Thursday, December 16, 2004
Damn Republicans Leave Poor Rummy Alone!
Man they just won't leave this poor guy alone.
GOP lawmaker Collins joins Rumsfeld critics
Oh and there's even more! Republican Senator Chuck Hagel:
So I am glad that many Republican Senators and even more Democratic Senators agree with me, that Rummy needs to go.
Hello shrub. Pay attention you dunce!

GOP lawmaker Collins joins Rumsfeld critics
"'I am very concerned that it appears the Pentagon failed to do everything in its power to increase production' of the vehicles, Collins wrote."Oh and she went on to say.
"Collins also complained that the Army requested production of an additional 100 Humvees a month only after a soldier complained about the lack of necessary armor on trucks during a December 9 town hall meeting with Rumsfeld in Kuwait."Now Republican Bud said in a comment on an earlier post of mine, how,
"The Army HAS BEEN addressing this issue..."Doesn't seem to ring very true Rep Bud.
"Rumsfeld told the troops that shortages of armor did not stem from a lack of money but were 'a matter of physics.' The manufacturers of add-on armor are producing it as fast as humanly possible, he said.Hmmm, seems someone is not being completely honest. Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Two companies producing armor plating disputed that assertion and said they could produce as many as double the number of armor kits in a month."
Oh and there's even more! Republican Senator Chuck Hagel:
"U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska, said troops in Iraq 'deserved a far better answer than that flippant response.'Oh but WAIT there's even more.
'That might work in a newsroom where you can be cute with a television audience,' he told CNN this week, 'but not in a room where you're putting men and women in harm's way. I wonder what the parents thought.'"
"'I'm not a fan of Secretary Rumsfeld,' [Republican Senator] Lott told the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, according to the AP. 'I don't think he listens enough to his uniformed officers.'Granted I think Lott is a bigot, but I guess even bigots can be right sometimes.
The AP quoted him as saying, 'I would like to see a change in that slot in the next year or so. I'm not calling for his resignation, but I think we do need a change at some point.'"
So I am glad that many Republican Senators and even more Democratic Senators agree with me, that Rummy needs to go.
Hello shrub. Pay attention you dunce!

posted by digitaljay @ 9:05 PM MST