Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Ah The Ethical Republicans!
Oh yes, its so nice to see that the folks who constantly claim to have an exclusive hold on moral values, and ethical conduct, have gone and done this.
House GOP Changes Rules to Protect DeLay
House GOP Changes Rules to Protect DeLay

"House Republicans approved a party rules change Wednesday that could allow Majority leader Tom DeLay to retain his leadership post if he is indicted by a Texas grand jury on state political corruption charges."Oh yeah this is great.
" 'If they make this rules change, Republicans will confirm yet again that they simply do not care if their leaders are ethical. If Republicans believe that an indicted member should be allowed to hold a top leadership position in the House of Representatives, their arrogance is astonishing,' Pelosi said."What's really amazing is just how HYPOCRITICAL these people are. I mean I know I have said it before (check my early posts in July), but they really really are. Consider this:
"House Republicans in 1993 -- trying to underscore the ethics problems of Dan Rostenkowski (D-Ill.), then-chairman of the Ways and Means Committee -- adopted the rule that requires a party leader to surrender his or her post if indicted by any grand jury, federal or state."- from Daily KosAnyways, just my two cents for the day.
posted by digitaljay @ 3:09 PM MST