Tuesday, August 31, 2004
RNC convention - Day 1 recap

Caption(truthout.org): A crowd marched in New York
in the largest protest ever at a political convention.
(Photo: David L. Ryan / Boston Globe)
Well ladies and gents, I don't know what to say. I watched the prime time speeches of John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. What can I say? I know this is a sensitive issue to talk about this way, but I think they are exploiting the tragedy of September 11, 2001 to further the case to re-elect this president, and I think THAT is disgusting. I am not saying we should pretend like September 11th never happened, quite the opposite, BUT you have got to be careful that that event is not politicized in any way.

I think Rudy Giuliani was the biggest offender. Let me say, that I like Rudy Giuliani, I think overall he was a pretty good mayor of NYC (he served from 1994-2001, when I was living in NJ and all of my TV stations and news coverage was from NYC, so I know about his early years as mayor 1994-1997). He was magnificent in how he dealt with the tragedy of September 11th.
Giuliani 2004 Convention speech transcript
"For me, when I arrived there and I stood below the north tower and I looked up, and seeing the flames of hell emanating from those buildings, and realizing that what I was actually seeing was a human being on the 101st, 102nd floor, that was jumping out of the building, I stood there, it probably took five or six seconds, it seemed to me that it took 20 or 30 minutes, and I was stunned."As he was saying the beginning of this quote, I was thinking, "please don't talk about people jumping out of the building, because that would be over the line." And he not only did just that, but went even further to describe the length of time it took for these poor souls to reach the ground. Absolutely terrible, and inappropriate thing to talk about at a political convention.
"At the time, we believed that we would be attacked many more times that day and in the days that followed. Without really thinking, based on just emotion, spontaneous, I grabbed the arm of then-Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, and I said to him, "Bernie, thank God George Bush is our president."Now let me just say, that since I was very interested in Giuliani's point of view on the events of September 11th I read as many interviews and articles even written by Giuliani himself, about the events of that day. In NONE of those articles, or interviews did I EVER hear him mention that he grabbed the hand of the Police Commissioner and said "Thank God George Bush is our president" NEVER! If anyone can find it in articles before this speech, let me know.
I say it again tonight. I say it again tonight:
Thank God that George Bush is our president"...
And as if you couldn't more bluntly see the way the Republicans are trying to directly tie 9/11 to this president's re-election there it is in the last 4 sentences of that quote. "I say it again tonight: Thank God George Bush is our president" I just don't think this is something that should be permissible, I just don't.
Rudy also went on to hammer John Kerry on many issues, and at many times he distorted the record, and just continued the Republican rhetoric on John Kerry's record. Sad, that most of the speakers on the first day of the convention have spent more time trashing Kerry than talking about georgie shrub, or shhhh!! the economy or jobs. But none the less.

John McCain also spoke, although I do have to say that he did not hammer John Kerry, in fact he made a point to try to reach out and talk about Democrats in a fond light, which I appreciate. However, shame on you John McCain! I know that you dislike georgie shrub for the terrible things his campaign did against you in the 2000 primary race. And I believe the only reason you have agreed to be his shill now, is because you want to have the chance to run for president in 2008 or 2012 depending on what happens in this race. And you know that if you didn't support shrub for re-election that you would have no chance with the Republican party in 2008 or 2012. And it saddens me.
I am sorry but I have never been so disgusted at a Republican convention, granted, I didn't watch as intently in the past, but I did watch. I just want to say that all of you should think really hard inside yourself, about how your gut feels about this kind of tactic by the Republican party.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:40 AM MST
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Monday, August 30, 2004
Republican National Convention and Garden State
Well today is the start of the Republican National Convention. And I do want to point out that their major speakers are all moderate Republicans, unlike the party's new 2004 platform document, which so far is faaaaarrrrrr to the right, in, dare I say, an extremist point of view.
Conservatives Pull GOP Platform to Right
Anyways, tonight John McCain and Rudy Giuliani will speak in prime time. Hmm not two men who are known as very conservative men, especially on social issues. Anyways, just my two cents.
On another note, we went to see Garden State this weekend.
Wow! What a great movie. It REALLY moved me emotionally. Zach Braff(Scrubs) is an amazing talent! He wrote and directed this movie. And let me tell you that this movie was written exceptionally well. All the characters were SO rich, and fully realized. The acting was great. The camera work was magnificent. The story was really good. Not to give anything away, but the ending was the only part that I have a slight issue with, but by far, the movie overall was AWESOME! So splendid! It opens with brilliant visuals, Zach Braff in a sparse and completely white room laying like a zombie on his bed, not wanting to get up and go to work. It brings to mind his feelings of being blank inside, antiseptic and devoid of feeling. GREAT. Natalie Portman; PERFECT! Ok, ok I really should stop now. If you want to go to a movie, and you are a 20 something trying to figure out where you are going in your life, and how to overcome your past, see this movie!
How was that for a glowing review? Oh and a BEAUTIFUL soundtrack. Check it out!
Take a look at Zach Braff's blog as well.
Conservatives Pull GOP Platform to Right
Anyways, tonight John McCain and Rudy Giuliani will speak in prime time. Hmm not two men who are known as very conservative men, especially on social issues. Anyways, just my two cents.
On another note, we went to see Garden State this weekend.

Wow! What a great movie. It REALLY moved me emotionally. Zach Braff(Scrubs) is an amazing talent! He wrote and directed this movie. And let me tell you that this movie was written exceptionally well. All the characters were SO rich, and fully realized. The acting was great. The camera work was magnificent. The story was really good. Not to give anything away, but the ending was the only part that I have a slight issue with, but by far, the movie overall was AWESOME! So splendid! It opens with brilliant visuals, Zach Braff in a sparse and completely white room laying like a zombie on his bed, not wanting to get up and go to work. It brings to mind his feelings of being blank inside, antiseptic and devoid of feeling. GREAT. Natalie Portman; PERFECT! Ok, ok I really should stop now. If you want to go to a movie, and you are a 20 something trying to figure out where you are going in your life, and how to overcome your past, see this movie!
How was that for a glowing review? Oh and a BEAUTIFUL soundtrack. Check it out!
Take a look at Zach Braff's blog as well.
posted by digitaljay @ 5:24 PM MST
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Iraq, Halliburton, and the Media
Folks THIS should be front page news, not swifty attacks. Halliburton is getting away with our tax payer funds! AND more importantly Iraq is not getting reconstructed as fast as it should be.
AlterNet: War on Iraq: The Thief of Baghdad
AlterNet: Election 2004: You Don't Know Dick: "Vice-President Dick Cheney has said he didn't know about Halliburton's dubious accounting practices or its dealings with Iraq in the 90s. There's plenty to counter those assertions."
Yeah Dick Cheney is completely innocent on all of the charges that the SEC has looked at against his company during his term as CEO from 1995-2000.
Wake UP America! The mainstream media is not giving you the whole story. They are setting our agenda!
Make the choice to learn more. Look to the links to the right.
AlterNet: War on Iraq: The Thief of Baghdad
..."the Pentagon was not able to explain just how Halliburton gained possession of Iraqi funds when neither the United States Congress nor the Iraqi government authorized their transfer to Halliburton in the first place."
"In other words, despite access to billions of dollars for reconstruction, the CPA has done little to serve the interests of either the American taxpayer or the Iraqi people. The reconstruction effort has, however, been a cash bonanza for companies like Halliburton."
"...in written testimony submitted to Congress, Halliburton's own auditor, Marie de Young, revealed that the company's internal auditors (nicknamed the "Tiger Team") were not doing their job properly. De Young, who was hired in December 2003 to help oversee Operation Iraqi Freedom contracts, told Congress:Terrible, terrible, and disgusting. Why is there not a big huge media frenzy on this?!
When the Tiger Team examined a subcontract, they just checked to make sure that all the forms were in the file. ... They didn't assess the reasonableness of the price or consult with site managers. The team's sole purpose was to close as many subcontracts as possible, under the mistaken assumption that everything that was closed prior to the arrival of the government audit team would be exempt from further scrutiny.
De Young also made clear the company's intentions: "I had been advised by subcontract administrators who quit the company that employees get moved around when they get too close to the truth. ... Ironically, other previous managers who tolerated bad practices were promoted to better paying jobs in Iraq or Houston or Jordan."
The final touch of irony: Halliburton housed the Tiger Team at the five-star Kempinski Hotel in Kuwait, paying each of them a whopping $10,000 per month for their troubles. At the time, U.S. soldiers were required to live in tents at a cost of $1.39 a day. When the military asked Halliburton employees to move into the tents, they refused."
AlterNet: Election 2004: You Don't Know Dick: "Vice-President Dick Cheney has said he didn't know about Halliburton's dubious accounting practices or its dealings with Iraq in the 90s. There's plenty to counter those assertions."
Yeah Dick Cheney is completely innocent on all of the charges that the SEC has looked at against his company during his term as CEO from 1995-2000.
Wake UP America! The mainstream media is not giving you the whole story. They are setting our agenda!

Make the choice to learn more. Look to the links to the right.
posted by digitaljay @ 2:34 PM MST
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'nuff said.

posted by digitaljay @ 1:53 PM MST
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Are you worried if this year's election will be fair?
...Well look at what they did in Florida in 2000.
Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush; Frick & Frack.
Watch the above first, then read on.
Look at this article which talks about all the voting problems in Florida.
Hoodwinked - Why is Florida's voting system so corrupt? By Ann Louise Bardach
Now my real concern, is this article.
AlterNet: Election 2004: Rage against the Machines: "The Bush forces in Florida geared up for another purge of released felons from the voter rolls. Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for Leon County, admits with shame that the state's felon purge in 2000 resulted in more than 50,000 legal voters being disenfranchised. The state elections division identified 47,000 more suspected felons, a list disproportionately heavy with blacks, and asked that local election supervisors purge them. The Bush people refused to make the list public, but were ordered to do so by a judge. Only then was it discovered that the list excluded felons who are Hispanic. In Florida Hispanics tend to vote Republican. This dandy error was 'absolutely unintentional,' the Bush people said - while abandoning the then indefensible list. Miami Herald columnist Jim Defede wrote that Hood - an 'amazing incompetent or the leader of a frightening conspiracy' - must resign."
Once again, just to reiterate:
We can not let them do this AGAIN!!

Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush; Frick & Frack.
Watch the above first, then read on.
Look at this article which talks about all the voting problems in Florida.
Hoodwinked - Why is Florida's voting system so corrupt? By Ann Louise Bardach
Now my real concern, is this article.
AlterNet: Election 2004: Rage against the Machines: "The Bush forces in Florida geared up for another purge of released felons from the voter rolls. Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for Leon County, admits with shame that the state's felon purge in 2000 resulted in more than 50,000 legal voters being disenfranchised. The state elections division identified 47,000 more suspected felons, a list disproportionately heavy with blacks, and asked that local election supervisors purge them. The Bush people refused to make the list public, but were ordered to do so by a judge. Only then was it discovered that the list excluded felons who are Hispanic. In Florida Hispanics tend to vote Republican. This dandy error was 'absolutely unintentional,' the Bush people said - while abandoning the then indefensible list. Miami Herald columnist Jim Defede wrote that Hood - an 'amazing incompetent or the leader of a frightening conspiracy' - must resign."
Once again, just to reiterate:
"The Bush people refused to make the list public, but were ordered to do so by a judge. Only then was it discovered that the list excluded felons who are Hispanic."DISGUSTING!!!!
We can not let them do this AGAIN!!
posted by digitaljay @ 5:32 PM MST
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Holy sh*t these people are CRAZY!!
MSNBC - Cheney at odds with Bush on gay marriage
Cheney actually spoke out and made his own personal opinion, different from that of his boss. ewwwww!!
Read the article for that, but apparently both the anti-gay crusade and gay rights advocates were mad at Cheney for his newest comments. Specifically this guy Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said the following:
What a goddamn idiot!
Cheney actually spoke out and made his own personal opinion, different from that of his boss. ewwwww!!

Read the article for that, but apparently both the anti-gay crusade and gay rights advocates were mad at Cheney for his newest comments. Specifically this guy Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said the following:
"I find it hard to believe the vice president would stray from the administration's position on defense policy or tax policy. For many pro-family voters, protecting traditional marriage ranks ahead of the economy and job creation as a campaign issue."Ok what the hell?!! This guy should be knocked off the face of the earth. He is drinking the kool-aid that the far right is giving him. Does anyone really think that having a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage is more important than the economy or job creation?
What a goddamn idiot!
posted by digitaljay @ 12:47 PM MST
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Swift Boat Vets for shrub
ohhhh.... There is soooo much to cover. I have had all kinds of ideas of things to write in the blog, but not enough time to collect my thoughts and write something cohesively. First lets start off.
Yeah ok it is time! Lets get the ball rolling on the old Campain 2004! No that is not a misspelling, this thing is getting painful! Instead of talking about the issues that matter to this country, the media is taking us 35 years into the past to argue about he said, she said.
Ok lets start this thing. The Swift Boat Vets for Truth are a fraud! I will debunk the entire thing now, so this may take some time, bare with me.
FactCheck.org Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record
Ok lets take a look at this non-partisan website's take on this matter.
Now some said that Kerry's boat was receiving NO enemy fire from the banks of the river when he turned his boat around and pulled James Rassmann out of the water. One man who made this claim was Larry Thurlow. Well the Washington Post obtained Mr. Thurlow's own medal citation for HIS actions that day(they got the records by the Freedom of Information Act). What did that citation say?
But wait, there's more!
And for more details on the discrediting of the swift boat vets claims about Kerry's purple hearts read the actual article.
Now John McCain also came out immediately with a statement denouncing the ad.
There is a HUGE difference between the swift boat ads and these other 527 ads against shrub. Those ads against shrub are opinions based on facts of shrub's dismal record as president, the swift boat ads are straight lies, trying to smear Kerry and claim that he lied. One ad by Moveon.org that did try to claim something that was not proven, that georgie shrub got into the National Guard because of his dad, who was a Texas congressman, was condemned by Kerry. So now what?
Is your head spinning yet? Good! That is what the shrub camp wants, they don't want you to think about the war in Iraq, or the economy, or the over 1 million jobs lost to date since King shrub took the reigns.
So you want a nice graph of some of the connections of this group to the shrub people? Ok (Click on the image to enlarge to readable format *[make sure Internet Explorer doesn't shrink it when you click on it])
Ok lets take a look at the authors of the book this group put out, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. Jerome Corsi. In the interest of space please take a look at the ad on your own.
MMFA investigates: Who is Jerome Corsi, co-auth ... [Media Matters for America]
Lets just put it this way, Corsi has posted some things to discussion boards that rival the distastefulness of Rush Limbaugh, and I don't say that lightly.
Ok how about the other author of the book, and backer John O'Neill.
Well what to say, there is alot of history with this one. Kerry came back from Vietnam and gave testimony to the Senate about what he saw, and what he heard from other veterans in Vietnam. This included atrocities that were allegedly conducted by our troops. Some veterans were very angry at Kerry, as was the president at the time, Richard Nixon. Nixon was peeved that Kerry was making him look bad, and recruited John O'Neill, who was mad at Kerry for supposedly making veterans look bad(although Kerry has stated his indictment was towards the people in power in our government, not the soldiers who were following orders.). Nixon met with O'Neill and coached him on how to debate Kerry on the Dick Cavett show in 1971. By all accounts Kerry cleaned up the stage with O'Neill. So there is some seeds of anger for John O'Neill towards Kerry. Hmmmm.
Here's another good read:
IHT: Ad wars: Behind an attack on Kerry
It talks about the meeting of this group and how it got started, and some of its backers. One such backer being a "close friend" of Karl Rove, shrub's senior advisor. HMMMMMM!!!!!
Want more? NO?! WEll anyways.
t r u t h o u t - Vietnam Vet Leaves Bush Campaign over Kerry Ad:"A Vietnam veteran who worked with President Bush's campaign has left over his appearance in a commercial by a group challenging Democratic candidate John Kerry's war record, a campaign spokesman said on Saturday."
HMMMMMM!!!!!! Ok that is nothing, I am sure!
And there is moooreeeee. Oh god I can't take it!!!!
Vietnam vets rally against Clackamas County prosecutor
Well apparently The Oregonian now wants to collect user data from you before letting you view the article, so I will summarize: a prosecutor in Oregon signed an affidavit which reads:
Ok well I could go on and on, but lets just stop there. The big story is that whether or not the shrub campaign has ANYTHING to do with these ads, they have successfully taken the agenda (set by the mainstream media) and moved it from the war, the economy, the job losses, etc. to John Kerry's Vietnam service questions.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the biggest crime here. Its disgusting and I hope the public sees the truth, and holds the shrub responsible for HIS record in the last 4 years.
Yeah ok it is time! Lets get the ball rolling on the old Campain 2004! No that is not a misspelling, this thing is getting painful! Instead of talking about the issues that matter to this country, the media is taking us 35 years into the past to argue about he said, she said.
Ok lets start this thing. The Swift Boat Vets for Truth are a fraud! I will debunk the entire thing now, so this may take some time, bare with me.
FactCheck.org Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record
Ok lets take a look at this non-partisan website's take on this matter.
""Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" is a group formed March 23 after Kerry wrapped up the Democratic nomination. It held a news conference May 4 denigrating Kerry's military record and his later anti-war pronouncements during the 1970's. The group began running an attack ad Aug. 5 in which 13 veterans variously say Kerry is "not being honest" and "is lying about his record.""Ok the fact that this group was formed on March 23 after Kerry had become the presumptive nominee, should alert careful viewers, but most of the media has failed to mention this.
..."initial funding came mainly from a Houston home builder, Bob R. Perry, who has also given millions to the Republican party"...Hmmm ok, well a 527 group (for those still 527 virgins, a 527 group is an organization that is not tied to a political group and does not coordinate in any way with a political party, so that they can forego the new campaign finance laws which only allow a maximum donation of $2000 per individual) should be non-partisan, but anyways, there are many 527s that are against shrub, so I guess this is ~OK~. NEXT!!!!
"Elliott, who had been Kerry's commanding officer, was quoted by the Boston Globe Aug 6 as saying he had made a "terrible mistake" in signing the affidavit against Kerry, in which Elliott suggested Kerry hadn't told him the truth about how he killed the enemy soldier. Later Elliott signed a second affidavit saying he still stands by the words in the TV ad. But Elliott also made what he called an "immaterial clarification" - saying he has no first-hand information that Kerry was less than forthright about what he did to win the Silver Star."Hmmmmm a flip-flopper in their ranks?! Seems to me that lying in an affidavit might be a punishable offense. I wonder what was going on behind the scenes with this man, when the group found out he had decided to break ranks and tell the Boston Globe something different then the group's story. What's even better is that in 1996 during Kerry's senate campaign Elliot flew out to Boston to stand behind Kerry at a press conference. HMMMMMMM!!!!
"On Aug. 22 an officer who was present supported Kerry's version, breaking a 35-year silence. William B. Rood commanded another Swift Boat during the same operation and was awarded the Bronze Star himself for his role in attacking the Viet Cong ambushers. He said Kerry and he went ashore at the same time after being attacked by several Viet Cong onshore.Well now here is another Veteran, completely contradicting what the veterans in this group are saying.
Rood said he was the only other officer present. Rood is now an editor on the metropolitan desk of the Chicago Tribune, which published his first-person account of the incident in its Sunday edition. Rood said he had refused all interviews about Kerry's war record, even from reporters for his own paper, until motivated to speak up because Kerry's critics are telling "stories I know to be untrue" and "their version of events has splashed doubt on all of us.""
Now some said that Kerry's boat was receiving NO enemy fire from the banks of the river when he turned his boat around and pulled James Rassmann out of the water. One man who made this claim was Larry Thurlow. Well the Washington Post obtained Mr. Thurlow's own medal citation for HIS actions that day(they got the records by the Freedom of Information Act). What did that citation say?
""all units began receiving enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks" after the first explosion. The citation describes Thurlow as leaping aboard the damaged PCF-3 and rendering aid "while still under enemy fire," and adds: "His actions and courage in the face of enemy fire . . . were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.""So how does Thurlow respond to THIS fact?!!
"The Post quoted Thurlow as saying he had lost his citation years earlier and had been under the impression that he received the award for aiding the damaged boat and its crew, and that his own award would be "fraudulent" if based on his facing enemy fire"...WOW!!!!! Absolutely amazing! This man is casting doubt not only on his own medal, but on all the medals of ALL veterans in the United States armed forces! What a disgrace! Folks this is SICK! This group is beyond the lowest!
But wait, there's more!
"None of those in the attack ad by the Swift Boat group actually served on Kerry's boat. And their statements are contrary to the accounts of Kerry and those who served under him.For the details of what Rassmann said in response to these idiots read the article.
Jim Rassmann was the Army Special Forces lieutenant whom Kerry plucked from the water. Rassmann has said all along that he was under sniper fire from both banks of the river when Kerry, wounded, helped him aboard."
And for more details on the discrediting of the swift boat vets claims about Kerry's purple hearts read the actual article.
Now John McCain also came out immediately with a statement denouncing the ad.
"McCain : I think the ad is dishonest and dishonorable. As it is none of these individuals served on the boat (Kerry) commanded. Many of his crewmates have testified to his courage under fire. I think John Kerry served honorably in Vietnam."He also went on the demand that the shrub administration denounce the ad as well. So what did those fine folks do? Well let me just say that these people are geniuses, diabolical geniuses. They had the perfect come back. They didn't denounce the ad in particular, but they did say that they think all 527 ads should be pulled, and called on the Kerry camp to come out and say that they agree that all 527 ads should be pulled. Well see, the shrub camp was getting alot of heat over all the anti-bush ads that were being played. So this made perfect sense for them to do this.
There is a HUGE difference between the swift boat ads and these other 527 ads against shrub. Those ads against shrub are opinions based on facts of shrub's dismal record as president, the swift boat ads are straight lies, trying to smear Kerry and claim that he lied. One ad by Moveon.org that did try to claim something that was not proven, that georgie shrub got into the National Guard because of his dad, who was a Texas congressman, was condemned by Kerry. So now what?
Is your head spinning yet? Good! That is what the shrub camp wants, they don't want you to think about the war in Iraq, or the economy, or the over 1 million jobs lost to date since King shrub took the reigns.
So you want a nice graph of some of the connections of this group to the shrub people? Ok (Click on the image to enlarge to readable format *[make sure Internet Explorer doesn't shrink it when you click on it])

Ok lets take a look at the authors of the book this group put out, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. Jerome Corsi. In the interest of space please take a look at the ad on your own.
MMFA investigates: Who is Jerome Corsi, co-auth ... [Media Matters for America]
Lets just put it this way, Corsi has posted some things to discussion boards that rival the distastefulness of Rush Limbaugh, and I don't say that lightly.
Ok how about the other author of the book, and backer John O'Neill.

Well what to say, there is alot of history with this one. Kerry came back from Vietnam and gave testimony to the Senate about what he saw, and what he heard from other veterans in Vietnam. This included atrocities that were allegedly conducted by our troops. Some veterans were very angry at Kerry, as was the president at the time, Richard Nixon. Nixon was peeved that Kerry was making him look bad, and recruited John O'Neill, who was mad at Kerry for supposedly making veterans look bad(although Kerry has stated his indictment was towards the people in power in our government, not the soldiers who were following orders.). Nixon met with O'Neill and coached him on how to debate Kerry on the Dick Cavett show in 1971. By all accounts Kerry cleaned up the stage with O'Neill. So there is some seeds of anger for John O'Neill towards Kerry. Hmmmm.
Here's another good read:
IHT: Ad wars: Behind an attack on Kerry
It talks about the meeting of this group and how it got started, and some of its backers. One such backer being a "close friend" of Karl Rove, shrub's senior advisor. HMMMMMM!!!!!
Want more? NO?! WEll anyways.
t r u t h o u t - Vietnam Vet Leaves Bush Campaign over Kerry Ad:"A Vietnam veteran who worked with President Bush's campaign has left over his appearance in a commercial by a group challenging Democratic candidate John Kerry's war record, a campaign spokesman said on Saturday."
HMMMMMM!!!!!! Ok that is nothing, I am sure!
And there is moooreeeee. Oh god I can't take it!!!!
Vietnam vets rally against Clackamas County prosecutor
Well apparently The Oregonian now wants to collect user data from you before letting you view the article, so I will summarize: a prosecutor in Oregon signed an affidavit which reads:
"My name is Alfred J. French III. I am over the age of 21 years, and I am fully competent and able to make this affidavit. I am able to swear, as I do hereby swear, that all facts and statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct and within my personal knowledge or belief."Then goes on to accuse Kerry of exaggerating and there not being enemy fire, pretty much the standard at this point for these people. So what is the problem then? Well in that affidavit it states that all of the following statements are true and correct within his personal knowledge. But he later told the newspaper that his claims are based on what he HEARD from others.
"Stewart of Oregon City and Don Kirsch of Canby drew about 45 people to a rally to criticize French, a senior deputy district attorney who said in an affidavit that Kerry lied about his service record. French later admitted his sworn statements were based on the accounts of others.HMMMMM!!!!! So now some people of Oregon are calling for this man's job, saying he violated the law. HMMM!
French's comments have been used in anti-Kerry ads by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group of Vietnam veterans who have said the Democratic presidential candidate lied about or exaggerated his actions during Swift boat river duty in 1969.
The ad campaign has become a national issue, and French's admission to The Oregonian last week that his signed affidavit was not based on personal observations raised the emotional level of the veterans-versus-veterans debate in Oregon."
Ok well I could go on and on, but lets just stop there. The big story is that whether or not the shrub campaign has ANYTHING to do with these ads, they have successfully taken the agenda (set by the mainstream media) and moved it from the war, the economy, the job losses, etc. to John Kerry's Vietnam service questions.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the biggest crime here. Its disgusting and I hope the public sees the truth, and holds the shrub responsible for HIS record in the last 4 years.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:41 PM MST
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Last night I decided I was going to make green chile cheese enchiladas! Yeah, for those of you who aren't familiar with fine Mexican cuisine, enchiladas are corn tortillas filled with cheese, beef, chicken, or something else, and rolled or stacked on top of each other, then covered with sauce of some kind and baked till everything is nice and soft. Well needless to say it took some learning. Here is what happened with my first try.
Yeah I tried to roll the damn tortillas, and son of a b*tch, they all f***ing broke! So I was pretty bummed about that, but I would not be beaten! No! So I tried heating the oil before I dipped the tortillas in it. Then I let them sit in the oil for a bit. Well that did the trick, so an hour or so later:
Then after the sauce and cheese on top, they were ready to go into the oven. SUCCESS!!!!!!
They turned out pretty damn good!

Yeah I tried to roll the damn tortillas, and son of a b*tch, they all f***ing broke! So I was pretty bummed about that, but I would not be beaten! No! So I tried heating the oil before I dipped the tortillas in it. Then I let them sit in the oil for a bit. Well that did the trick, so an hour or so later:

Then after the sauce and cheese on top, they were ready to go into the oven. SUCCESS!!!!!!

They turned out pretty damn good!
posted by digitaljay @ 9:00 PM MST
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Screw YOU shrub, and all your shills!!!!!
Old Tricks
This new Internet ad features Senator John McCain rebuking then candidate Bush during for refusing to disavow or condemn hateful and vicious attacks on McCain’s military record.
Click to view.

Click to view.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:50 AM MST
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Monday, August 23, 2004
shrub's "ask the president" rallies

I'm sorry but these stories need to be covered. Shrub is going around the country and having these "Ask the President" sessions. Problem is, georgie shrub doesn't do well with off the cuff question and answers. So what do his handlers do? They keep out any dissenters, as I have reported in this blog before, and then they give out "talking points" for the so-called questioners. Hmmmm. Here is a good article on this subject. And a quote from the article.
t r u t h o u t - Dan Froomkin | Revolt of the Press Corps:
"Character Assassination
The format also offers a highly public airing of unsubstantiated charges against Bush's opponent, Sen. John F. Kerry, that the campaign would never make directly.
And Bush doesn't jump to refute those.
For instance, in Beaverton:
"Q: On behalf of Vietnam veterans -- and I served six tours over there -- we do support the President. I only have one concern, and that's on the Purple Heart, and that is, is that there are over 200,000 Vietnam vets that died from Agent Orange and were never -- no Purple Heart has ever been awarded to a Vietnam veteran because of Agent Orange because it's never been changed in the regulations. Yet, we've got a candidate for President out here with two self-inflicted scratches, and I take that as an insult. (Applause.)
"THE PRESIDENT: Well, I appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you for your service. Six tours? Whew. That's a lot of tours.
"Let's see, who've we got here? You got a question?"
No Substitute
These "Ask the President" events are no substitute for news conferences.
As White House press corps veteran and columnist Helen Thomas recently put it in an interview in the Progressive: "The President of the United States should be able to answer any question, or at least dance around one. At some time -- early and often -- he should submit to questioning and be held accountable, because if you don't have that then you only have one side of the story. The Presidential news conference is the only forum in our society, the only institution, where a President can be questioned. If a leader is not questioned, he can rule by edict or executive order. He can be a king or a dictator. Who's to challenge him? We're there to pull his chain and to ask the questions that should be asked every day, for every move."
posted by digitaljay @ 11:27 AM MST
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Going camping!

Well we are going camping this weekend near Questa, New Mexico, nearly to the Colorado border. We almost had to cancel the whole thing when Leah's truck's battery died tonight. After trying to jump the damn thing for awhile we decided to go get a new battery and everything is good now. So off to the woods we go! Have a good weekend all, I will be back on Monday.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:37 PM MST
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Once again, why I detest georgie shrub
Why? Well like I need more evidence to back me up about how often georgie shrub LIES to the American people, here is another indictment.
The Poor Man: He's Not A Liar, He's My President!
I implore all of you to read this website and actually go to the links that are contained in it, because they back up every one of their claims that shrub lied(I know it is alot to ask, it will take some time, but at least click on some of those links).
And just to further mention about the above lies:
The Poor Man: He's Not A Liar, He's My President!
I implore all of you to read this website and actually go to the links that are contained in it, because they back up every one of their claims that shrub lied(I know it is alot to ask, it will take some time, but at least click on some of those links).
"He has lied about his time in the National Guard, and lied about his criminal history. He lied about his relationship with Ken Lay, he lied about who would benefit from his tax cuts, and he lied about stem cells. He lied about his visit to Bob Jones University, he lied about why he wouldn't meet with Log Cabin Republicans, and he lied about reading the EPA report on global warming. He lied about blaming the Clinton administration for the second intifada, he lies constantly about how he pays no attention to polls, he lied about how he loves New York, and he lied about moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He lied about finding WMD in Iraq, he lied about making his decision to go to war, he lied about the CIA's dismissal of the yellowcake rumors, and he lied about the IAEA's assessment of Iraq's nuclear program. He lied about funding the fight against AIDS in Africa, he lied about when the recession started, and he lied about seeing the first plane hit the WTC. He lied about supporting the Patient Protection Act, and he lied about his deficit spending, and now my wrist hurts."Each one of those accused lies are linked, in the actual article, to the actual sources. PLEASE read it.
And just to further mention about the above lies:
"These are all lies, told by the President himself. This doesn't include any distortions, half-truths, or exaggerations, or any lies told by senior figures in the administration. These lies are big and small. Together, these lies involve trillions of dollars and at least tens of thousands of deaths..."I will have more to come soon, very soon. I am mad today! Just wait there is more!
posted by digitaljay @ 1:26 PM MST
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funny link
"Not so Anonymous" left a funny link in a comment on yesterdays post. So I wanted to put it here on the main page.
Build a Better Bush - AnsMe.com Funny Stuff
And here is a link to the version I created:
Good stuff, have a good day everyone.
Build a Better Bush - AnsMe.com Funny Stuff
And here is a link to the version I created:
Good stuff, have a good day everyone.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:35 AM MST
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Al Franken, you are a comic genius! He did this musical segment on his radio show today on Air America Radio . It was about shrub and HIS many flip flops.
Al Franken Show - Blog
Scroll down to the TRANSCRIPT OF FLIPPITY-FLOPPITY SEGMENT section. Pretty funny stuff.
It starts out like this:
** The Weekly Bush ** ...A weekly take on George W. Bush
[EDIT 8.19.04 1:00PM MDT: The audio for the above hilarious segment is now up on Air America Radio's website. Check it out, you'll need Windows Media Player to play it.
Flip Flop (WMA)]
On another note we went to the Richard Romero rally at the El Rey Theatre downtown. Jim Hightower was there and he gave a rousing speech. It was really great, it gave me some confidence in our country and that we will rise up and take back our country from the thieves and hawks who currently have a stranglehold on their positions and on the people of this great land. I think we can do it, and I urge all of YOU to help too.
Vote for John Kerry in November, it is more than just about the next 4 years, it is about the future of this country. If we don't stand up now and say, "HEY! Something is WRONG here!" and vote these people out, then we will effectively be saying that hey you can do whatever you want and we will just let you.
Don't do it folks! Take our COUNTRY back!
Al Franken Show - Blog
Scroll down to the TRANSCRIPT OF FLIPPITY-FLOPPITY SEGMENT section. Pretty funny stuff.
It starts out like this:
"George W. Bush has a funny way of flip-flopping on the issues.Then it continues:
He was against a Homeland Security Department. FLIP
Then he was for it. FLOP
He was against the McCain Feingold campaign finance bill. FLIP
But then he was for it. FLIP-FLOP"
"Bush said the states should decide about gay marriage. FLIPPITYOh yeah and if you want more shrub flip flops, no not the ones that you wear on your feet, but the disgusting behaviour of our esteemed commander in chief, check out
Then he was for changing the Constitution. FLIPPITY FLOP, OR IS IT FLOPPITY FLIP?"
** The Weekly Bush ** ...A weekly take on George W. Bush
[EDIT 8.19.04 1:00PM MDT: The audio for the above hilarious segment is now up on Air America Radio's website. Check it out, you'll need Windows Media Player to play it.
Flip Flop (WMA)]
On another note we went to the Richard Romero rally at the El Rey Theatre downtown. Jim Hightower was there and he gave a rousing speech. It was really great, it gave me some confidence in our country and that we will rise up and take back our country from the thieves and hawks who currently have a stranglehold on their positions and on the people of this great land. I think we can do it, and I urge all of YOU to help too.
Vote for John Kerry in November, it is more than just about the next 4 years, it is about the future of this country. If we don't stand up now and say, "HEY! Something is WRONG here!" and vote these people out, then we will effectively be saying that hey you can do whatever you want and we will just let you.
Don't do it folks! Take our COUNTRY back!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:05 PM MST
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Saw Collateral tonight, pretty good movie. Michael Mann is a really good director and whoever his cinematographer and editor are, they deserve some awards.
Ok I'm boring tonight. Tomorrow I am going to a political rally for Richard Romero, a NM state senator who is running for congress. The columnist, and author Jim Hightower will be there too, so that should be fun.
Anyways can someone please tell me why so many Americans want to vote for georgie shrub again? What possesses you to do so? What is the reasoning? Do you not see what he and his administration have done?
Well apparently they have dismissed scientists from government panels who disagree with the Republican line.
CNN.com - Science, politics clash before election - Aug 16, 2004
What can I say? I can't articulate my position tonight, too much burrito and humus maybe? I don't know. What I am trying to say is I think this administration has done alot of things behind the scenes, or at least outside of the media spotlight, that are furthering the far right-wing ideology, to the detriment of the country. Such issues as teaching abstinence instead of prevention and protection. Or revoking funding for family planning clinics who perform abortions.
Be afraid, be very afraid. If georgie shrub is re-elected he probably will have the opportunity to appoint a couple new supreme court judges. Based on his track record of appointees to many positions (aka CIA director) I think we could count on another right-wing "nut job".
Please vote for John Kerry in November. Save our country.
Ok I'm boring tonight. Tomorrow I am going to a political rally for Richard Romero, a NM state senator who is running for congress. The columnist, and author Jim Hightower will be there too, so that should be fun.
Anyways can someone please tell me why so many Americans want to vote for georgie shrub again? What possesses you to do so? What is the reasoning? Do you not see what he and his administration have done?
Well apparently they have dismissed scientists from government panels who disagree with the Republican line.
CNN.com - Science, politics clash before election - Aug 16, 2004
In any argument people will emphasize information that supports their position and ignore contrary evidence, said Roger Pielke, Jr., a science policy expert at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He calls the strategy "cherrypicking" and considers it a legitimate debating tactic.
""That is different than actually going out and manufacturing or altering the scientific process in a way that guarantees the result will agree with your point of view," Pielke said.
Bush's critics say his administration is doing just that when it screens scientific advisers based on their political views. They argue that when it comes to science, professional qualifications should trump party affiliation.
Blackburn became a cause celebre for many scientists who felt her dismissal from the President's Council on Bioethics in February was retribution for her disagreements with the administration over stem cells and other issues."
What can I say? I can't articulate my position tonight, too much burrito and humus maybe? I don't know. What I am trying to say is I think this administration has done alot of things behind the scenes, or at least outside of the media spotlight, that are furthering the far right-wing ideology, to the detriment of the country. Such issues as teaching abstinence instead of prevention and protection. Or revoking funding for family planning clinics who perform abortions.
Be afraid, be very afraid. If georgie shrub is re-elected he probably will have the opportunity to appoint a couple new supreme court judges. Based on his track record of appointees to many positions (aka CIA director) I think we could count on another right-wing "nut job".
Please vote for John Kerry in November. Save our country.
posted by digitaljay @ 9:57 PM MST
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Monday, August 16, 2004
A new electoral college?
AlterNet: Election 2004: A An end to winner take all
Well? I am not sure what to think yet. Maybe this idea is a good one, or maybe not, I'm not sure, its at least worth some investigation.
Here is the whole article, its interesting.
USATODAY.com - Colo. weighs proportional electoral votes
I think it may be a better way of having these presidential elections decided. Basically the gist of the story is that Colorado may change their election procedure so that their electoral votes are not a winner take all affair, but rather a representation of the popular vote in the state. So if Kerry got 55% of the vote he would get 55% of the electoral votes, and shrub would get nothing, er uh I mean 43% (and Nader 2%, damn hack!) If more states did this I think it would be a whole different ball game.
Some say that splitting up the electoral votes would take away the clout of a state like Colorado, because candidates would not be able to count on winning all of state's 9 electoral votes. But I agree with Alternet, if a similar measure was passed in all states then candidates would have to visit states equally and fairly, and try to appeal to ALL voters. I think its got my vote!
Vote in November, vote for John Kerry. Click on the Kerry/Edwards link on the right to join the campaign. If you haven't registered to vote than click on the link above the Kerry/Edwards graphic.
I'll be back tomorrow with something better.
Well? I am not sure what to think yet. Maybe this idea is a good one, or maybe not, I'm not sure, its at least worth some investigation.
Here is the whole article, its interesting.
USATODAY.com - Colo. weighs proportional electoral votes
I think it may be a better way of having these presidential elections decided. Basically the gist of the story is that Colorado may change their election procedure so that their electoral votes are not a winner take all affair, but rather a representation of the popular vote in the state. So if Kerry got 55% of the vote he would get 55% of the electoral votes, and shrub would get nothing, er uh I mean 43% (and Nader 2%, damn hack!) If more states did this I think it would be a whole different ball game.
Some say that splitting up the electoral votes would take away the clout of a state like Colorado, because candidates would not be able to count on winning all of state's 9 electoral votes. But I agree with Alternet, if a similar measure was passed in all states then candidates would have to visit states equally and fairly, and try to appeal to ALL voters. I think its got my vote!
Vote in November, vote for John Kerry. Click on the Kerry/Edwards link on the right to join the campaign. If you haven't registered to vote than click on the link above the Kerry/Edwards graphic.
I'll be back tomorrow with something better.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:30 PM MST
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
abu greaaaatttt!
t r u t h o u t - Rumsfeld Escapes Blame in 'Whitewash' Abu Ghraib Report
Well it looks like Rummy is going to get away with this one. Someone needs to step up and stop this administration from running amuck over our entire government. They are having a free for all, and no one is stopping them. It is time that the American people take our country back. Vote in November, and I urge you, vote for John Kerry, get this country back on the right track.
Well it looks like Rummy is going to get away with this one. Someone needs to step up and stop this administration from running amuck over our entire government. They are having a free for all, and no one is stopping them. It is time that the American people take our country back. Vote in November, and I urge you, vote for John Kerry, get this country back on the right track.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:16 PM MST
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America
This about says it all I think. When he thinks he can get away with it, he will do whatever he wants. Stop him in November. Please!

posted by digitaljay @ 10:54 PM MST
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Guess the Quote Source game is back!!
Ok here is another round of the new and exciting blog game "Guess the Quote Source"!!! I know you are all really excited! Ok Ready?! Let's start!
If you guessed John Kerry, you are wrong!
If you guessed Howard Dean you are WRONG!
If you guessed Caspar Weinberger, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Defense, you are RIGHT!
Weinberger gave this famous speech, "The Uses of Military Power" on November 28, 1984.
frontline: give war a chance: the uses of military force: 'the uses of military power'
In fact Reagan actually later used the items in Weinberger's speech to produce his foreign policy document.
I want to thank Syndicated columnist Richard Reeves, for mentioning these quotes in his latest article.
So lets recap now. georgie shrub has chosen to not listen to his own father on issues of war and peace, and also to not listen to Reagan's Defense Secretary, and Reagan himself, who shrub tries to compare himself with, about the way to send troops to war.
Good work georgie, you always say you don't like reading books, apparently most of those books were history books.
..."the United States should not commit forces to combat overseas unless the particular engagement or occasion is deemed vital to our national interest"...
..."if we do decide to commit forces to combat overseas, we should have clearly defined political and military objectives. And we should know precisely how our forces can accomplish those clearly defined objectives."
..."there must be some reasonable assurance we will have the support of the American people and their elected representatives in Congress. This support cannot be achieved unless we are candid in making clear the threats we face"...
"Finally, the commitment of U.S. forces to combat should be a last resort."Well What do you think? Who is the source of this quote?
If you guessed John Kerry, you are wrong!
If you guessed Howard Dean you are WRONG!
If you guessed Caspar Weinberger, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Defense, you are RIGHT!
Weinberger gave this famous speech, "The Uses of Military Power" on November 28, 1984.
frontline: give war a chance: the uses of military force: 'the uses of military power'
In fact Reagan actually later used the items in Weinberger's speech to produce his foreign policy document.
I want to thank Syndicated columnist Richard Reeves, for mentioning these quotes in his latest article.
So lets recap now. georgie shrub has chosen to not listen to his own father on issues of war and peace, and also to not listen to Reagan's Defense Secretary, and Reagan himself, who shrub tries to compare himself with, about the way to send troops to war.
Good work georgie, you always say you don't like reading books, apparently most of those books were history books.
posted by digitaljay @ 1:19 PM MST
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Reports contend Bush tax cuts benefit rich - Aug. 13, 2004
Well, well, well. What do you georgie shrub supporters have to say for yourself now? You called us all liars when we said that the shrub tax cuts were helping the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor. Well you know what this article above is from a document released by the Congressional Budget Office, that's right the Congress, its a bi-partisan report. What does it say you ask?
Bush LIE:
Well ladies and gents that is a lie! Have fun friends.
Well, well, well. What do you georgie shrub supporters have to say for yourself now? You called us all liars when we said that the shrub tax cuts were helping the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor. Well you know what this article above is from a document released by the Congressional Budget Office, that's right the Congress, its a bi-partisan report. What does it say you ask?
"The report said the top 1 percent, with incomes averaging $1.2 million per year, will receive an average $78,460 tax cut this year, and have seen their share of the total tax burden fall roughly 2 percentage points to 20.1 percent, according to The New York Times."
"Taxpayers whose incomes range from $51,500 to about $75,600 saw their share of federal tax payments increase, according to CBO figures cited by The Washington Post."EAT IT! Explain your way out of that one!
Bush LIE:
..."by far the vast majority of the help[tax cut] goes to the people at the bottom end of the economic ladder."FAIR MEDIA ADVISORY: Are All Candidates' Exaggerations Considered Equal?
Well ladies and gents that is a lie! Have fun friends.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:22 AM MST
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Stupid Republicans!
Cal Thomas: Why truth matters
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you one Cal Thomas, a STUPID Republican. He is a syndicated columnist who, a couple of days ago, wrote one of the most idiotic articles I have read in awhile.
His main argument is that while John Kerry criticizes georgie shrub for sitting in that Florida classroom for 7 minutes after he learns of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center, that Kerry is being a hypocrite because HE, after seeing the second plane hit the World Trade Center, sat "frozen and indecisive" for 34 minutes.
Well this is just a STUPID argument because the fact is, MORON, that John Kerry was not the President of the United States of America, georgie shrub was, and HE was the man who was supposed to be leading this country at that time.
Mr Idiot Thomas, just for a refresher for you; Mr. Kerry is a Senator and was a Senator on that terrible day of September 11th. In case you did not know, a senator is in the Legislative branch of the United States Government. Do you know what that means?! It means he and many other people make and draft LAWS.
Then there is the President of the United States. The President is the HIGHEST member of the EXECUTIVE branch of the United States Government, and his job includes being the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and the highest executive decision maker.
NOW do you see the difference, you idiot?! Mr Kerry at that time had no power to do anything or make any decisions to help the country. georgie shrub DID.
He chose to do nothing for 7 minutes.
Now how they can pay you Mr. Idiot Thomas to write utter crap like that, I do not know.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you one Cal Thomas, a STUPID Republican. He is a syndicated columnist who, a couple of days ago, wrote one of the most idiotic articles I have read in awhile.
His main argument is that while John Kerry criticizes georgie shrub for sitting in that Florida classroom for 7 minutes after he learns of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center, that Kerry is being a hypocrite because HE, after seeing the second plane hit the World Trade Center, sat "frozen and indecisive" for 34 minutes.
Well this is just a STUPID argument because the fact is, MORON, that John Kerry was not the President of the United States of America, georgie shrub was, and HE was the man who was supposed to be leading this country at that time.
Mr Idiot Thomas, just for a refresher for you; Mr. Kerry is a Senator and was a Senator on that terrible day of September 11th. In case you did not know, a senator is in the Legislative branch of the United States Government. Do you know what that means?! It means he and many other people make and draft LAWS.
Then there is the President of the United States. The President is the HIGHEST member of the EXECUTIVE branch of the United States Government, and his job includes being the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and the highest executive decision maker.
NOW do you see the difference, you idiot?! Mr Kerry at that time had no power to do anything or make any decisions to help the country. georgie shrub DID.
He chose to do nothing for 7 minutes.
Now how they can pay you Mr. Idiot Thomas to write utter crap like that, I do not know.
posted by digitaljay @ 6:39 PM MST
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Turning the corner, but where are we going?

posted by digitaljay @ 1:57 PM MST
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
I am a Howard Dean supporter
Ok pretty much everything I have heard Howard Dean say (at least since he left the race) I agree with almost completely. As I mentioned in an earlier post about his debate with Ralph Nader, I love Howard Dean, he saved the Democratic Party. And even though this subject may be hard to talk about without sounding like a crazy, mouth frothing liberal, I think Howard Dean is mostly right. He gives some common-sense evidence to support his argument that the TIMING of these terror alerts, are at least partially related to political maneuvering.
t r u t h o u t - Focus: Howard Dean | Terror Alerts - Substance or Politics?
The New Republic Online: July Surprise?
This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow: August 08, 2004 - August 14, 2004 Archives
Now tell me that there is not a possibility that there is some political motivation to the TIMING of these alerts.
t r u t h o u t - Focus: Howard Dean | Terror Alerts - Substance or Politics?
"And, the Department of Homeland Security played the political card again at the press conference on August 1. Ridge spent time informing Americans that the President was a great leader in the fight against terror. Ridge said, "We must understand that the kind of information available to us today is the result of the President's leadership in the war against terror.""Now before you dismiss me, on thinking this is VERY possible, please take a moment to read the next two articles.
The New Republic Online: July Surprise?
..."a White House aide told ul-Haq[Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence director] last spring that "it would be best if the arrest or killing of [any] HVT[High Value Target] were announced on twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight July"--the first three days of the Democratic National Convention in Boston."The New Republic Online: July Surprised
"But it is doubtful Hayyat[Pakistan's interior minister] was really addressing his fellow Pakistanis: He made the announcement[arrest of a high-ranking Al Qaeda figure] at midnight. More likely, his intended audience was half a world away--in the United States, where, in the middle of the afternoon, John Kerry was preparing to deliver his nomination speech to the Democratic National Convention."And then take a read at this.
This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow: August 08, 2004 - August 14, 2004 Archives
..."September is about to become "National Preparedness Month."
Heck, this Red Cross page flatly states that Tom Ridge will make the official announcement on September 9th.
(Why September 9th? That's awfully late, if it's supposed to be the entire month. My guess, thinking like Karl Rove: this year's 9/11 anniversary falls on a Saturday, so an announcement on the date or even Friday would only get a burst of free media on a weekend. But by timing it for the 6 pm news on Thursday, it'll reach the Friday papers, and thus be fully-injected into all of the emotion-laden anniversary coverage, plus the Sunday morning talk shows.)
The idea, obviously, is to throw a large amount of focus, possibly for weeks on end, on the only issue on which Bush outpolls Kerry. And of course this will come on the heels of the GOP convention. So where the Democrats' post-convention media got blitzed with terror warnings based on years-old intelligence, the Republicans' afterglow might well be favorably extended"...
Now tell me that there is not a possibility that there is some political motivation to the TIMING of these alerts.
posted by digitaljay @ 11:06 PM MST
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Excuse me Mrs. Laura Bush!
Excuse me, but how dare you Mrs. Bush! How dare you say that John Kerry is being misleading about stem cell research! Who the hell do you think you are? You who have done nothing for women's rights in this country, besides offering your cookie recipe to the family circle magazine! Now you decide to enter the public discourse to deride John Kerry's stance on stem cell research?! Somebody ought to give you a piece of their mind! And who better than me?
Yahoo! News - First Lady Bashes Kerry Stem Cell Stance
Text, **Video [Highspeed]**, Video [Dial-up]
Well why don't you take a look?! Take a look at where he talks about YOUR husband's atrocious stance on stem cell research. LOOK!
The fact is that your husband, Mrs. Bush, decided that, even in the face of a National Institutes of Health report (Online NewsHour Update: NIH Releases Stem Cell Study) indicating the promise that stem cell research may hold, any stem cell lines created after the date of your speech to the nation on August 9, 2001 would be ineligible for federal funds for research. The problem is that your husband thereby limited the funding of such research to 71 lines, and at one point, only one stem cell line! Now we have only 21 viable lines. While this may be enough for you, I don't believe it is enough for the world.
If there was ANY CHANCE that my brother with Cerebral Palsy had a chance to walk, to not have his brain constantly sending the wrong signals to his muscles forcing them to contract and jerk, to be able to live a somewhat normal life;
if there was ANY CHANCE that my father's brother in-law could live without the effects of Parkinson's disease;
if there was ANY CHANCE that diabetics like my Aunt Ellen or any other diabetic could live life without daily shots, without worrying about losing limbs or worse;
if there was ANY CHANCE that our mothers and fathers might not have to face the crushing reality of Alzheimer's stealing of their memories;
if there is ANY CHANCE, ANY CHANCE of any of these things then we OWE it to ourselves to provide no boundarys, no restrictions, no impediments, NOW. Not later, not after a hardy debate about which side is right or wrong. NOW!
Do it NOW. Human suffering should be something all of us would work to try to stop. Do it now. It is the only humane thing to do.
Want to know more about stem cell research, the facts that is? Please go here and decide for yourself whether this is something that we should be funding fully.
Online NewsHour -- Stem Cell Research
Yahoo! News - First Lady Bashes Kerry Stem Cell Stance
"We don't even know that stem cell research will provide cures for anything -- much less that it's very close" to yielding major advances, Bush said.This is NOT the point at all Mrs. Bush! Not at ALL! The point is that people all over this country, and all over the world are suffering NOW! Right now! It is simply not fair to ask them to just have patience while we debate whether this research MAY have ANY effect at all in helping with these diseases, and then maybe if we decide it MAY help that we can then think about changing these backasswards policies to allow less restrictions on this new scientific research!
"I hope that stem cell research will yield cures," the first lady said. "But I know that embryonic stem cell research is very preliminary right now and the implication that cures for Alzheimer's are around the corner is just not right and it's really not fair to people who are watching a loved one suffer with this disease."Oh you've got me seething now you blithering IDIOT! No one is claiming we have some magic wand that will miraculously cure everyone, all we are saying is that it is WRONG, yes WRONG to stifle research in such a "preliminary" field because of political ideology! Did you not listen to what Ron Reagan had to say?
Text, **Video [Highspeed]**, Video [Dial-up]
Well why don't you take a look?! Take a look at where he talks about YOUR husband's atrocious stance on stem cell research. LOOK!
The fact is that your husband, Mrs. Bush, decided that, even in the face of a National Institutes of Health report (Online NewsHour Update: NIH Releases Stem Cell Study) indicating the promise that stem cell research may hold, any stem cell lines created after the date of your speech to the nation on August 9, 2001 would be ineligible for federal funds for research. The problem is that your husband thereby limited the funding of such research to 71 lines, and at one point, only one stem cell line! Now we have only 21 viable lines. While this may be enough for you, I don't believe it is enough for the world.
"It's not fair" to raise false hopes "because stem cell research is very, very preliminary," said Laura Bush.Well I'll tell you what Laura Bush, HOPE is all we have, and how dare you dash those hopes by saying they are false hopes!
If there was ANY CHANCE that my brother with Cerebral Palsy had a chance to walk, to not have his brain constantly sending the wrong signals to his muscles forcing them to contract and jerk, to be able to live a somewhat normal life;
if there was ANY CHANCE that my father's brother in-law could live without the effects of Parkinson's disease;
if there was ANY CHANCE that diabetics like my Aunt Ellen or any other diabetic could live life without daily shots, without worrying about losing limbs or worse;
if there was ANY CHANCE that our mothers and fathers might not have to face the crushing reality of Alzheimer's stealing of their memories;
if there is ANY CHANCE, ANY CHANCE of any of these things then we OWE it to ourselves to provide no boundarys, no restrictions, no impediments, NOW. Not later, not after a hardy debate about which side is right or wrong. NOW!
Do it NOW. Human suffering should be something all of us would work to try to stop. Do it now. It is the only humane thing to do.
Want to know more about stem cell research, the facts that is? Please go here and decide for yourself whether this is something that we should be funding fully.
Online NewsHour -- Stem Cell Research
posted by digitaljay @ 6:25 PM MST
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Why would anyone vote for shrub again?!
AlterNet: Tough Sledding
Good opinion article. Here is my favorite quote.
Good opinion article. Here is my favorite quote.
"...they[Canada] are acutely aware of how much the Bush administration has increased anti-Americanism around the globe. That's why so many of them are stupefied at the idea he might be re-elected – they perceive him as having done great harm to his own country."Seriously folks, I don't know what to say, even Canada thinks Americans are crazy to re-elect georgie shrub. I know, I know, Canada is just a bunch of yellow socialists! Nevermind that they have been a great balancing, reasonable presence in the North American continent.
posted by digitaljay @ 2:08 PM MST
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Monday, August 09, 2004
New game, Guess the Quote Source
Ok today I would like to unveil a new game on the blog. Let's call it Guess the Quote Source Game (anyone have a better name for it? Let me know!! seriously). Ok ready? Back story: This quote is in reference to the first Gulf War, and a discussion about going and getting Saddam Hussein then. Here goes:
If you guessed the 41st President of the United States, you would be right. If however you guessed the 42nd President of the United States you would have been wrong. Who was the 41st President of the United States you ask? Well George H.W. Bush. That's right, the current president's own father said the above quote in his memoir "A World Transformed", and it was written 5 years ago. This is why even though I would describe myself as liberal, or better yet, progressive, I did not have such a negative opinion of George H.W. Bush. And you see Republican Bud, unlike you, who hated Clinton, simply because he was a Democrat (correct me if I am wrong), I really dislike georgie shrub because he has tarnished this country's good name. He was put us ALL in greater danger! He didn't even have the evenhandedness of his father to weigh these issues before pushing the United Nations aside, before sticking his middle finger up to the entire European and world community and marching into Iraq with NO, let me emphasize, NO plan for after we took Baghdad. Oh Let me see if I can find a quote from the Control Room (the movie, not my living room).
Damn, ok I can't find the quote. Well let me try to convey it the best way I can. The movie follows the reporters in the CentCom center in Qatar covering the Iraq war. There is a representative from the US army who is sort of a liaison between the US Army and the reporters. When we first get into Baghdad and looting starts occurring, several reporters start questioning this Army rep. He says that the Iraqi people are responsible for the looting, and that the US Army isn't responsible, they are simply liberators, and it is the responsibility of the Iraqi people to prevent looting of their own country. That is just one example of how we didn't have a "plan". How the hell could we have expected the Iraqi people to provide security when we had literally just drove into Baghdad days earlier and dissolved the police, dissolved the army, dissolved any sort of structure? Seriously this is just mindless.
Well that is all for now. Come and get it!
"Trying to eliminate Saddam...would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. Apprehending him was probably impossible.... We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq.... There was no viable "exit strategy" we could see, violating another of our principles. Furthermore, we had been consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-Cold War world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the United Nations' mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression that we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the United States could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land."Ok who's quote is this? ........
If you guessed the 41st President of the United States, you would be right. If however you guessed the 42nd President of the United States you would have been wrong. Who was the 41st President of the United States you ask? Well George H.W. Bush. That's right, the current president's own father said the above quote in his memoir "A World Transformed", and it was written 5 years ago. This is why even though I would describe myself as liberal, or better yet, progressive, I did not have such a negative opinion of George H.W. Bush. And you see Republican Bud, unlike you, who hated Clinton, simply because he was a Democrat (correct me if I am wrong), I really dislike georgie shrub because he has tarnished this country's good name. He was put us ALL in greater danger! He didn't even have the evenhandedness of his father to weigh these issues before pushing the United Nations aside, before sticking his middle finger up to the entire European and world community and marching into Iraq with NO, let me emphasize, NO plan for after we took Baghdad. Oh Let me see if I can find a quote from the Control Room (the movie, not my living room).
Damn, ok I can't find the quote. Well let me try to convey it the best way I can. The movie follows the reporters in the CentCom center in Qatar covering the Iraq war. There is a representative from the US army who is sort of a liaison between the US Army and the reporters. When we first get into Baghdad and looting starts occurring, several reporters start questioning this Army rep. He says that the Iraqi people are responsible for the looting, and that the US Army isn't responsible, they are simply liberators, and it is the responsibility of the Iraqi people to prevent looting of their own country. That is just one example of how we didn't have a "plan". How the hell could we have expected the Iraqi people to provide security when we had literally just drove into Baghdad days earlier and dissolved the police, dissolved the army, dissolved any sort of structure? Seriously this is just mindless.
Well that is all for now. Come and get it!
posted by digitaljay @ 3:45 PM MST
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Sunday, August 08, 2004
Movies, movies, movies
Well we saw a few movies in the last few days.
We saw the Manchurian Candidate on Thursday, it was ok.
We saw the Control Room on Saturday. We drove all the way up to Santa Fe just to see it, I had been waiting to see this movie for a long time. I really liked this movie alot, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to have some idea of what the Arab point of view on the US and the Iraq war is. But for all you closed minded people that just think that they are evil and we are always right, then I guess don't bother.
Next up we saw The Village. I liked it, but this movie is one of those that you either dig what the director is doing or you don't.
So anyways I guess I won't go into any politics tonight. Except to once again ask why would anyone vote for georgie shrub this November? I just don't get it, any republican readers out there please tell me.
We saw the Manchurian Candidate on Thursday, it was ok.
We saw the Control Room on Saturday. We drove all the way up to Santa Fe just to see it, I had been waiting to see this movie for a long time. I really liked this movie alot, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to have some idea of what the Arab point of view on the US and the Iraq war is. But for all you closed minded people that just think that they are evil and we are always right, then I guess don't bother.
Next up we saw The Village. I liked it, but this movie is one of those that you either dig what the director is doing or you don't.
So anyways I guess I won't go into any politics tonight. Except to once again ask why would anyone vote for georgie shrub this November? I just don't get it, any republican readers out there please tell me.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:24 PM MST
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Saturday, August 07, 2004
georgie shrub and the terrible, horrible newspapers
I have always said, that georgie shrub is not really a bad man himself, but rather his problem is the people he surrounds himself with. I have always thought that he is like a kid in the factory, he sees lots of cranks and buttons, but doesn't know what to do, so he asks the guy next to him to do it for him. This article I just read illustrates this point rather well I think.
The Online Beat: "When asked last fall by Fox News anchor Brit Hume how he gets his news, Bush said he asks an aide, 'What's in the newspapers worth worrying about?' The president added that, 'I glance at the headlines just to kind of (get) a flavor of what's moving. I rarely the stories...'
Instead of gathering information himself, Bush said he prefers to 'get briefed by people who probably read the news themselves' and 'people on my staff who tell me what's happening in the world.' "
I don't know you think about this point, but to me it says alot, that the man doesn't even want to read the newspaper himself.
Further the article mentions:
Well anyways, there it is, for what its worth.
The Online Beat: "When asked last fall by Fox News anchor Brit Hume how he gets his news, Bush said he asks an aide, 'What's in the newspapers worth worrying about?' The president added that, 'I glance at the headlines just to kind of (get) a flavor of what's moving. I rarely the stories...'
Instead of gathering information himself, Bush said he prefers to 'get briefed by people who probably read the news themselves' and 'people on my staff who tell me what's happening in the world.' "
I don't know you think about this point, but to me it says alot, that the man doesn't even want to read the newspaper himself.
Further the article mentions:
"I read four or five papers a day if I can," said Kerry, when asked about his newspaper reading habits."...
..."Those patterns are similar to most former presidents. Dwight Eisenhower read nine papers daily, Ronald Reagan was such an avid consumer of newspapers that his ex-wife Jane Wyman complained about his print media obsessions, and Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were known to go through stacks of papers each day. But Kerry's penchant for the papers clearly distinguishes him from the current President Bush."
Well anyways, there it is, for what its worth.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:20 PM MST
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Friday, August 06, 2004
t r u t h o u t - BREAKING: U.S. Destroys Operation Against Al-Qaida
t r u t h o u t - BREAKING: U.S. Destroys Operation Against Al-Qaida: "If it's true that the Americans have unintentionally revealed the identity of another nation's intelligence agent, who appears to be working in the good of all of us, that is not only a fundamental intelligence flaw. It's also a monumental foreign relations blunder, security expert Paul Beaver, a former publisher of Jane's Defense Weekly, told Reuters."
Whet your whistle, now read the article. It scares the hell out of me if its true. Who the hell is working in "intelligence" in this country?
Whet your whistle, now read the article. It scares the hell out of me if its true. Who the hell is working in "intelligence" in this country?
posted by digitaljay @ 11:18 PM MST
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Well its Friday I made it through another week. We saw the Manchurian Candidate last night, it was alright, nothing special to me. This weekend hopefully we are going to see the Control Room in Santa Fe, and then The Village on Sunday. I also want to see Collateral. Michael Mann is the man, no pun intended. Anyways you might say, hey Jay where's the politics? Well forget about it, enjoy your night.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:34 PM MST
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Thursday, August 05, 2004
Esquire:Feature Story:The Case Against George W. Bush
Well Ron Reagan might be a strange source for an article titled as above, but he really makes a stunning case of why georgie shrub should be kicked out on his ass this November. It really is a great read, I encourage you all to read the entire article.
You know I really can't believe that anyone would want to vote for the shrub again. Seriously, I don't even know why Republicans would want to vote for this man again. He really has made disastrous choices in his 4 years at the helm. His administration has been the most secretive administration I have ever heard of in this fine country's recent history.
He makes a mockery of environmental protection, of environmental treaties.
His administration would rather lie first and ask questions never. The hope I think is that enough people will swallow the tale that they spin and hope that if the truth comes out, it comes out quietly and enough people DON'T hear about it. I think Ron Reagan mentions some specific examples of this administrations little lies.
But the big lie is that this administration deserves four more years at the helm of the greatest country in the world.
In November take this country back!
Well Ron Reagan might be a strange source for an article titled as above, but he really makes a stunning case of why georgie shrub should be kicked out on his ass this November. It really is a great read, I encourage you all to read the entire article.
You know I really can't believe that anyone would want to vote for the shrub again. Seriously, I don't even know why Republicans would want to vote for this man again. He really has made disastrous choices in his 4 years at the helm. His administration has been the most secretive administration I have ever heard of in this fine country's recent history.
He makes a mockery of environmental protection, of environmental treaties.
His administration would rather lie first and ask questions never. The hope I think is that enough people will swallow the tale that they spin and hope that if the truth comes out, it comes out quietly and enough people DON'T hear about it. I think Ron Reagan mentions some specific examples of this administrations little lies.
But the big lie is that this administration deserves four more years at the helm of the greatest country in the world.
In November take this country back!
posted by digitaljay @ 11:03 PM MST
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AlterNet: War on Iraq: New Halliburton shame
posted by digitaljay @ 2:11 PM MST
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Wednesday, August 04, 2004
The Bounce
Ok well can't write much tonight, I have to go, but I just wanted to link to this article, because all the media seems to be saying that Kerry got no bounce from the convention, and Kerry is in trouble, blah blah. While I don't put too much stock in polls, I think this article is worth a read.
t r u t h o u t - The Race Is On: An Analysis of the Post-Convention Zogby Poll
Also check out Current Electoral Vote Predictor
Ok gotta go. Good night!
t r u t h o u t - The Race Is On: An Analysis of the Post-Convention Zogby Poll
Also check out Current Electoral Vote Predictor
Ok gotta go. Good night!
posted by digitaljay @ 10:37 PM MST
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Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Oh what a day
Well well, as some of you may know we had some heated comments going on in the blog today. Anyways let me enlighten you all some more :)
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Political Barbies
You know when most of that liberal media has been giving Teresa Heinz Kerry a hard time about being "too outspoken" or "too opinionated", all I could think about was, well what did these people want?! Another Laura Bush, who just sits there and smiles, and is shown reading to children or passing recipes around? Well that article addresses all of these things. It is disgusting when a Newsweek article is headlined and I QUOTE!
"Teresa: Is John Kerry's Heiress Wife a Loose Cannon-or Crazy Like a Fox?"
What the hell kind of headline is that?! Is she bad or bad? That isn't a choice, that is telling you what to think of her, that my friends amounts to character assassination.
AlterNet: Election 2004: It's about the Teachers
Ok this one's for you Leah, and all you teachers or teachers to be. Imagine this, and yeah I am talking to you Republican Bud, John Kerry actually has an education plan that has some new ideas in it! Take a read. Pay raises for good teachers whose students show results. And not just mandatory raises for seniority. Anyways you can read the rest.
t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time
I know I linked this article in earlier posts today BUT this article really disturbed me. This article is a staggering indictment of the electronic voting systems that are in place around the country, and the reasons why some don't want to change out these machines which are possibly susceptible to tampering. Hey RB remember Election 2000, HERE is where we should remember the debacle that was the 2000 election.
Ok put that in your noodle and cook it. Wait that didn't make any sense. Sorry I will try harder next time.
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Political Barbies
You know when most of that liberal media has been giving Teresa Heinz Kerry a hard time about being "too outspoken" or "too opinionated", all I could think about was, well what did these people want?! Another Laura Bush, who just sits there and smiles, and is shown reading to children or passing recipes around? Well that article addresses all of these things. It is disgusting when a Newsweek article is headlined and I QUOTE!
"Teresa: Is John Kerry's Heiress Wife a Loose Cannon-or Crazy Like a Fox?"
What the hell kind of headline is that?! Is she bad or bad? That isn't a choice, that is telling you what to think of her, that my friends amounts to character assassination.
AlterNet: Election 2004: It's about the Teachers
Ok this one's for you Leah, and all you teachers or teachers to be. Imagine this, and yeah I am talking to you Republican Bud, John Kerry actually has an education plan that has some new ideas in it! Take a read. Pay raises for good teachers whose students show results. And not just mandatory raises for seniority. Anyways you can read the rest.

t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time
I know I linked this article in earlier posts today BUT this article really disturbed me. This article is a staggering indictment of the electronic voting systems that are in place around the country, and the reasons why some don't want to change out these machines which are possibly susceptible to tampering. Hey RB remember Election 2000, HERE is where we should remember the debacle that was the 2000 election.
Ok put that in your noodle and cook it. Wait that didn't make any sense. Sorry I will try harder next time.
posted by digitaljay @ 7:58 PM MST
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t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time
What the hell is going on?
t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time: "In Alabama two years ago, during a controversy over an election for governor conducted mostly on op-scan machines, Attorney General Bill Pryor, backing up the sheriff in one questioned county, ruled officially that under state law anyone recounting the ballots would be subject to arrest. This year President Bush, circumventing Senate hearings, elevated Pryor to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in a recess appointment. "
t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time: "In Alabama two years ago, during a controversy over an election for governor conducted mostly on op-scan machines, Attorney General Bill Pryor, backing up the sheriff in one questioned county, ruled officially that under state law anyone recounting the ballots would be subject to arrest. This year President Bush, circumventing Senate hearings, elevated Pryor to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in a recess appointment. "
posted by digitaljay @ 11:15 AM MST
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t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time
I DEMAND that light shine on this immediately!
t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time: "The Bush forces in Florida geared up for another purge of released felons from the voter rolls. Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for Leon County, admits with shame that the state's felon purge in 2000 resulted in more than 50,000 legal voters being disenfranchised. The state elections division identified 47,000 more suspected felons, a list disproportionately heavy with blacks, and asked that local election supervisors purge them. The Bush people refused to make the list public, but were ordered to do so by a judge. Only then was it discovered that the list excluded felons who are Hispanic. In Florida Hispanics tend to vote Republican. This dandy error was 'absolutely unintentional,' the Bush people said - while abandoning the then indefensible list. Miami Herald columnist Jim Defede wrote that Hood - an 'amazing incompetent or the leader of a frightening conspiracy' - must resign. "
t r u t h o u t - Ronnie Dugger | How They Could Steal the Election this Time: "The Bush forces in Florida geared up for another purge of released felons from the voter rolls. Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for Leon County, admits with shame that the state's felon purge in 2000 resulted in more than 50,000 legal voters being disenfranchised. The state elections division identified 47,000 more suspected felons, a list disproportionately heavy with blacks, and asked that local election supervisors purge them. The Bush people refused to make the list public, but were ordered to do so by a judge. Only then was it discovered that the list excluded felons who are Hispanic. In Florida Hispanics tend to vote Republican. This dandy error was 'absolutely unintentional,' the Bush people said - while abandoning the then indefensible list. Miami Herald columnist Jim Defede wrote that Hood - an 'amazing incompetent or the leader of a frightening conspiracy' - must resign. "
posted by digitaljay @ 11:09 AM MST
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Monday, August 02, 2004
Why I don't like georgie shrub...
...because of things like this.
AlterNet: Is This America?
Here is the gist. Two people went to a "presidential visit" in their town wearing anti-bush t-shirts. This was not a campaign rally, but a presidential visit. What happened to these two people? They were arrested for tresspassing! I have nothing else to say.
Innocent coincidence? I think not
AlterNet: Election 2004: The Church of Bush
This story is a good read. This guy went to some georgie shrub house parties to talk to the prez's faithful. Good discussion.
Please read this when you have a chance.
t r u t h o u t - Gagged 9/11 FBI Whistleblower Naming Names
I haven't finished it yet, its pretty long, but what I have read so far this is SCARY as hell!
I saw Y Tu Mama Tambien tonight. Pretty good, but alot was cut for this R-rated version, I'll have to see the unrated version. oo
We watched Starsky & Hutch the other night, I thought it was funny, silly funny, but funny. Good stuff, any time you have snoop dogg getting slapped in the face by Vince Vaughn, you know the movie is pretty funny.
Also watched Outfoxed the other night too. Pretty good documentary. Pretty amateur graphics but the content was pretty good. It laid out a good case for why FoxNews is not news and ought to be outed for their underhanded ways.
Ok that is enough for tonight.
AlterNet: Is This America?
Here is the gist. Two people went to a "presidential visit" in their town wearing anti-bush t-shirts. This was not a campaign rally, but a presidential visit. What happened to these two people? They were arrested for tresspassing! I have nothing else to say.

Innocent coincidence? I think not
AlterNet: Election 2004: The Church of Bush
This story is a good read. This guy went to some georgie shrub house parties to talk to the prez's faithful. Good discussion.
Please read this when you have a chance.
t r u t h o u t - Gagged 9/11 FBI Whistleblower Naming Names
I haven't finished it yet, its pretty long, but what I have read so far this is SCARY as hell!
I saw Y Tu Mama Tambien tonight. Pretty good, but alot was cut for this R-rated version, I'll have to see the unrated version. oo
We watched Starsky & Hutch the other night, I thought it was funny, silly funny, but funny. Good stuff, any time you have snoop dogg getting slapped in the face by Vince Vaughn, you know the movie is pretty funny.
Also watched Outfoxed the other night too. Pretty good documentary. Pretty amateur graphics but the content was pretty good. It laid out a good case for why FoxNews is not news and ought to be outed for their underhanded ways.
Ok that is enough for tonight.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:38 PM MST
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Sunday, August 01, 2004
Bush/Cheney campaign for the people
Yeah the Bush/Cheney campaign is really a campaign for the people. After what I told you about yesterday with the wonderful rally Cheney had here in NM I feel I need to report the newest events. Well after Cheney shutdown the entire interstate here so he could drive in it with an entire FLEET of police motorcycles and cop cars, etc., and making Leah and I late for the comedy show (thanks Cheney), he went off to Arizona for another rally and here is what happened:
TNS: Bush-Cheney organizers request racial profile of photographer
Yeah isn't it great?
Please don't vote for these a$$holes in November, please.
TNS: Bush-Cheney organizers request racial profile of photographer
Yeah isn't it great?
Please don't vote for these a$$holes in November, please.
posted by digitaljay @ 10:04 PM MST
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