Thursday, July 28, 2005
Information Age
One of my main complaints with this administration is that they have been one of the most secretive administrations in modern history. And I don't like it. Our democracy is contingent on a transparent government. This administration has been working extensively to curtail any and all info from getting to the public. Except of course when it is a leak to smear someone who disagrees with your Iraq policy.
So anyways it was interesting to read this article, we'll see what happens.
Gonzales Urged to Rescind FOIA Rules
Ok I am tired, I don't much feel like writing anymore, have a good night.
So anyways it was interesting to read this article, we'll see what happens.
Gonzales Urged to Rescind FOIA Rules
"The Associated Press and other news organizations are encouraging Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to rescind a policy restricting public access to government information.Well let's do it. You want us to think that you aren't doing anything wrong behind the scenes? Then change your policy, so that we have access to find that out.
The change was put in place by Gonzales' predecessor, John Ashcroft, shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
'Where agencies were once encouraged to disclose unless disclosure would do harm, they are currently encouraged to withhold if there are legal grounds for doing so,' Tom Curley, AP president and chief executive officer, said in a letter to Gonzales. 'We think this change was a terrible mistake.'
In an AP interview this week, Gonzales said he would reconsider the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) guidance established by Ashcroft."
Ok I am tired, I don't much feel like writing anymore, have a good night.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:34 PM MST
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
File this under: HMMMM.
$1.5 Billion Giveaway Secretly Slipped into Energy Bill, Waxman Says
Nah probably not, its only $1.5 BILLION. Whatever.
$1.5 Billion Giveaway Secretly Slipped into Energy Bill, Waxman Says
"In a letter to Speaker Hastert, Rep. Waxman writes that after the energy legislation was closed to further amendment in the recently concluded conference, a $1.5 billion provision benefiting oil and gas companies, Halliburton, and Sugar Land, Texas, was mysteriously inserted in the text.Interesting. Read the whole article, I find it to be very interesting, I wonder if anyone will notice the abuse that some in power are now perpetrating on our legislative process.
On the merits, the subtitle [added text] is an indefensible giveaway to one of the most profitable industries in America [Big Oil]. The provision establishes a $1.5 billion fund, up to $550 million of which would be dedicated direct spending, which is not subject to the normal congressional appropriations process.
The subtitle appears to steer the administration of 75% of the $1.5 billion fund to a private consortium located in the district of Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Ordinarily, a large fund like this would be administered directly by the government. The subtitle, however, directs the Department to 'contract with a corporation that is constructed as a consortium.' The leading contender for this contract appears to be the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA) consortium, housed in the Texas Energy Center in Sugar Land, Texas. Halliburton is a member of RPSEA and sits on the board, as does Marathon Oil Company."
Nah probably not, its only $1.5 BILLION. Whatever.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:46 PM MST
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Quote Coincidence?
So I came across this story in the news.
Pentagon to probe reuse of anonymous quote
But wait a minute, lets take a look at the two quotes, for content, something which the mainstream media seems not to do with this story.
Don't you think it is interesting that this quote is the EXACT same language that shrub has used in many of his speeches, to a tee! I suppose it is just a coincidence that the quote is attributed to an anonymous source right?
Yeah that's it.
Folks we are being LIED to! They are using propaganda, and war pysch tactics on us at home! They are trying to convince us that Iraqis are taking the fight to the terrorists. Maybe some are, but why lie to us? It's not right, its an outrage!
But its ok, no one will notice. Under the radar, not to worry. The media is doing their job of not reporting the news to us.
Pentagon to probe reuse of anonymous quote
"The Pentagon will investigate the use of a quote from an anonymous Iraqi that was issued almost unaltered in a second news release referring to a separate incident, a spokesman said Tuesday.Ok so an interesting screw up right? They mistakenly pulled the wrong quote right?
The investigation will attempt to determine whether the quote was accurate in the first place and whether the military needs to change its procedures and take disciplinary action, said Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita."
But wait a minute, lets take a look at the two quotes, for content, something which the mainstream media seems not to do with this story.
"The military's July 13 release referred to an incident in which children were attacked: "'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the children and all of Iraq,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified. 'They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists.'""Then there is this one:
"The July 24 released referred to an attack in Iraqi security forces: "'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the ISF and all of Iraq. They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified.""So what do we notice about these quotes? Well except the obvious, they are identical, but what else? How about the end of the quote, the part where it says the line ..."I will now take the fight to the terrorists."?
Don't you think it is interesting that this quote is the EXACT same language that shrub has used in many of his speeches, to a tee! I suppose it is just a coincidence that the quote is attributed to an anonymous source right?
Yeah that's it.
Folks we are being LIED to! They are using propaganda, and war pysch tactics on us at home! They are trying to convince us that Iraqis are taking the fight to the terrorists. Maybe some are, but why lie to us? It's not right, its an outrage!
But its ok, no one will notice. Under the radar, not to worry. The media is doing their job of not reporting the news to us.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:18 PM MST
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Well I am back. I had a great week with my family here. But now back to reality. And reality SUCKS! Seriously today has been a terrible day. I don't really have the heart to write an actual post tonight. So in the meantime here:
Bush may bypass Senate and appoint Bolton to UN
Bush may bypass Senate and appoint Bolton to UN
"The White House signaled on Monday that President Bush may bypass the Senate and appoint John Bolton, his embattled nominee for U.N. ambassador, to the post temporarily as hope faded for a Senate vote on the nomination."Or you could appoint someone who is not so goddamn divisive! Like everything you do in this country, it must be divisive, exactly the opposite of what we need. You SUCK shrub! You SUCK!!!!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:42 PM MST
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Friday, July 15, 2005
So Long For a Bit
Ok this will probably be my last post for the next week, unless something big happens. We'll see. I have my family coming into town tomorrow, and I am going to be spending time with them, and will probably not feel the urge to write here. So to ALL my dear readers. Have a wonderful week, and I will talk to you soon.
But before I go, one last item.
AP Poll - Bush Tumbles to New Lows
shrub has fallen to a new low. His job approval rating has now reached only 42% (down from 43% in June) and his disapproval rating has risen to 56% (up from 55% in June).
Keep falling buddy. Keep falling.
But before I go, one last item.
AP Poll - Bush Tumbles to New Lows
shrub has fallen to a new low. His job approval rating has now reached only 42% (down from 43% in June) and his disapproval rating has risen to 56% (up from 55% in June).
Keep falling buddy. Keep falling.

posted by digitaljay @ 2:36 PM MST
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Not Enough
So I saw this in the news tonight.
Senate defeats more mass transit security funds
Here's hoping we find a way to address these weaknesses. Among many others we have, such as nuclear plants, chemical plants, ports, etc.
Senate defeats more mass transit security funds
"The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved $31 billion for airport, border and other domestic security next year after defeating efforts to significantly increase protection for American mass transit systems in the wake of last week's London bombings.Well what to say? The bureaucracy has struck again. It seems to me that mass transit is a major target. I would doubt that our next attack would be with airplanes again (knock on wood). Seems to me it would much more likely be mass transit. They seem to go for our weak spots, and I think at this point mass transit is much more of a weak spot than the airline industry.
While 53 of the Senate's 100 members backed the move to spend an additional $1.2 billion next year to shore up security for the nation's subways and buses, supporters needed 60 votes to prevail because the additional money would have exceeded the Senate's self-imposed spending caps."
Here's hoping we find a way to address these weaknesses. Among many others we have, such as nuclear plants, chemical plants, ports, etc.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:41 PM MST
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
It's a Good Start!

"Ex-WorldCom chief executive Bernard Ebbers was sentenced Wednesday to 25 years in prison for his role in orchestrating the biggest corporate fraud in the nation's history.It's a good start. These bastards need to pay for their crimes. And people who may be thinking of robbing hard working Americans maybe will think twice now that they know they don't have a free ride or leniant sentencing.
Ebbers was convicted in March of orchestrating an $11 billion accounting fraud at WorldCom that was the biggest in a wave of corporate scandals at Enron, Adelphia and other companies."
Before this a "white collar" crime would barely ever get much jail time, or even go to trial. No more!
We are going to clean up big business.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:20 AM MST
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Chew On This
...for awhile. I spent most of the night putting up a canopy in the backyard. So I don't really have time for a full blog post. So yeah chew on this for a bit.
Newsview: CIA Leak Probe Focuses on Rove
Newsview: CIA Leak Probe Focuses on Rove
"Karl Rove is known at the White House as 'the architect,' the strategist behind President Bush's political victories. Sometimes he's even called 'Bush's brain.' Now 'the leaker' may become his new nickname, and some wonder if the White House deputy chief of staff will survive.This should be interesting. I look forward to finding out more about this case, as the investigation ends. Ah yes folks, politics are fun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
The disclosure that Rove had discussed the role of CIA official Valerie Plame with Time reporter Matthew Cooper - even if not using her name - has presented a political dilemma for Bush, who previously pledged to fire anyone in his administration found to have been leaker in the case."
posted by digitaljay @ 11:21 PM MST
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Drawing Down, Maybe
Well this news broke recently. We will see what happens, but I think it is time.
U.S. May Begin Iraq Troop Drawdown in '06
U.S. May Begin Iraq Troop Drawdown in '06
"Major reductions in U.S. troop levels in Iraq next year appear increasingly likely, although Pentagon officials said Monday it is too early to predict the specific size and timing.I hope Iraq can handle security with less of our troops, but I agree that the presence of a large US troop contingency may be fueling the anti American and pro insurgency sentiment among many Iraqis. I think they will be able to step up and secure their nation more on their own. Although as I have said before, I don't think the security forces are being trained fast enough, but time will tell.
The Pentagon is eager to pull some of its 135,000 troops out of Iraq in 2006, partly because the counterinsurgency is stretching the Army and Marine Corps perilously thin as casualties mount and partly because officials believe the presence of a large U.S. force is generating tacit support for anti-American violence.
Bryan Whitman, a senior Pentagon spokesman, declined to comment directly on a leaked British military assessment that raises the possibility of drastically cutting British troop strength in Iraq by the end of next year as well as sharply cutting the overall number of U.S. and allied troops by the middle of next year to 66,000."
posted by digitaljay @ 6:34 PM MST
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Friday, July 08, 2005
The End... of the Week
Short post tonight, after my anniversary post. A little update, I talked to my friend Sue today. She is fine, she was on the tube much earlier than when things happened, and didn't ride the lines that were affected.
Now. One little tidbit.
Congress Likely to Restore Transit Funds
Alright I am tired. Have a good weekend everyone.
Now. One little tidbit.
Congress Likely to Restore Transit Funds
"Three weeks before London's bus and subway bombings, a Senate committee voted to slash spending on mass transit security in the United States, a decision sure to be reversed when Congress returns next week.Yeah good idea. This Homeland Security department needs to immediately become the most efficient department of our government. It is imperative. It is a must for the survival of our country. No money must be wasted, and all must be spent on exactly what it is intended for. Surely no cutting must take place.
At a minimum, the Senate will restore the $50 million cut, G. William Hoagland, top budget aide to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said Friday."
Alright I am tired. Have a good weekend everyone.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:13 PM MST
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Thursday, July 07, 2005
Happy Anniversary!

Well in case all my dear readers didn't know today is the one year anniversary of Disconnected Rumblings. It was one year ago today that I published my first post.
"Here I am againWell we all know how that ended up. Oh well the fight must go on. And that is why I continue to write here.
Nothing much to say. I have started a blog here, not sure if I am going to keep it or not. I might make one of my own, on my site; not sure. I wonder how this presidential race is going to shake out. I really think the democrats have a chance, but Bush/Cheney are very fierce.
Ralph Nader is quoted as saying that he would like Kerry to pick Edwards as VP because he thinks Edwards would work for the underprivileged in the whitehouse. Of course this is exactly what Nader's platform is. So here is my suggestion: Kerry should meet with Nader and tell him that he will make him the Surgeon General, or Health Minister in his Administration, should he win, if Nader agrees to throw his support behind the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Now I think that would get most of the Greens and Independents who are currently in the Nader camp, and that just might make the difference. ...Just a thought..... "
I planned a lavish celebration post today, but with the events in London I have decided to scale that back. First, in case you haven't heard yet, which I can't imagine,

"A series of bomb attacks on London's transport network has killed more than 30 people and injured about 700 others.This is terrible. I send my heartfelt condolences to the people of the United Kingdom, and especially to the people of London.
Three explosions on the Underground left 35 dead, two died in a blast on a bus and another died later in hospital."
I woke up this morning and immediately heard the terrible news. It took me a few moments, but I slowly realized that my friend Sue, who now lives in London, very well could have been on one of those trains. I initially brushed it off with disbelief, but then I felt a wave of worry crash over me. I quickly got out of bed, went to my computer to see if she was online. She was, and to my relief she had written me a message while I slept telling me that she was alright. I tried to write her back but I have not heard back from her. I hope she made it home alright.
So truly a tragic day. I really hope that we are doing everything we can to make our country safer from terrorist attack. I think we have a long way to go, and this is a reminder that we must quickly address our shortcomings. Things like inspecting ALL cargo going onto airplanes, like inspecting shipments arriving at our ports, protecting our nuclear and chemical plants, etc. We must address these things immediately.
Well back to Disconnected Rumblings one year anniversary. What has changed in this last year? Hmmm. Well the obvious, John Kerry lost. Republicans gained seats in the House and Senate. The media brought the life of Terri Schiavo to the nation's consciousness. We had a Supreme Court Justice step down. We had the situation in Iraq become more violent, but also a new government was born from free elections held in the last year.
Yes alot has happened. I intended to rip the Right wing today for this one year anniversary, but I don't think it is appropriate right now. So let me just say this.
The fight is still going, the fight is still worth it.
I will not give up, and neither should all of you.
Thanks to all for reading Disconnected Rumblings for the past year. Here's hoping for many more years to come.
Thank You.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:00 PM MST
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Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Hump Day Stew
Ah, it is almost upon us.
Ok so what's in the news?
Judge Jails Times Reporter Over Source
For now I will just say this. It's a shame that anyone is going to jail for this. But while I do support the press's right to protect their sources, and I do think that that is essential to have a watchdog press (however neutered that dog is now), but being shielded from contempt for not revealing their sources should be dependent on the case I think.
In this case, the outing of a undercover CIA agent who dealt with WMD proliferation is reason enough to force reporters who are involved in this federal crime to reveal their sources. But I digress.
Army gives $5 bln of work to Halliburton
Republicans want to speed up death penalty
And finally:
Bush Involved in Bike Crash in Scotland
I wonder if they use the term ass clown?
Ok so what's in the news?
Judge Jails Times Reporter Over Source
"New York Times reporter Judith Miller was jailed Wednesday for refusing to divulge a confidential source to a grand jury investigating the Bush administration's leak of an undercover CIA operative's name. Another reporter, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, agreed to talk and avoided jail."Well its getting all hot and heavy here. The rumours are swirling, and I think we will soon find out what some of the details are. I will talk about the rumours when they are more substantiated.

In this case, the outing of a undercover CIA agent who dealt with WMD proliferation is reason enough to force reporters who are involved in this federal crime to reveal their sources. But I digress.
Army gives $5 bln of work to Halliburton
"The U.S. military has signed on Halliburton to do nearly $5 billion in new work in Iraq under a giant logistics contract that has so far earned the Texas-based firm 9.1 billion, the Army said on Wednesday."Well that is great. Good for little old Halliburton, I mean they need a little help, I hear they aren't doing so good lately.
Republicans want to speed up death penalty
"Republicans in Congress have launched a new effort to speed up executions in the United States by limiting the ability of those sentenced to death to appeal to federal courts.I'm sorry this is just not right. We need to err on the side of caution when putting someone to death by state hands. The rate of overturning death sentences makes me quite uneasy as to whether any innocent people are being put to death. I think Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott says it best rather succinctly,
The 'Streamlined Procedures Act of 2005,' introduced into the House of Representatives by California Rep. Dan Lungren and in the Senate by Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl, would limit the ability of defendants facing the death sentence to have their cases reviewed by federal courts in what are known as habeas corpus appeals."
"'The House has been very supportive of anything that would strip the innocent of a fair hearing. This bill will ensure that more innocent people will be put to death,' he [Rep. Scott] said in a telephone interview."Bush says won't base court decision on abortion
"President Bush said on Wednesday he would not choose his Supreme Court candidate based on their position on specific issues such as abortion or gay marriage."Well good, glad to hear it. I'll believe it when I see it. Put up or shutup. Oh right he won, so he gets to just put anyone he wants on the Supreme Court with no advise and consent. Thanks for clearing that up for me Rep Bud.
And finally:
Bush Involved in Bike Crash in Scotland
"President Bush collided with a local police officer and fell during a bike ride on the grounds of the Gleneagles golf resort while attending a meeting of world leaders Wednesday."Wow, I'm sure the other G8 leaders had a good chuckle when shrub showed up to the meeting today.
I wonder if they use the term ass clown?

posted by digitaljay @ 9:18 PM MST
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Hilarious Picture of the Week

After this shot was taken Stan the Monkey hit a hole in one.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:13 AM MST
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005
My How Far We've Come
Ok Blogger just ate my entire post AGAIN! Absolutely ridiculous.
I came across this article.
US ready to recognize 'human' element in climate change
The scientific community has come to agreement that global warming very much has a "human element" to it. Let's get into the real world here.
This administration is burying its head in the sand when it comes to our environmental issues. Why? So that we can give the rich another tax cut, the military industrial complex another war reconstruction contract.
Besides who cares about protecting and preserving our little planet for our future generations? I mean we will all be dead then anyways, right?
Absolutely amazing.
More caviar, more truffles RIGHT AWAY!
I came across this article.
US ready to recognize 'human' element in climate change
"The United States is ready to admit at the Group of Eight summit this week that humans play a role in global warming, a top White House official said.I can't believe I am reading this sentence only five years or so after the Clinton Administration left office. An administration that was one of the most environmentally progressive administrations in modern history. I mean come ON! "We can accept language like that"?! Are you kidding me?!
'We can accept language like that,' national security adviser Stephen Hadley told reporters on President George W. Bush's airplane heading to Denmark."
The scientific community has come to agreement that global warming very much has a "human element" to it. Let's get into the real world here.
This administration is burying its head in the sand when it comes to our environmental issues. Why? So that we can give the rich another tax cut, the military industrial complex another war reconstruction contract.
Besides who cares about protecting and preserving our little planet for our future generations? I mean we will all be dead then anyways, right?
Absolutely amazing.
More caviar, more truffles RIGHT AWAY!

posted by digitaljay @ 5:52 PM MST
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Monday, July 04, 2005
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

posted by digitaljay @ 2:47 PM MST
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Friday, July 01, 2005
Let the Showdown Begin

O'Connor Retires From Court After 24 Years
"Sandra Day O'Connor stepped down unexpectedly from the Supreme Court on Friday, closing out a career as the first female justice and the anchor of a shaky majority for abortion rights.I fear this is going to get very ugly.
President Bush pledged to name a successor quickly as the costliest confirmation battle in history took shape."
This is one of the most important decisions for the direction of our country. The Supreme Court exercises increasing influence in our society, ie. the 2000 Presidential winner, the Eminent Domain ruling. And the future could bring a revist of Roe V. Wade.
Yes this is VERY important for ALL of us.
posted by digitaljay @ 8:02 PM MST
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