he took office in January 2001."

Yeah keep waving good bye,
worst president EVER!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:37 PM MST