Friday, October 29, 2004
Martin Sheen, and Ann Richards
Well I went to a rally for Kerry/Edwards and our local congressional candidate Richard Romero. Martin Sheen was the guest speaker.
Yes Martin Sheen, the "President" on the West Wing. He was very funny, and inspiring as well. Richard Romero then spoke and jabbed at shrub a little. Then a surprise guest came in, it was Ann Richards, the former Texas governor who was defeated by shrub when he became governor.
She was absolutely AWESOME! She had hilarious jokes and stories, and she also really ripped into shrub, like I have rarely heard. She is a great speaker, it was really wonderful to listen to her.
Linda Ronstadt was supposed to be there too, but apparently she didn't make it.
This weekend is big! We have to work hard to get out the vote. Leah and I will be doing just that (non-partisanly). Tomorrow we are going to Santa Fe to see Bill Clinton and Teresa Heinz Kerry. Should be fun. Have a good weekend.

Yes Martin Sheen, the "President" on the West Wing. He was very funny, and inspiring as well. Richard Romero then spoke and jabbed at shrub a little. Then a surprise guest came in, it was Ann Richards, the former Texas governor who was defeated by shrub when he became governor.

She was absolutely AWESOME! She had hilarious jokes and stories, and she also really ripped into shrub, like I have rarely heard. She is a great speaker, it was really wonderful to listen to her.
Linda Ronstadt was supposed to be there too, but apparently she didn't make it.
This weekend is big! We have to work hard to get out the vote. Leah and I will be doing just that (non-partisanly). Tomorrow we are going to Santa Fe to see Bill Clinton and Teresa Heinz Kerry. Should be fun. Have a good weekend.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:24 PM MST
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Few Days Left
Well only a few days left before E-Day. Have you all gotten out to vote? I hope so, or if you can't vote early, go out and vote on Tuesday, November 2nd.
Another day of back and forth over the missing explosives. Not good. I saw a report from a local TV station that showed some of the explosives in one of the bunkers.
video may be linked to missing explosives in Iraq
Notice the IAEA seal. These pictures were taken on April 18. They broke open the bunker with a chain cutter. And left the bunker unguarded. Then former weapons inspector David Kay on CNN tonight:
Another day of back and forth over the missing explosives. Not good. I saw a report from a local TV station that showed some of the explosives in one of the bunkers.
video may be linked to missing explosives in Iraq

Notice the IAEA seal. These pictures were taken on April 18. They broke open the bunker with a chain cutter. And left the bunker unguarded. Then former weapons inspector David Kay on CNN tonight:
"AB[Aaron Brown]: Was there anything else at the facility that would have been under IAEA seal?The answer is yes. Folks this is serious. This story is still developing.
DK[David Kay]: Absolutely nothing. It was the HMX, RDX, the two high explosives ...
AB: Let me ask you then, David, the question I asked Jamie. In regard to the dispute about whether that stuff was there when the Americans arrived, is it game, set, match? Is that part of the argument now over?"
posted by digitaljay @ 9:59 PM MST
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Voting Time!

Oh yeah and 58,000 absentee ballots are missing in Florida.
58,000 Absentee Ballots Missing in Florida
Unfortunately I have heard of reports of election problems from all over.
And then there is this:
t r u t h o u t - New Florida Vote Scandal Exposed
"A secret document obtained from inside Bush campaign headquarters in Florida suggests a plan - possibly in violation of US law - to disrupt voting in the state's African-American voting districts, a BBC Newsnight investigation reveals.Yep folks, it looks like election time is upon us.
Two e-mails, prepared for the executive director of the Bush campaign in Florida and the campaign's national research director in Washington DC, contain a 15-page so-called "caging list".
It lists 1,886 names and addresses of voters in predominantly black and traditionally Democrat areas of Jacksonville, Florida."
"In Jacksonville, to determine if Republicans were using the lists or other means of intimidating voters, we filmed a private detective filming every "early voter" - the majority of whom are black - from behind a vehicle with blacked-out windows.
The private detective claimed not to know who was paying for his all-day services.
On the scene, Democratic Congresswoman Corinne Brown said the surveillance operation was part of a campaign of intimidation tactics used by the Republican Party to intimate and scare off African American voters, almost all of whom are registered Democrats."
posted by digitaljay @ 11:15 PM MST
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Ah Our President!
posted by digitaljay @ 3:34 PM MST
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Kerry Rally, One Week Left

Ok I just got back from the Kerry rally here in Albuquerque. It was the 3rd time I have gone to a Kerry rally. I am just to the left of the picture above, you probably can't see me there, but I was there.
Anyways one week from today, and hopefully we will know who our next president will be. I am really tired. So that is all for tonight.
Get out and vote November 2nd or before.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:55 PM MST
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Need More Evidence...
...of the incompetence of this administration?
Well look no further.
t r u t h o u t - Massive Cache of Explosives Missing in Iraq
This is disgusting! How are they going to spin themselves out of this one? The reaction I hear is that, "well there were lots of sites we could have guarded all over Iraq". Uh.... did all of these sites have 380 TONS of explosive material?!?!?!?!?!!?!!! Please! Don't even try to spin this one, this is just terrible, and inexcusable. This is the height of incompetence!
Vote these bunch of idiots out of office!
We need a change! Vote John Kerry for President!
Well look no further.
t r u t h o u t - Massive Cache of Explosives Missing in Iraq
"Nearly 380 tons of explosives are missing from a site near Baghdad that was part of Saddam Hussein's dismantled atom bomb program but was never secured by the U.S. military, the United Nations said Monday."These explosives could be the very ones that are being used against our soldiers RIGHT NOW!!!
"...U.S. weapons experts feared the explosives could be used in bombing attacks against U.S. or Iraqi forces, which have come under increasing fire ahead of Iraq's elections due in January."
"A Western diplomat close to the IAEA, who declined to be named, said it was difficult to understand why the U.S. military had failed to secure the facility despite knowing how sensitive the site was."
"Vienna diplomats said the IAEA had cautioned the United States about the danger of the explosives before the war, and after the invasion it specifically told U.S. officials about the need to keep the them secured."
This is disgusting! How are they going to spin themselves out of this one? The reaction I hear is that, "well there were lots of sites we could have guarded all over Iraq". Uh.... did all of these sites have 380 TONS of explosive material?!?!?!?!?!!?!!! Please! Don't even try to spin this one, this is just terrible, and inexcusable. This is the height of incompetence!
Vote these bunch of idiots out of office!
We need a change! Vote John Kerry for President!
posted by digitaljay @ 3:37 PM MST
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Why Not Both?

posted by digitaljay @ 2:11 PM MST
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Want Another Reason?
College Tuitions Rise an Average of 10.5 Percent
If you can't read the article, basically College tuition rose 10.5% this year, and 13% last year, which was a record rise. Meanwhile the rate of inflation is only 2.5%.
Don't like extremely higher College tuition? Vote shrub out!
Tomorrow we go door to door trying to get people to go out to vote. Hopefully we are successful.
Have a good weekend.
If you can't read the article, basically College tuition rose 10.5% this year, and 13% last year, which was a record rise. Meanwhile the rate of inflation is only 2.5%.
Don't like extremely higher College tuition? Vote shrub out!
Tomorrow we go door to door trying to get people to go out to vote. Hopefully we are successful.
Have a good weekend.
posted by digitaljay @ 4:22 PM MST
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Post-war Planning Non-existent
From the Knight Ridder News Service: Here is an article which damns the Iraq post-war plan. Another longer article, but well worth it.
KR Washington Bureau | 10/17/2004 | Post-war planning non-existent
November 2nd folks.
KR Washington Bureau | 10/17/2004 | Post-war planning non-existent
"In March 2003, days before the start of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, American war planners and intelligence officials met at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina to review the Bush administration's plans to oust Saddam Hussein and implant democracy in Iraq.This disgusts me, I can't believe this administration sent our men and women into harms way without a plan after the capture of Baghdad! Unbelievable. We MUST vote these people OUT!!!!
Near the end of his presentation, an Army lieutenant colonel who was giving a briefing showed a slide describing the Pentagon's plans for rebuilding Iraq after the war, known in the planners' parlance as Phase 4-C. He was uncomfortable with his material - and for good reason.
The slide said: 'To Be Provided.'"
"'The possibility of the United States winning the war and losing the peace in Iraq is real and serious,' warned an Army War College report that was completed in February 2003, a month before the invasion. Without an 'overwhelming' effort to prepare for the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the report warned: 'The United States may find itself in a radically different world over the next few years, a world in which the threat of Saddam Hussein seems like a pale shadow of new problems of America's own making.'"
November 2nd folks.
posted by digitaljay @ 3:30 PM MST
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Nuff Said!

posted by digitaljay @ 3:10 PM MST
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Calling All Voters
I have agreed to become a precinct leader for the New Voters Project. As you may remember I volunteered with the non-partisan New Voters Project back in July to get young people registered to vote. Well that has morphed into a get out the vote mission.
I was asked to be a precinct leader for part of the city of Rio Rancho, which is where I work. My job is to contact 250 registered voters between the ages of 18-24 to make sure they intend to vote, and let them know where they can go to vote. Then we are supposed to follow up with them and see if they have voted. This involves calling people AND going door to door.
Yeah it's a big job to successfully contact 250 people in a week and a half. But I am going to try!
Here is a really good read.
t r u t h o u t - Bush Invasion Plan Ignored Potential for Violent Guerilla War
It is long, but it gives some insight into what happened in our war in Iraq.
Don't forget to get out and vote. Vote early if you can, and vote for John Kerry.
I was asked to be a precinct leader for part of the city of Rio Rancho, which is where I work. My job is to contact 250 registered voters between the ages of 18-24 to make sure they intend to vote, and let them know where they can go to vote. Then we are supposed to follow up with them and see if they have voted. This involves calling people AND going door to door.
Yeah it's a big job to successfully contact 250 people in a week and a half. But I am going to try!
Here is a really good read.
t r u t h o u t - Bush Invasion Plan Ignored Potential for Violent Guerilla War
It is long, but it gives some insight into what happened in our war in Iraq.
"To help bring stability and allow the Americans to exit, President Bush had reviewed a plan the day before[April 15, 2003] seeking four foreign divisions - including Arab and NATO troops - to take on peacekeeping duties.Further, the question of how an insurgency was allowed to get to the point that it is today.
As the Baghdad meeting drew to a close, the president in a teleconference congratulated the commanders on a job well done. Afterward, they posed for photos and puffed on victory cigars.
Within a few months, though, the Bush administration's optimistic assumptions had been upended. Many of the foreign troops never came. The Iraqi institutions expected to help run the country collapsed. The adversary that was supposed to have been shocked and awed into submission was reorganizing beyond the reach of overstretched American troops. "
"But many military officers and civilian officials who served in Iraq in the spring and summer of 2003 say the administration's miscalculations cost the United States valuable momentum - and enabled an insurgency that was in its early phases to intensify and spread."Ok, I'll stop, read the article. Really.
Don't forget to get out and vote. Vote early if you can, and vote for John Kerry.
posted by digitaljay @ 12:32 PM MST
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
CIA 9/11 Report Being Withheld!
The 9/11 secret in the CIA's back pocket
L.A. Times:
"Agency withholds damning report that points at senior officials"
This is potentially huge! Please read the article and pass it along to everyone you know!
L.A. Times:
"Agency withholds damning report that points at senior officials"
This is potentially huge! Please read the article and pass it along to everyone you know!
"The Bush administration is suppressing a CIA report on 9/11 until after the election, and this one names names. Although the report by the inspector general's office of the CIA was completed in June, it has not been made available to the congressional intelligence committees that mandated the study almost two years ago."We need to make alot of noise on this. If this report is there and it is being withheld so as to not damage shurb's election chances, then I want everyone to scream for its release.
posted by digitaljay @ 4:11 PM MST
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Monday, October 18, 2004
The Media, the Mess
Ok you all know that I have been pretty critical of the mainstream media on this blog. Well, I think it is with good reason. I REALLY think they have failed us. I am furious with the media, and apparently so is Jon Stewart.
Jon went on CNNs Crossfire on Friday and he ripped into them like nothing I have ever seen.
IFILM - Short Films: Jon Stewart's Brutal Exchange with CNN Host
PLEASE watch the video! It is amazing! He said everything that I have been thinking. It is brilliant! He says it with humour, and yet he is saying some really serious things.
Also check out the transcript, but really the way to see this is the video.
Jon Stewart on Crossfire [Media Matters for America]
Some choice quotes:
Anyways, tomorrow is exactly 2 weeks until the election. Get out there and vote folks. Vote early, get it done now, and avoid any problems on Election Day.
Ok you all know that I have been pretty critical of the mainstream media on this blog. Well, I think it is with good reason. I REALLY think they have failed us. I am furious with the media, and apparently so is Jon Stewart.

Jon went on CNNs Crossfire on Friday and he ripped into them like nothing I have ever seen.
IFILM - Short Films: Jon Stewart's Brutal Exchange with CNN Host
PLEASE watch the video! It is amazing! He said everything that I have been thinking. It is brilliant! He says it with humour, and yet he is saying some really serious things.
Also check out the transcript, but really the way to see this is the video.
Jon Stewart on Crossfire [Media Matters for America]
Some choice quotes:
"STEWART: I'm here to confront you, because we need help from the media and they're hurting us."Really good stuff! Tucker Carlson is an idiot and Jon completely made him into a chump.
"STEWART: You know, the interesting thing I have is, you have a responsibility to the public discourse, and you fail miserably.
CARLSON: You need to get a job at a journalism school, I think.
STEWART: You need to go to one.
The thing that I want to say is, when you have people on for just knee-jerk, reactionary talk...
CARLSON: Wait. I thought you were going to be funny. Come on. Be funny.
STEWART: No. No. I'm not going to be your monkey."
Anyways, tomorrow is exactly 2 weeks until the election. Get out there and vote folks. Vote early, get it done now, and avoid any problems on Election Day.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:31 PM MST
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Friday, October 15, 2004
I'm Sorry But...
...the media is blowing this Mary Cheney remark by Kerry in the final debate way out of proportion. I mean come on, what is with you guys?!! I have been ready to kick the sh*t out of you media, when you paid so much time to swift boat vets for shrub and what happened in Vietnam in general, instead of covering the SERIOUS issues that face our nation right now. Then the debates started and you actually straightened up and started covering the issues that we the people need to hear about to make the right decision. But now one comment by Kerry in a debate pointing out Cheney's daughter's sexual orientation, and you guys are off the deep end again.
Media, YOU ARE BROKEN!!!! You need to be fixed. You are no longer a watchdog for our government, you are a pawn, a political tool, and at the least a bottom feeder out to wallow in the bottom of the discourse.
Shame on you Media!!! Shame on you! Soon the time will come when you will be dealt with. Wake up America, you are being lied to!
Wake UP!!
Media, YOU ARE BROKEN!!!! You need to be fixed. You are no longer a watchdog for our government, you are a pawn, a political tool, and at the least a bottom feeder out to wallow in the bottom of the discourse.
Shame on you Media!!! Shame on you! Soon the time will come when you will be dealt with. Wake up America, you are being lied to!
Wake UP!!
posted by digitaljay @ 6:20 PM MST
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
WAKE UP!!!!!
Wake up America!! We are dying!! We have a president and an administration who are destroying this country on all fronts!!! You people are being played like fiddles. Tell me one good thing this president has done for this country?! He has ruined EVERYTHING!!! God, how many civilians have been killed in this Iraq war? 10,000? 20,000? 30,000? How many new Al Quida and terrorist recruits? 100,000? 200,000? Who knows! How many of our soldiers? 1,050? $450 BILLION deficit!!!! $2.7 TRILLION national debt?! Our children will be paying this debt for decades to come.
Why the hell would you vote to put this man back in office? Why?! We were attacked on September 11, 2001, that is true, and I understand that we all rallied around our president for national unity in the face of such great evil. BUT this does not mean that this man can do no wrong. In fact quite the opposite, he has seized on our tragedy and misused our trust, to wage an ill advised war in Iraq and put us in greater danger! This is unacceptable!!!!!
Folks we know after September 11th that we can no longer ignore the plight of the rest of the world. We must be engaged in the world. I implore you to find out all of the news from the sites I have linked on the left here, please do not rely on the mainstream media, CNN, FOXNews, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC soley. They are failing in their job to be the fourth estate of the government to provide oversight to our government. Like I have said before, they will be dealt with.
Ok I am sorry for that rant, I am just really angry, it is time for rhetoric to end and real thinking to begin!
Why the hell would you vote to put this man back in office? Why?! We were attacked on September 11, 2001, that is true, and I understand that we all rallied around our president for national unity in the face of such great evil. BUT this does not mean that this man can do no wrong. In fact quite the opposite, he has seized on our tragedy and misused our trust, to wage an ill advised war in Iraq and put us in greater danger! This is unacceptable!!!!!
Folks we know after September 11th that we can no longer ignore the plight of the rest of the world. We must be engaged in the world. I implore you to find out all of the news from the sites I have linked on the left here, please do not rely on the mainstream media, CNN, FOXNews, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC soley. They are failing in their job to be the fourth estate of the government to provide oversight to our government. Like I have said before, they will be dealt with.
Ok I am sorry for that rant, I am just really angry, it is time for rhetoric to end and real thinking to begin!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:37 PM MST
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I Don't Want to Say it But...
What does shrub look like in this picture?
It starts with an M and ends with a key.

It starts with an M and ends with a key.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:13 AM MST
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
The Final Debate
Well the final debate is over, and I have to say I think it was a draw. I hate to say it but I think the questions from the moderator were crappy. I didn't like the questions at all. Not a single question about stem cell research? Come on! How is your presidency affected by your faith? What the hell?! Let me just say that I believe that Bob Schieffer's personal relationship with shrub affected his questions. Have a look at this and see if you think that having Bob Schieffer as a moderator was not a good idea in the interest of fairness.
Schieffer's statements raise questions about ob ... [Media Matters for America]
Anyways I just thought questions like, "how come we are short on flu shots?", or "is Bush entirely to blame for loss of jobs?" Come on! That is like giving shrub an out! Ok enough on that.
If you missed the debate, here is the transcript.
Transcript: Bush, Kerry debate domestic policies - Oct 13, 2004
Well now the debates are over, we need to get out the vote folks! Oh wait a minute what is this?
t r u t h o u t - Democrat Registration Forms Trashed by RNC-Connected Firm
More to come tomorrow.
Schieffer's statements raise questions about ob ... [Media Matters for America]
Anyways I just thought questions like, "how come we are short on flu shots?", or "is Bush entirely to blame for loss of jobs?" Come on! That is like giving shrub an out! Ok enough on that.
If you missed the debate, here is the transcript.
Transcript: Bush, Kerry debate domestic policies - Oct 13, 2004
Well now the debates are over, we need to get out the vote folks! Oh wait a minute what is this?
t r u t h o u t - Democrat Registration Forms Trashed by RNC-Connected Firm
"Thee focus of the story is a private registration company called Voters Outreach of America, AKA America Votes.Even more unbelievable:
The out-of-state firm has been in Las Vegas for the past few months, registering voters. It employed up to 300 part-time workers and collected hundreds of registrations per day, but former employees of the company say that Voters Outreach of America only wanted Republican registrations.
Two former workers say they personally witnessed company supervisors rip up and trash registration forms signed by Democrats."
"The company has been largely, if not entirely funded, by the Republican National Committee."Heads, I want heads! Heads to roll!!!!!!!
More to come tomorrow.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:33 PM MST
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Sinclair, At It Again
Well you may remember Sinclair Broadcast Group back when they refused to air a Nightline episode in which Ted Koppel read all the names of the American soldiers who died in Iraq. Now they are ORDERING their 62 television stations to pre-empt their prime time programming to air an anti Kerry "documentary", without commercial interruption in the 10 days leading up to the election. They are calling this a "news event".
Well let me just say, when the uproar about not airing the Nightline episode happened earlier this year Sinclair had this to say:
Dems seek probes into Sinclair plan to air anti-Kerry film
Well in other news, as I promised, a little about the Michael Moore speech here in Albuquerque.
Well we got there early and got ok seats, but we were able to jump up pretty close after they removed some reserved seating. Michael Moore came out and gave a speech filled with humorous moments. He told us that his next movie will be about HMOs and that Phizer apparently sent out a memo saying to be on the lookout for a fat bearded guy. The memo also had a special number set up to report "sitings" of Moore near Phizer locations. He gave out the number to all of us, and told us to call and have some fun with Phizer.
Then things changed from his normal speech as some Nader supporter started screaming, interrupting the speech. At this point Michael Moore went OFF. He argued with this heckler for some 10 minutes, and you could tell how passionate this man is about his cause. No matter what you think about his politics, he definitely is VERY personally invested in it.
I signed up with MoveonPAC at the Michael Moore speech, and I actually went down to a meeting tonight. I signed up to help in the effort to remove shrub from office. I am looking forward to doing all I can to take back our country!
Well let me just say, when the uproar about not airing the Nightline episode happened earlier this year Sinclair had this to say:
"...we do not believe such political statements should be disguised as news content."Well well, now they are airing an overtly political statement and disguising it as news content. Absolutely amazing, how it stinks of hypocrisy, yet they don't seem to even mind. I am personally disgusted, but maybe I am rambling read the story if you want.
Dems seek probes into Sinclair plan to air anti-Kerry film
Well in other news, as I promised, a little about the Michael Moore speech here in Albuquerque.

Well we got there early and got ok seats, but we were able to jump up pretty close after they removed some reserved seating. Michael Moore came out and gave a speech filled with humorous moments. He told us that his next movie will be about HMOs and that Phizer apparently sent out a memo saying to be on the lookout for a fat bearded guy. The memo also had a special number set up to report "sitings" of Moore near Phizer locations. He gave out the number to all of us, and told us to call and have some fun with Phizer.
Then things changed from his normal speech as some Nader supporter started screaming, interrupting the speech. At this point Michael Moore went OFF. He argued with this heckler for some 10 minutes, and you could tell how passionate this man is about his cause. No matter what you think about his politics, he definitely is VERY personally invested in it.
I signed up with MoveonPAC at the Michael Moore speech, and I actually went down to a meeting tonight. I signed up to help in the effort to remove shrub from office. I am looking forward to doing all I can to take back our country!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:41 PM MST
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Another Week
Well another week is upon us folks. Yeah woo hoo! We went to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta on Sunday for the final day. It was fun to see all of the balloons take off all around us. We had some breakfast burritos and a cinnamon roll. It was pretty sweet, and then this happened.
The Smokey the Bear balloon got caught on a radio tower near the balloon field and we all watched, wondering the fate of the passengers in the balloon. We found out later that everyone was fine luckily, they were able to climb down the tower to safety.
So that was the excitement for our weekend. We also went to see Michael Moore here in Albuquerque on Sunday, I'll write a little more about that tomorrow hopefully.

The Smokey the Bear balloon got caught on a radio tower near the balloon field and we all watched, wondering the fate of the passengers in the balloon. We found out later that everyone was fine luckily, they were able to climb down the tower to safety.
So that was the excitement for our weekend. We also went to see Michael Moore here in Albuquerque on Sunday, I'll write a little more about that tomorrow hopefully.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:04 PM MST
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The World Thinks Iraq War Increased Terror

It's quite telling, I think that when asked whether the war in Iraq has increased terrorism, 52% in the US say yes, compared to 29% who say no. That is a HUGE margin, and proves that the PEOPLE of this great country do not believe shrub is prosecuting this "War on Terror" in the correct way.
And not to be left out, but take a look at Britain, 76% say increased terror, compared to 4% who say decreased terror!! Holy sh*t folks!
The will of the people will be heard on November 2nd!
posted by digitaljay @ 3:53 PM MST
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Friday, October 08, 2004
Presidential Debate, Round 2
Who won? Well I think John Kerry won. However I will give it to shrub, he did better than he did in the first debate, but that is a low bar indeed. He had a moment when he shouted down the moderator, Charlie Gibson, and threw his arms into the air and almost seemed like he was going to lose it. It was a Truman Show moment, where Jim Carrey stands in the middle of traffic, and twirls around, and says "No I'm not going to do what you think I am going to do!"
More damning for the prez, I think was when he was asked what were 3 mistakes that he could admit he had made as president, and he could NOT name ONE! That my friends is the sign of a weak president, who cannot admit a single mistake.
Kerry did much better in raw debate points. And shrub did better in not smirking and looking peeved. But the facts are still the facts, this president needs to go. Do you want more of the same? Or do you think we have suffered enough as a country and we need to try a new track? I believe the answer is overwhelming that we need a new direction, we need to regain our moral authority in the world, and we need to stop our bleeding here at home.
November 2nd is judgment day, will you all show up and fight? Please do!
More damning for the prez, I think was when he was asked what were 3 mistakes that he could admit he had made as president, and he could NOT name ONE! That my friends is the sign of a weak president, who cannot admit a single mistake.
Kerry did much better in raw debate points. And shrub did better in not smirking and looking peeved. But the facts are still the facts, this president needs to go. Do you want more of the same? Or do you think we have suffered enough as a country and we need to try a new track? I believe the answer is overwhelming that we need a new direction, we need to regain our moral authority in the world, and we need to stop our bleeding here at home.
November 2nd is judgment day, will you all show up and fight? Please do!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:03 PM MST
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Thursday, October 07, 2004
It's Good to Have Friends in High Places
Well well, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is admonished again by the Ethics committee AGAIN, twice in one WEEK! The third time overall.
Ethics Panel Rebukes DeLay Over Conduct
Well this man is lucky he has got friends in high places, like the House Ethics Committee. Now most Republicans are standing by the man and supporting him as majority leader, but I have to ask, and I WOULD ask if this were a Democrat, why the hell would this person still be the majority leader of the house after 3 ethics admonishments?! What kind of hypocrites are you for saying that you believe that politicians in Washington should be held up to the highest of moral standards(think Bill Clinton) and yet when one of your own, your own Majority Leader has been found to be unethical in conduct, you say, oh to hell with moral standards?!!
What a bunch of HYPOCRITICAL A**Holes!!!
What did DeLay himself have to say? (From dailykos)
Don't forget about the debate tomorrow! Let's see if shrub can beat cheney in the number of lies he will try to get away with telling to the American public.
Ethics Panel Rebukes DeLay Over Conduct
Well this man is lucky he has got friends in high places, like the House Ethics Committee. Now most Republicans are standing by the man and supporting him as majority leader, but I have to ask, and I WOULD ask if this were a Democrat, why the hell would this person still be the majority leader of the house after 3 ethics admonishments?! What kind of hypocrites are you for saying that you believe that politicians in Washington should be held up to the highest of moral standards(think Bill Clinton) and yet when one of your own, your own Majority Leader has been found to be unethical in conduct, you say, oh to hell with moral standards?!!
What a bunch of HYPOCRITICAL A**Holes!!!
What did DeLay himself have to say? (From dailykos)
" 'The Ethics Committee has done the right thing in dismissing Mr. Bell's embellished allegations with bipartisan unanimity,' said DeLay in a statement. After a meeting with several dozen House Republicans last night to shore up his support following the committee's announcement, DeLay declared, 'Admonishment doesn't even exist in the House rules.' "What an a**hole!
Don't forget about the debate tomorrow! Let's see if shrub can beat cheney in the number of lies he will try to get away with telling to the American public.
posted by digitaljay @ 4:16 PM MST
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Wednesday, October 06, 2004
WMDs and More Troops
Well, well, well. As Not so Anonymous mentioned in a comment below, today a U.S. report was released that found no evidence of Iraq weapons of mass destruction.
U.S. Report Finds No Evidence of Iraq WMD
What have we done?! When the judgment of history views us, what will they see? Unfortunately I don't think they will view our actions in a positive light. In fact I submit that history will record that we put our great country in extreme danger and near collapse with huge deficits and policies limiting freedom and liberty. We all need to seriously think about what we are doing.
NOW what did the former Coalition Provisional Authority leader Paul Bremer say recently?
US did not have enough troops in Iraq: Bremer
That link says it pretty clearly, but just in case, lets have a quote eh?
Can't wait for the debate on Friday, and Election Day on November 2nd! Don't forget to vote folks. Vote this terrible president out of office, he has made too many mistakes to be forgiven, even if he was our president during September 11th.
U.S. Report Finds No Evidence of Iraq WMD
"Contradicting the main argument for a war that has cost more than 1,000 American lives, the top U.S. arms inspector said Wednesday he found no evidence that Iraq produced any weapons of mass destruction after 1991. He also concluded that Saddam Hussein's capabilities to develop such weapon had dimmed - not grown - during a dozen years of sanctions before last year's U.S. invasion."Hmmmm. Ok folks, let the arguments begin. The fact is Saddam did not have WMDs, AND he was NOT a gathering threat, but quite the opposite in fact, he was being weakened by sanctions. It sickens me that our main reason for going to war was based on a lie! How can we command any moral authority anymore?
What have we done?! When the judgment of history views us, what will they see? Unfortunately I don't think they will view our actions in a positive light. In fact I submit that history will record that we put our great country in extreme danger and near collapse with huge deficits and policies limiting freedom and liberty. We all need to seriously think about what we are doing.
NOW what did the former Coalition Provisional Authority leader Paul Bremer say recently?
US did not have enough troops in Iraq: Bremer
That link says it pretty clearly, but just in case, lets have a quote eh?
" 'The single most important change -- the one thing that would have improved the situation -- would have been having more troops in Iraq at the beginning and throughout,' Bremer was quoted as saying.Oh my, oh my; things are not looking good for this administration.
'Although I raised this issue a number of times with our government, I should have been even more insistent,' he said."
Can't wait for the debate on Friday, and Election Day on November 2nd! Don't forget to vote folks. Vote this terrible president out of office, he has made too many mistakes to be forgiven, even if he was our president during September 11th.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:22 PM MST
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Tuesday, October 05, 2004
I LOVE the Blogs!!!
Just saw this on Dick Cheney made this big accusation against John Edwards tonight, saying:
NOTE!!!! This picture is from before tonight's debate!!!!!!!
How can you trust a man to be vice president who lies about something so petty to try to make his opponent look bad?
And now Yahoo News has picked up the story.
Yahoo! News - Meeting Was Not First for Cheney, Edwards
Update: Now CNN too!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Long live the BLOGS!!!!!
"Now, in my capacity as vice president, I am the president of Senate, the presiding officer. I'm up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they're in session.LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight."

NOTE!!!! This picture is from before tonight's debate!!!!!!!
How can you trust a man to be vice president who lies about something so petty to try to make his opponent look bad?
And now Yahoo News has picked up the story.
Yahoo! News - Meeting Was Not First for Cheney, Edwards
Update: Now CNN too!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Long live the BLOGS!!!!!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:35 PM MST
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The VP Debate

CPD: 2004 VP Debate Transcript
I have to say that I don't think anyone paid attention to this debate, in that case, Friday night is the next Presidential Debate, and hopefully everyone will watch.
Oh and by the way, what the hell were they thinking scheduling a debate on a Friday night?! Anyways maybe tomorrow I will address some of the issues raised in the debate, but right now I am tired.
Oh and also tomorrow, look out for some discussion about what Paul Bremer said recently about needing more troops in Iraq, among other things.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:32 PM MST
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Monday, October 04, 2004
Monday, Debate Tomorrow
Well its Monday AGAIN! Another week. Tomorrow is the Vice Presidential Debate. Should be fun. Well a bunch of those POS polls now have Kerry up or even with shrub. What is interesting is that the Gallup Poll, which I have been pretty annoyed with because their survey sample was disproportionately more Republican than Democrat, in the last poll by 11%. Well the newest poll from after the debate, now has a more correct proportion of Democrat and Republican, and now shows the race is tied NATIONALLY, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, at 49% each.
Well what else is going on? We went to see Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry
And I know what you are going to say, propaganda flick. Ah but it is not, it takes a look at the experiences of Vietnam veterans, who upon coming home from the war, realized that that war was wrong. These men had the COURAGE to not take the easy way out and go about their lives like everything was fine. They stood up and they made themselves heard!
Behind us in the theatre was a man who started to sob as we watched vets throw their medals over the fence, in protest of the war. He must have been a vet himself, but he sobbed through most of the latter part of the film. That made the movie even more powerful to me and Leah. I would highly recommend it. After watching the movie you will have greater understanding of why some veterans felt that John Kerry betrayed them, but I submit that he did not betray them at ALL, but rather the opposite, he SAVED them!
These vets came home and they were shunned by their country. It was not John Kerry who caused that, it was for this reason that John Kerry felt the need to speak out, to accuse the powers that were running this war, General Westmoreland, and others. To hold them accountable for what they had made our soldiers do.
Ok enough, please watch the debate tomorrow. And don't forget to register to vote if you haven't already. Most deadlines are here. And don't forget to vote on November 2nd.
Well what else is going on? We went to see Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry

Behind us in the theatre was a man who started to sob as we watched vets throw their medals over the fence, in protest of the war. He must have been a vet himself, but he sobbed through most of the latter part of the film. That made the movie even more powerful to me and Leah. I would highly recommend it. After watching the movie you will have greater understanding of why some veterans felt that John Kerry betrayed them, but I submit that he did not betray them at ALL, but rather the opposite, he SAVED them!
These vets came home and they were shunned by their country. It was not John Kerry who caused that, it was for this reason that John Kerry felt the need to speak out, to accuse the powers that were running this war, General Westmoreland, and others. To hold them accountable for what they had made our soldiers do.
Ok enough, please watch the debate tomorrow. And don't forget to register to vote if you haven't already. Most deadlines are here. And don't forget to vote on November 2nd.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:06 PM MST
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Friday, October 01, 2004
And the Winner is.....
John Kerry!!!!!
Folks John Kerry won last night's debate hands down. Even the republican operatives concede this. I can't tell you how satisfied I am with the results of this debate. Kerry came off as calm and cool, and Presidential. shrub came off as a shifty, agitated,distressed, and confused man. He made all sorts of faces while John Kerry was speaking.
It was really a gas to watch the split screen on C-SPAN, we were in stitches! The flash polls came in and they ALL gave John Kerry a huge advantage over shrub in who did better in the first debate. If you missed the debate, read the full transcript.
t r u t h o u t - Bush v. Kerry: The Full Debate Transcript
One review I read about the debate that said that shrub looked like a man who has always been surrounded by yes men, who always tell him he is doing a great job, and that he was really taken aback with the direct attacks by John Kerry, and that knocked him off his game.
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | It Was a Rout
Folks John Kerry won last night's debate hands down. Even the republican operatives concede this. I can't tell you how satisfied I am with the results of this debate. Kerry came off as calm and cool, and Presidential. shrub came off as a shifty, agitated,distressed, and confused man. He made all sorts of faces while John Kerry was speaking.

It was really a gas to watch the split screen on C-SPAN, we were in stitches! The flash polls came in and they ALL gave John Kerry a huge advantage over shrub in who did better in the first debate. If you missed the debate, read the full transcript.
t r u t h o u t - Bush v. Kerry: The Full Debate Transcript
One review I read about the debate that said that shrub looked like a man who has always been surrounded by yes men, who always tell him he is doing a great job, and that he was really taken aback with the direct attacks by John Kerry, and that knocked him off his game.
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | It Was a Rout
"This is what happens when you surround yourself with yes-men. John Kerry put the bricks to Bush and the last four years of his administration clearly, concisely, eloquently and with devastating effect. Bush reacted like a man who has never, ever had anyone tell him anything other than 'Good job, sir.' "
posted by digitaljay @ 5:51 PM MST
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