Wednesday, November 30, 2005
What a Speech
Wow what a great speech shrub gave today. In what was billed as a major Iraq policy speech, the idiot savant said NOTHING new. NOTHING. More of the same rosy crap.
"Everything is going well."
"Sure there are some kinks, but boy oh boy are things going well."
"Not to worry efforts are going so well."
Isn't it criminal to continue to mislead the citizens of this country about ACTUAL progress in Iraq? Isn't it about time we admitted that yes Shiite Muslims are actively executing Sunni Muslims? That contractors are randomly killing innocent Iraqi civilians. Video (Warning: disturbing)
Yeah this just makes me sick, that this bastard can keep sitting on his thrown and saying the same thing over and over again, oblivious to the real world. Problem is he is taking this country with him into this delusion.
Goddammit wake up America! It is NOT OK. We can't keep sleeping!
WAKE UP!!!!!
"Everything is going well."
"Sure there are some kinks, but boy oh boy are things going well."
"Not to worry efforts are going so well."
Isn't it criminal to continue to mislead the citizens of this country about ACTUAL progress in Iraq? Isn't it about time we admitted that yes Shiite Muslims are actively executing Sunni Muslims? That contractors are randomly killing innocent Iraqi civilians. Video (Warning: disturbing)
Yeah this just makes me sick, that this bastard can keep sitting on his thrown and saying the same thing over and over again, oblivious to the real world. Problem is he is taking this country with him into this delusion.
Goddammit wake up America! It is NOT OK. We can't keep sleeping!
WAKE UP!!!!!
posted by digitaljay @ 11:20 PM MST
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I'm Out
Wow, it finally happened. I am completely out of ideas to write about. Sorry my loyal readers. This has never happened before I swear. It's not you, it's me.
But wait, there is this hilarious item.
Bush says congressman taking bribes 'outrageous'
Anyways, I want a widescreen tv. Can I have one please?
But wait, there is this hilarious item.
Bush says congressman taking bribes 'outrageous'
"'Any member of Congress, Republican or Democrat, must take their office seriously and the ethics seriously,' Bush said to reporters during a trip to Texas."Oh wow, now that is some funny sh*t! shrub talking about ethics?! This man has about as much ethics as a mob boss. Come on! This administration is one of the most corrupt presidential administrations in U.S. history. Why are you making it so easy?
Anyways, I want a widescreen tv. Can I have one please?

posted by digitaljay @ 11:11 PM MST
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Another One Bites the Dust
Republican US Congressman pleads guilty to corruption charges
"A Republican US congressman resigned after pleading guilty to taking 2.4 million dollars in bribes in return from a military contractor to influence the award of defense deals."Oh isn't that nice. No no, this Republican party is not corrupt, come on.
"He admitted taking money from a military contractor in return for supporting the firm's drive to secure US Defense Department contracts. He also admitted charges of mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion for underreporting his income in 2004.Open seat. I think this should be an easy pick up for the Dems. Keep them indictments coming.
Cunningham, an eight-term congressman, decorated Vietnam War fighter pilot and a member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, announced he was resigning immediately from the House of Representatives.
'I'm resigning from the House of Representatives because I've compromised the trust of my constituents,' Cunningham told reporters outside court. 'The truth is I broke the law, concealed my conduct and disgraced my office."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:57 PM MST
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Our Justice System Is Crumbling
posted by digitaljay @ 2:19 PM MST
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving

posted by digitaljay @ 12:59 PM MST
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving Eve
Well its that time of year again. Time to eat too much turkey, drink too much wine, eat too many pieces of pie.
Its a time to give thanks for all that we have. Especially to give thanks that we live in this wonderful country that affords us all of these freedoms. We truly are all trailblazers in this world. Not very long ago most countries in the world didn't allow people to freely worship a god of their choosing, including NOT worshiping any god at all. It wasn't very long ago that other countries didn't allow their people to freely express themselves, to marry who they wanted, to live how they wanted.
Oh wait we, the true trailblazers for the world, are now actively working to prevent our citizens from being able to marry. We are so full of ourselves that we have the audacity to tell two people who are in love with each other, that no sorry, we have altered the state constitution to ban gay marriage.
It is WRONG! And all of you people who don't see that are wrong! This is not some cute issue to take sides on because you think that gay people are trying to take over the country. This is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue! How many times do I have to say this?
Don't you people see? The people who want to ban gay marriage are saying that they are better then gay people. That gay people do not deserve the same rights that they have. This folks is discrimination plain and simple. This IS history repeating itself, as much as you all don't want to admit it.
This is nearly the same issues that this country faced during the end of the civil rights movement. After the slaves had been freed for decades, there were still hundreds, if not thousands of laws on the books across these fine states, that continued to discriminate against African Americans. And even when most laws were abolished they were still faced with racism. They were not given loans that white people were given. They were not hired for jobs they were qualified for, simply because of the color of their skin.
Well guess what. This is the civil rights struggle of the 21st century. This is in the news today.
Battle intensifies over gay marriage in Massachusetts
Its a time to give thanks for all that we have. Especially to give thanks that we live in this wonderful country that affords us all of these freedoms. We truly are all trailblazers in this world. Not very long ago most countries in the world didn't allow people to freely worship a god of their choosing, including NOT worshiping any god at all. It wasn't very long ago that other countries didn't allow their people to freely express themselves, to marry who they wanted, to live how they wanted.
Oh wait we, the true trailblazers for the world, are now actively working to prevent our citizens from being able to marry. We are so full of ourselves that we have the audacity to tell two people who are in love with each other, that no sorry, we have altered the state constitution to ban gay marriage.
It is WRONG! And all of you people who don't see that are wrong! This is not some cute issue to take sides on because you think that gay people are trying to take over the country. This is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue! How many times do I have to say this?
Don't you people see? The people who want to ban gay marriage are saying that they are better then gay people. That gay people do not deserve the same rights that they have. This folks is discrimination plain and simple. This IS history repeating itself, as much as you all don't want to admit it.
This is nearly the same issues that this country faced during the end of the civil rights movement. After the slaves had been freed for decades, there were still hundreds, if not thousands of laws on the books across these fine states, that continued to discriminate against African Americans. And even when most laws were abolished they were still faced with racism. They were not given loans that white people were given. They were not hired for jobs they were qualified for, simply because of the color of their skin.
Well guess what. This is the civil rights struggle of the 21st century. This is in the news today.
Battle intensifies over gay marriage in Massachusetts
"A loose coalition of conservative and Christian groups seeking to ban same-sex marriage had to gather at least 65,825 signatures before state lawmakers could decide whether to put the question to a public referendum in 2008.Solid support it just makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy that these supposed religious and kind hearted people want to discriminate against their own.
On Wednesday, as a deadline passed to submit the signatures to town and city clerks who must check their authenticity, jubilant officials at the Massachusetts Family Institute and other conservatives announced they had found solid support."
"Texas this month became the 19th U.S. state to approve a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. But reflecting a mixed national mood, Maine voters this month rejected a conservative-backed proposal to repeal a gay-rights law."F**K YOU TEXAS! Go back to Mexico! But this part gives me hope for our future.
"An ABC/Washington Post poll in January found that 41 percent of American adults thought gay marriage and civil unions should be legal and 55 percent did not.So maybe, just maybe, when all of you hateful bastards die off we will finally live in a better society where each and every one of us will TRULY be equal.
But that poll also showed a conflicting view among people in the prime marrying ages of between 18 to 29 -- 55 percent of that group supported gay marriage and 42 percent did not."
posted by digitaljay @ 9:28 PM MST
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Friday, Vegas Bound!
Well the day is upon us! We will be on our way to Vegas in an hour or so.

I will post when we get back either on Tuesday night or Wednesday. Hopefully not too much will happen in the world of politics between now and then. Until then America have a good one.

I will post when we get back either on Tuesday night or Wednesday. Hopefully not too much will happen in the world of politics between now and then. Until then America have a good one.
posted by digitaljay @ 2:17 PM MST
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Thursday, T Minus 1
Ok we leave for Vegas tomorrow. I am mostly packed, but I wanted to write a quick post tonight before I hit my bed for the last night for 4 nights.
News came out today that the CIA leak investigation, is very much not over, as much as the White House wants it to be.
Fitzgerald Expected to Present Woodward Evidence To New Grand Jury
Anyways, I will post before I leave tomorrow. Have a good night.
News came out today that the CIA leak investigation, is very much not over, as much as the White House wants it to be.
Fitzgerald Expected to Present Woodward Evidence To New Grand Jury
"The White House now must brace itself for the possibility that Mr. Fitzgerald's probe, far from winding down, may have just gotten a second wind. Prosecutors deposed Mr. Woodward in anticipation of presenting that evidence to a new grand jury, according to a person familiar with the situation."Good, lets get the truth out here. I have much to say about Mr. Woodward, but I don't have enough time tonight.
Anyways, I will post before I leave tomorrow. Have a good night.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:36 PM MST
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Wednesday, T Minus 2
Well lots of things have happened this week, but I didn't get a chance to mention one thing last week. Last week the top execs of the nation's oil companies testified before congress. Well unlike when baseball stars of today and yesterday testified before congress about stuuuurroids in baseball, these top execs were NOT asked to testify under oath. Why you ask? Well maybe because of this:
Oil Chiefs Asked to Clarify Some Remarks
Our democracy is dead folks. And the people in power want to drag it out into the street and run it over again just to be sure. Keep your eyes open, things are going to get ugly.
Oil Chiefs Asked to Clarify Some Remarks
"The chief executives of five major oil companies were asked Wednesday to clarify their recent Senate testimony about the companies' involvement in Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force four years ago.Yeah New Mexico and New Jersey REPRESENT!! Oh ok back to the point. The point is why the hell were these people allowed to testify not under oath? Why? Because the republican congress was trying to protect them. Why? Because the oil industry is lining their pockets.
Sens. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., and Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., made the request in letters to the executives after a published report said officials from four of the companies visited the White House complex in early 2001 to discuss energy issues with task force staff members.
The White House has refused to disclose contacts with industry representatives concerning the task force deliberations.
When Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., asked last week during a hearing on oil industry profits whether any of the companies' representatives had participated in the task force, four of the executives said they did not and the fifth said he did not know."
Our democracy is dead folks. And the people in power want to drag it out into the street and run it over again just to be sure. Keep your eyes open, things are going to get ugly.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:39 PM MST
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Tuesday, T Minus 3
Well this from the Washington Times, not known for their journalistic independence, so take it for what it is worth.
Washington Times Reports Bush "Reclusive", "Feels Betrayed"
We are really screwed. My GOD people how did we vote this ass clown back into office?! My god!
Washington Times Reports Bush "Reclusive", "Feels Betrayed"
"The sources said Mr. Bush maintains daily contact with only four people: first lady Laura Bush, his mother, Barbara Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes. The sources also say that Mr. Bush has stopped talking with his father, except on family occasions."Um, has our president gone off the deep end? And isn't he the one with his finger on THE BUTTON? Is this not scary for anyone else? I mean we are talking about a president who was already isolated and not getting opinions from outside of his inner circle. Now he is basically talking to only one White House official? Oh MY, the yes ma'am herself. This lady doesn't know how to have an opinion.
We are really screwed. My GOD people how did we vote this ass clown back into office?! My god!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:31 PM MST
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Monday, T Minus 4
When Jimmy Carter talks about our country's current state, you better listen to what he has to say.
This isn't the real America
9/11 Panel Gives White House Mixed Review
Yeah with this idiot behind the wheel we have a long way to go.
This isn't the real America
"IN RECENT YEARS, I have become increasingly concerned by a host of radical government policies that now threaten many basic principles espoused by all previous administrations, Democratic and Republican.Just a preview, go and read the full commentary.
Regardless of the costs, there are determined efforts by top U.S. leaders to exert American imperial dominance throughout the world.
These revolutionary policies have been orchestrated by those who believe that our nation's tremendous power and influence should not be internationally constrained. Even with our troops involved in combat and America facing the threat of additional terrorist attacks, our declaration of 'You are either with us or against us!' has replaced the forming of alliances based on a clear comprehension of mutual interests, including the threat of terrorism."
9/11 Panel Gives White House Mixed Review
"Reviewing action on recommendations it made last year, the Sept. 11 commission on Monday criticized the Bush administration for not adopting standards for treatment of captured terror suspects.
Their review gave the administration the grade 'unfulfilled' on the commission's recommendation that the United States develop a common approach with friendly nations on the treatment of captured terror suspects. The commission also had suggested the Geneva Conventions on the law of armed conflict should be applied to military prisons and secret detention centers.
What the Bush administration still needs to do, the review said, is to adopt standards for terror suspects that are in accord with international law.
'These standards should cover the treatment of detainees held by all elements of the U.S. government,' the former commission members said.
And, they said, 'the United States should work with its allies to develop mutually acceptable standards for terrorist detention.'"

Yeah with this idiot behind the wheel we have a long way to go.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:49 PM MST
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
shrub Dishonest?
Well this is just surprising.
Poll: Most Americans Say Bush Not Honest
Poll: Most Americans Say Bush Not Honest
"Most Americans say they aren't impressed by the ethics and honesty of the Bush administration, already under scrutiny for its justifications for an unpopular war in Iraq and its role in the leak of a covert CIA officer's identity.Seriously you are the worst president. God why did you people vote this ass back into office?
Almost six in 10 - 57 percent - said they do not think the Bush administration has high ethical standards and the same portion says President Bush is not honest, an AP-Ipsos poll found."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:49 PM MST
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
White Phosphorus
Well there has been much talk in political circles in the last day about the U.S. Army's possible use of a substance called white phosphorus in operations in Iraq. This stuff apparently is nasty and can burn your skin and cause death rapidly. Apparently some civilians were found burned to death in Iraq.
U.S. used white phosphorous against Iraqi civilians, charges Italian TV
Daily Kos: US Army Admits Use of White Phosphorus as Weapon
Daily Kos: What I saw in Iraq with regards to White Phosphorus
Daily Kos: Melting the Skin Off of Children [GRAPHIC]
U.S. used white phosphorous against Iraqi civilians, charges Italian TV
"Italian state television aired a documentary on Tuesday alleging that the United States used white phosphorous shells 'in a massive and indiscriminate way' against civilians during the November 2004 offensive in Fallujah.The army initially denied it. Then this was found on Daily Kos:
The report said the shells were not used to illuminate enemy fighters at night, as the U.S. Government has said, but against civilians, and that it burned their flesh 'to the bone.'"
Daily Kos: US Army Admits Use of White Phosphorus as Weapon
"WP [i.e., white phosphorus rounds] proved to be an effective and versatile munition. We used it for screening missions at two breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes when we could not get effects on them with HE. We fired 'shake and bake' missions at the insurgents, using WP to flush them out and HE to take them out."Then I found THIS also on Daily Kos:
Daily Kos: What I saw in Iraq with regards to White Phosphorus
" I was with a Marine Corps unit on the outskirts of An Nasiriyah, Iraq in March 2003...And finally to sum up this scary development, I found this opinion piece, which may be too intense for some to read so I will simply leave this link.
A Marine Artillery battery was within 500 meters of our position and they were providing indirect fire support in support of ground operations occurring in and around An Nasiriyah. I recall them shooting at a target in a tree line, across the river, maybe 700-1000 meters to the east of our position. When the rounds were shot out, they seemed to explode over the target area. A dense white cloud rained down on the tree line and you could see some enemy vehicles attempt to flee the area. I knew from watching similar explosions in training exercises that the cloud raining down on the target area was a white phosphorus round. They shot about 5 of them from my recollection.
I recall thinking, 'Man, that is some evil stuff there.' Knowing what I know about Willy Pete, it would be a terrible way to die. White Phosphorus is supposed to be used to mark targets for aviation flying high over an objective area. And I know for a fact that no fixed-winged aviation was dropping ordnance in that area, it was too close to friendlies. I know this for a FACT..."
Daily Kos: Melting the Skin Off of Children [GRAPHIC]
posted by digitaljay @ 10:30 PM MST
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Election Day
Well today was election day in many places around the country. In Virginia they were voting for a governor to follow current Governor Mark Warner, a nice man, who I have met personally, and he might just run for president in 2008, we shall see. Well the good news is that the Democrat candidate for governor won.
Democrats Win Gov. Races in Va., N.J.
Oh yeah and my home state of New Jersey elected Democrat candidate Jon Corzine as their new governor.
Back to Virginia, there is this little bit I wanted to highlight of course.
Democrats Win Gov. Races in Va., N.J.
"Democrats swept both governors' races Tuesday, with Sen. Jon Corzine easily winning New Jersey and Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine taking Virginia despite a last-minute campaign push for his opponent from
President Bush."
Oh yeah and my home state of New Jersey elected Democrat candidate Jon Corzine as their new governor.
Back to Virginia, there is this little bit I wanted to highlight of course.
"Bush appeared at a Monday night rally with Kilgore  the first public campaign appearance with the president in a state that twice voted for Bush.Lets hope this small trend continues.
'There's no way to spin this than anything other than a major defeat for Republicans and for President Bush,' said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. 'This is a red state, he came in on Election Eve and he had no discernible effect. ... If anything, he may have cost Kilgore some votes.'"
posted by digitaljay @ 10:32 PM MST
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Monday, November 07, 2005
Bush Declares: 'We Do Not Torture'

You f**king bastard! You have the audacity to LIE to the face of each one of us on national TV! What you have done in our name, is shameful, and if you believe in hell then I think you and all the people who condoned this will be there. You make me SICK. The fact that most of us are just turning our head and avoiding these facts is shameful enough as well.
You sir, don't deserve any mercy. You trivialize all of these very serious matters. You aren't living in reality, I don't think you realize the consequences of your actions. You don't realize that the people you sent off to war will be scarred for life (the ones that make it back that is). You don't realize that by torturing these people, some who are innocent, that you have effectively made it all the more likely that our troops, our men and women when captured in future conflicts will face the same treatment.
The damage you have done to our country is immense, and much of it irreversible. And you have the repugnant fortitude to say to US, "We do not torture"?!
"President Bush on Monday defended U.S. interrogation practices and called the treatment of terrorism suspects lawful. 'We do not torture,' Bush declared in response to reports of secret CIA prisons overseas."Could have fooled me!

You f**king bastard! You have the audacity to LIE to the face of each one of us on national TV! What you have done in our name, is shameful, and if you believe in hell then I think you and all the people who condoned this will be there. You make me SICK. The fact that most of us are just turning our head and avoiding these facts is shameful enough as well.
You sir, don't deserve any mercy. You trivialize all of these very serious matters. You aren't living in reality, I don't think you realize the consequences of your actions. You don't realize that the people you sent off to war will be scarred for life (the ones that make it back that is). You don't realize that by torturing these people, some who are innocent, that you have effectively made it all the more likely that our troops, our men and women when captured in future conflicts will face the same treatment.
The damage you have done to our country is immense, and much of it irreversible. And you have the repugnant fortitude to say to US, "We do not torture"?!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:38 PM MST
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
Libby Pleads; shrub Slides
First up, the expected:
Libby Pleads Not Guilty in CIA Leak Case
Bush's Ratings Still Sink Over War, Court
Libby Pleads Not Guilty in CIA Leak Case
"Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff pleaded not guilty to a five-count felony indictment Thursday in the CIA leak case, signaling a protracted court battle that is sure to prolong debate about the White House's prewar use of intelligence on Iraq."So hopefully we can look forward to a court case with the Lord of Darkness in the stand. Maybe just maybe we will eventually learn the truth about what happened in the leaking of Valerie Plame's name. Ha ha, yeah we'll see.
Bush's Ratings Still Sink Over War, Court
"A new AP-Ipsos poll found Bush's approval rating was at 37 percent, compared with 39 percent a month ago. About 59 percent of those surveyed said they disapproved.Keep on sliding, sliding into obscurity.
The intensity of disapproval is the strongest to date, with 42 percent now saying they 'strongly disapprove' of how Bush is handling his job - twice as many as the 20 percent who said they 'strongly approve.'"
posted by digitaljay @ 6:50 PM MST
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005
CIA Secret Prisons
Oh this little tidbit today.
US on the defensive over reported secret CIA prisons
US on the defensive over reported secret CIA prisons
"The White House refused to confirm or deny that the CIA operates secret prisons, known as 'black sites,' for Al-Qaeda suspects in Eastern Europe and other places around the world."Um, not surprising, but what is happening in these secret prisons? Who knows?
"But former president Jimmy Carter denounced what he said was 'a profound and radical change in the basic policies or moral values of our country' in reaction to the report.Exactly. The slope is getting slippery.
'This is just one indication of what has been done under this administration to change the policies that have persisted all the way through our history,' said Carter, who championed human rights during his 1977-81 presidency."
posted by digitaljay @ 10:15 PM MST
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